Office of Environmental Management

StateWide Environmental Project Tracker (SWEPT) Training

Target Audience: Geared toward OEM, District Environmental Management staff, Project Managers and PD&E Consultants responsible for PD&E project development.

Description: The following are on-demand training classes and webinars which have been developed or recorded to provide viewers with a general understanding of the SWEPT system. The SWEPT system is a secure system. Only people performing specific supporting functions within the NEPA Assignment and PD&E Processes have access to SWEPT. Access must be approved by FDOT District Environmental Office Leadership.

Overview and Introductory Topics

  • NEPA Assignment Course: Moving Forward with FDOT in the Driver's Seat - [Part 1] [ Part 2] [ Part 3][pdf files]
  • NEPA Assignment Course: Moving Forward with FDOT in the Driver's Seat - Follow-up Webinar - [ETDM Changes:  (recording) ( PPT)] [Tracking, Filing,  and Records Management: (recording) (PPT)] [SWEPT Overview: ( recording) (PPT)] [Self-Assessment and FHWA Audit Support: (recording) ( PPT)]
  • SWEPT - Site Navigation and Overview  8/23/2016- This session provides a general overview of the SWEPT application and navigational tips.
  • SWEPT - Site Navigation and Detailed Overview (4/14/2017) - This session provides a detailed overview of the SWEPT application and navigational tips.
  • SWEPT - Local Agency Program (PPT) - The Webinar will provide District LAP Agency staff and consultant support with an overview of the Statewide Environmental Project Tracker (SWEPT) including general navigation, basic project setup and management, project document management and approval workflow processes
  • SWEPT - District 6 Overview Training Part 1 and Part 2  (5/2/2017) - This webinar provides District 6 staff and overview of the SWEPT application (note: recording interrupted - there are two parts linked with a few minutes missing in-between.

Project Setup and Standard Forms

Tips and Techniques

  • SWEPT - Minor Project Edits Training  (recording | PPT |  Quick Guide)  - 2018 - This session provides a quick overview of minor editing functionality once the project has begun the approval process. Coordination should occur with the project delivery coordinator before edit are made.
  • SWEPT - CLEDITOR Rich Text - This session provides a quick overview of enhancements to the rich text editing box which now allow insert of pictures and tables, as well as a preview button to view the changes while in draft status.
  • SWEPT - Self-Assessment Training (recording) - 4/28/2020 - This recorded training provides an overview of the SWEPT self-assessment module functionality and how to complete the review, look at the project file and document findings.

SWEPT Implementation

  • SWEPT - Overview and Status (11/6/2016)  - Another session providing an overview of SWEPT and implementation status
  • SWEPT - Phase 1 Roll-out (9/9/2016)  - This session provides an overview of  the SWEPT Phase 1 features released on 9/9/2016.  These features include the ability to electronically create and approve Type 1 Categorical Exclusions (CE) and an overview of Project Dashboards.
  • SWEPT - Phase 3 Roll-out (12/15/2016)  - This session provides an overview of  the SWEPT Phase 3 features released on 12/15/2016.  These features include uploading documents into the project file, sending documents to the EDMS,  overview of the electronic version of the environmental document submittal form and District/OEM approval process, and lastly a demo using the re-evaluation form.
  • SWEPT - What's New  - (PPT) 10/26/2017 -   This session provides a quick demonstration of  few recently released features (Public Hearing Certification Form, Ability to quickly edit some project information directly on project page (related FM#s, project description, ETDM #s), Ability to import ETDM project description with button instead of auto-import, Ability to upload more types of files (PPT, AVI, etc.) to Project Documents, Ability to export zip of NSMA form, Type 2 CE form, and supporting docs, NMSA, SEIR, and Type 1 CE project pages organized into folders, Documenting OEM Coordination on Type 1 CE form questions 5-8, Environmental Certification approval notifications, SOS tool - Editorial changes, Re-evaluation Form PDF update, LAP selection available on Type 1 CE, BPS, and Project Page, Environmental Certifications - The updates will include the form being available from the left hand menu and ability to create certs for T2, EA, EIS that were approved before SWEPT, State Certifications - The updates will include being able to handle SEIRs that are approved outside of SWEPT and SEIR re-evaluations within SWEPT).

Related Training Opportunities


For future OEM training opportunities, create an account on our FDOT Contact Mailer and select Environmental Management and Environmental Publications and Updates under the Publications Interest.  As training opportunities are available, we will send email notifications out through Contact Mailer.