About FDOT


The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is an executive agency and directly reports to Governor Ron DeSantis. FDOT’s continuing mission is to provide a safe statewide transportation system that promotes the efficient movement of people and goods, supports the state’s economic competitiveness, prioritizes Florida’s environment and natural resources, and preserves the quality of life and connectedness of the state’s communities. This mission is accomplished through a primary purpose to plan and develop (either directly or indirectly) Florida’s robust transportation system.  The unique nature of the Sunshine State and its year-round warm climate provides numerous opportunities to move people and goods through multiple modes including highways/streets, air, rail, sea, spaceports, transit, and ever-expanding deployment of bicycle & pedestrian facilities.

The department is committed to building a transportation system that not only fits the current needs of Florida’s residents and visitors but also enhances mobility throughout the state to accommodate its consistent and rapid growth. FDOT is proud to recruit and retain some of the best and brightest professionals in the transportation industry who consistently help the department inspire innovation and improve safety for all of our transportation modes.

Agency Overview

Annual Report

FDOT’s Annual Report from FY 2021-2022

For FDOT's Previous Annual Report (FY 2020-2021), click here.

District Information

A decentralized agency structure

Executive Leadership

Meet the Secretary and Executive Team

Fast Facts

A summary of Florida’s transportation system

Mission, Vision and Values

Our purpose, long-term goals and core priorities

Open Government

Our commitment to the principle of open government

Organizational Structure

Agency organizational management structure


We use performance measures to quantify progress toward attaining goals and objectives

Transparency in Spending

Our accountability in contracting, budget and spending

Contact Management System

The Contact Management System is a "self service" application where individuals can register to receive e-mail updates regarding select publications or training offered by the Florida Department of Transportation.