Office Listing
Offices |
The Aviation Office provides a safe and secure air transportation system that ensures the mobility of people and goods, enhances economic prosperity, and preserves the quality of our environment and communities. |
The Communications Office keeps the public informed about DOT-related issues, which is paramount to maintaining a positive relationship with Florida's residents. |
The Office of Construction is committed to providing safe and efficient facilities for the traveling public. The Construction Web site displays information about alternative contracting, contractor issues, construction manuals
and technical details relating to various engineering disciplines. |
The Office of Design develops policies, procedures, criteria, and standards for the design of Florida's roadways, bridges, and other structures. |
The Emergency Management Office, a vital element of the State Emergency Response Team, is responsible for preparing for, responding to, recovering from, and mitigating emergencies that affect the state's intermodal transportation systems. |
The Environmental Management Office helps the department integrate environmental and stewardship principles into all plans and programs, balancing natural, human, cultural, and physical considerations with sound engineering principles and preserving the quality of our environment and communities. |
The Assistant Secretary for Finance and Administration oversees the Office of Administration, the Office of Comptroller, and the Office of Work Program & Budget. These offices manage, deliver, and oversee critical programs and services to ensure statutory requirements are fulfilled, and a high level of customer service is maintained. The Office of Administration provides functions related to human resources, procurement, workforce development, and facility management. The Offices of Comptroller and Work Program & Budget work in tandem to deliver a range of essential financial services, including planning, developing, programming, and implementing work program projects, as well as the Five-Year Work Program. |
Florida's Turnpike System includes the Mainline from Miami to Central Florida, as well as the Homestead Extension, the Sawgrass Expressway, the Seminole Expressway, the Beachline Expressway, the Southern Connector Extension of the Central Florida GreeneWay, the Western Beltway, the Veterans Expressway and Suncoast Parkway, and the Polk Parkway. -- Traveler Resources |
Freight & Rail | The Freight & Rail Office assists in developing Florida's passenger and freight rail system. The office is also responsible for developing and implementing the Florida Rail System Plan, rail safety, rail project development/management, rail research, and SIS implementation. |
The Office of General Counsel is the Department of Transportation's statewide legal office. It provides legal advice and representation to all of the Department's programs and administrative staff throughout Florida. |
Promote accountability, integrity, and efficiency for the citizens of Florida by providing objective, timely audit and investigative services. |
Keeping the public informed about FDOT-related issues is paramount to maintaining a positive relationship with Florida's residents. |
The Office of Maintenance is responsible for maintaining the state highway system. |
The Materials Program ensures that the materials used in transportation construction projects meet the required department specifications. |
Modal Development | The Modal Development Office coordinates motor carrier, rail, transit, seaport, waterways, aviation, and spaceport opportunities through program and project development to support the FDOT’s comprehensive multimodal transportation
system. This office also works to build consensus among FDOT’s public and private partners to advocate for transportation policies that act as economic drivers within Florida. Divisions: Aviation | Freight & Rail | Seaport and Waterways | Spaceport | Transit |
FDOT Planning provides the foundation for programming and project delivery through innovative planning and effective outreach to strategically advance the best transportation solutions at the right time. |
The Program Management Office develops and provides policies, procedures, training, and guidance to support the design, construction, and maintenance of Florida roads and bridges. Our functional areas manage specifications, estimates,
final plans, local programs, product evaluation, and utilities. |
Public Transit | The mission of the FDOT Public Transit Office is to identify, support, advance, and manage cost-effective, efficient, and safe transportation systems and alternatives to maximize the passenger carrying capacity of surface transportation facilities. Divisions: Grants Administration | Transit Operations/Safety | Transit Planning |
The Research Center oversees the Florida Department of Transportation's research program. The State Materials Office and the Marcus H. Ansley Structures Research Center are key functional area partners that carry out many FDOT research projects. |
The Office of Right of Way's primary mission is to acquire the real property necessary for the construction of transportation facilities. |
The Safety Office's mission is to continually improve the safety of Florida's traveling public and FDOT employees. We work with communities to identify and help resolve traffic safety issues; gather, analyze, and report data on traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities in Florida; distribute federal traffic safety funds; and conduct traffic safety public education campaigns. |
The Seaport Office is responsible for assisting in the development of Florida's 14 deepwater seaports by coordinating various planning activities and funds with the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Council and the staff of the Florida Ports Council. |
Spaceport | The Spaceport Office develops and administers the Spaceport Improvement Program (SIP), which plans and funds strategic spaceport projects and assists with state spaceport-related issues. |
The Assistant Secretary for Strategic Development oversees the statewide planning process from plan development to implementation and performance monitoring, multimodal planning and operations to move people and goods, and the SunRail Program. |
The Traffic Engineering and Operations Office provides support and expertise in applying traffic engineering principles and practices to improve safety and mobility. |
The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged is an independent commission housed administratively within the Florida Department of Transportation that ensures the availability of efficient, cost-effective, and quality transportation services for transportation-disadvantaged persons. -- Who Do I Contact For a Trip? | Volunteer Dollar Program. | |
Transportation Technology oversees the alignment of Information and Operational Technologies for the Florida Department of Transportation. This area is also responsible for the strategy and operations of the department’s technology
environment in direct support of the agency’s mission. Divisions: Civil Integrated Management | Geographic Information Systems | Information Security Management | Information Technology | Process and Quality Improvement | Surveying and Mapping | Transportation Data and Analytics | Emerging Technologies |