Office of Environmental Management

OEM Training Program - Track 1

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Assignment Training

Target Audience: Geared toward FDOT NEPA Practitioners and other FDOT staff and consultants that are involved in the NEPA Process.

Description: This track includes areas specific to FDOT's preparation for and role in the NEPA Assignment Program. The material presented during instructor led training in November of 2016 will be accessible until such time as our three part NEPA Assignment CBTs have been fully developed. This training track includes the Statewide Environmental Project Tracking (SWEPT) tool modules used by FDOT staff performing functions under NEPA Assignment. Additional related CBTs, such as Audits and Self Assessments are under development and will be available in Learning Curve once completed.

Existing items included in this track:

LAP Training for NEPA Assignment April 2018 -  see LAP website for links to training materials


For future OEM training opportunities, create an account on our FDOT Contact Mailer and select Environmental Management and Environmental Publications and Updates under the Publications Interest.  As training opportunities are available, we will send email notifications out through Contact Mailer.