Concept Papers

How to Submit a Concept Paper

Applying for Federal Highway Safety funds begins with registration in the Highway Traffic Safety Subgrant Management System - Registration is submitted by clicking the “New User” button on the home screen or by contacting your agency System Administrator to request access. Selecting the “New User” button with take you to the registration page where you will enter your contact information.

Each organization must assign, at least one, with a maximum of two, Subrecipient System Administrators to coordinate access to the system and submit documents to the FDOT State Safety Office, on behalf of the agency. Subrecipient System Administrators may add access for other agency individuals to edit, view, or submit concept papers. A Subrecipient System Administrator Request Form must be completed and signed by the agency head or delegate to grant authority to allow completion and submission of concept papers. Completed forms should be sent to Chris Craig at for processing.

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Selection Process 

The State Safety Office reviews all concept papers for compliance with state and federal regulations. Concept papers that comply with these regulations are prioritized using the following criteria:

  • Does the concept paper request satisfy a specific traffic safety need identified by the FDOT State Safety Office?
  • Does the agency making the funding request serve a city/county ranked in the top 40% of its population group for the priority area in which funds are being requested according to the Florida Highway Safety Matrices?
  • Does the crash data supplied in the concept paper’s “Statement of the Problem” document an existing traffic safety problem? (Citation data and survey results can also be used to document the problem.)
  • How does this request for funding tie into the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (goals and objectives)?
  • If the agency was funded in the past, did it submit reports, invoices, and financial paperwork on a timely basis and implement the activities that were detailed in the subgrant agreement?
  • Does the indirect cost rate requested significantly affect the proposed project’s ability to adequately address the traffic safety need?

The State Safety Office is required by NHTSA to evaluate and document the risk for each entity applying for federal subgrant funds prior to making an award. Each applicant is assessed for risk of noncompliance with federal and State statutes, federal and State regulations, terms and conditions of the subgrant as well as the applicant’s financial stability, quality of management systems, history of performance, single audit compliance, and prior audit findings, if applicable. If the applicant does pose a risk, but the proposal has merit, the State Safety Office may, as a condition of awarding subgrant funds, impose specific terms or conditions. This information is used to determine the appropriate level of monitoring if a subgrant is awarded.

Projects that are ultimately selected should provide the greatest impact to the high crash, high fatality, and high injury challenges that Florida faces. If concept papers are not received from those areas identified as high crash, high fatality, and high injury, the State Safety Office may directly solicit concepts from agencies within targeted high-risk areas.

Please visit the Signal Four Analytics System at to retrieve crash fatality and serious injury statistics.

Once at the website, users can access the system by clicking on the person icon on the top right-hand side of the Signal Four Traffic Safety Dashboard screen. After logging in, the user can click the Menu Icon at the top left corner and select Standard Reports Quick Stats which allows users to filter by date range, geographic area, and/or by law enforcement agency. After filters have been applied, a report will be generated with counts on total crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities for all Highway Safety Plan Emphasis Areas.

Notifications as to whether a concept paper has been selected for inclusion are sent to the head of each agency between mid-to-late September. Agencies that are selected will receive further instructions on how to complete the Subgrant for Highway Safety Funds at that time.

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