Highway Safety Matrices
Highway Safety Matrices were created to provide an objective, data-driven approach to prioritizing safety projects in areas with the greatest number of fatalities and serious injuries. The matrices highlight counties and cities of varying size that rank in the Top 40 percent of fatalities and serious injuries. More information can be found on the Highway Safety Matrix Information Sheet.
The highlighted counties and municipalities have the greatest potential impact on fatalities and serious injuries through prioritized safety implementation. However, counties and municipalities outside of those highlighted are encouraged to submit concept papers if they have identified a specific safety need and are looking for support. After successful implementation of traffic safety programs and projects, some counties and municipalities may drop out of the top forty percent. Additionally, there are limitations in place for the number of subgrants a single subrecipient may receive.
(October 1, 2025 – September 30, 2026)
- County Matrix
- City Group 1 Matrix (Population 75,000+)
- City Group 2 Matrix (Population 15,000–74,999)
- City Group 3 Matrix (Population 3,000–14,999)
For more information contact Chris Craig @ (850) 414-4009
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Page updated: December 26, 2024