Office of Environmental Management

Environmental Coordination, Consultation and Permitting Training

Target Audience: Geared towards both FDOT and Consultant NEPA Practitioners and FDOT and Consultant Permitting Staff. Also a good resource for LAP Agency Partners.

Description: Currently this training track is built of various topics that pertain to endangered species consultation, environmental permitting and related topics. The track will continue to be developed as new webinar options are offered with partner agency staff and topics. CBTs developed for the PD&E Part 2 Track are also relevant to this track, including Wetlands and Protected Species and Habitat.

Items in this track include:

  • Crested Caracara Survey Training (10/17/2022) - The purpose of this video is to provide tips and guidance for conducting field surveys for the Crested Caracara in association with transportation projects

  • Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultation Process (2022) - A four-part webinar series on the ESA consultation process hosted by FDOT Office of Environmental Management (OEM). The sessions provide a basic overview of the ESA consultation process using transportation project examples. Guest speakers from US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) focus on specific listed species, protection issues faced by law enforcement, and updates on current ESA listings and laws. This webinar series gives a broad perspective of activities performed by FDOT, USFWS, and NMFS under the Endangered Species Act. 

  • Section 4(f) Webinar (2018) - This webinar was conducted by the Office of Environmental Management to provide and overview of the 4(f) process and establish expectations when completing an evaluation.

  • Historical and Archeological Resources - 4/23/2019 - This CBT will introduce the listener to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, and provide an overview of the Section 106 process as dictated in 36 CFR Part 800 and in PD&E Manual Part 2, Chapter 8. 

  • Facilitating Equitable Outcomes (EJ Analysis) Part 1: Foundation of Environmental Justice  (9:30 minutes) Part 2: Scope and Definitions (15:32 minutes) Part 3: Methodology (21:18 minutes)

  • Environmental PSM Codes and Document Schedule Template (11/4/2016)  - Webinar providing an overview of the environmental project schedule and management (PSM) codes and review of example environmental document schedule templates


  • FWC Training (3/2/2020) - This webinar provides information on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission's regulations, processes, and how their agency interacts with FDOT on transportation projects.

The following PowerPoint Presentations have been developed by FWC.  When you click on the links below to the PowerPoint, be sure you press "play" to view it as a PowerPoint show with voice over and everything.



  • USACE Section 404 Permit Application Training 10/29/2024 (recording) (slides) - This training was conducted by the USACE on the Section 404 permit application submittal process. This training provides an in-depth review of the required contents of a complete permit application package, the application submittal process through the Corps’ new Regulatory Request System (RRS) and covers the appropriate agency consultation documentation.
  • USACE Section 404 Permit Application Training 5/14/2024 (recording) (slides) - This training was conducted by the USACE on the Section 404 permit application submittal process. This training provides an in-depth review of the required contents of a complete permit application package, covers the appropriate agency consultation documentation, and discusses Section 408 review.
  • USACE Permitting Overview and Best Practices (8/17/2022) - Training session led by USACE presenting an overview of USACE permitting and discussing best practices when submitting Section 404 Dredge and Fill Permit applications to USACE.
  • USACE Permit Application Expectations and Common Permit Types (5/20/2020) - The purpose of this webinar is to provide instruction on common USACE permits for FDOT projects and how to prepare complete permit applications.
  • USACE Guidance concerning the implementation of the November 2014 Biological Opinion on the 2012 Nationwide Permits issued by NOAA Fisheries (4/7/2016) - Determine and Documenting Impervious Surface Cover added by authorized fills within Waters of the United States.
  • USACE Permitting Process Training (2/23/2017) - This is a 1.5 hour course designed to help re-introduce the permitting process to DOT staff and consultants presented by the Army Corps of Engineers. The course covers general information on permitting as well as a more in depth look at Nationwide Permits, Regional General Permits and Standard (Individual) Permits.



For future OEM training opportunities, create an account on our FDOT Contact Mailer and select Environmental Management and Environmental Publications and Updates under the Publications Interest.  As training opportunities are available, we will send email notifications out through Contact Mailer.