Aggregate Acceptance Process

The State Materials Office, Aggregate Control Unit, is assigned the task of initial aggregate source and product approval for Mines and Redistribution Terminals located In-State, Out-of-State, or Out-of-Country.  There are various requirements and procedures for obtaining and maintaining Department source approval. The first step, developing an effective Quality Control Program, begins with a review of the below documents. To obtain a copy of the documents, please click on the appropriate hyperlink or contact the State Materials Office Aggregate Unit.

Material/Producer Listing


Aggregate Sources
A listing of sources with accepted quality control plans.


Producers who are interested in adding their name to the Aggregate Source Listing should review the Guidelines for Adding a Producer to the Materials/Producer Listings.

Qualified Labs


Producers with Accepted QC Programs/Qualified Labs
This document contains a listing of Florida Department of Transportation qualified laboratories.

Test Methods


Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject)
This document contains the Florida Department of Transportation procedures for the sampling and testing of materials.



These documents contain the national/industry standards for the sampling and testing of materials. To order copies, please visit: 



Construction Aggregates Manual
This document contains the sampling and testing frequencies for initial and continuing approval of all types of aggregates such as Fine, Coarse, and Base aggregates.  Additional information includes turn around time for required test results, aggregate compliance limits and standards, approval status requirements, and charts for determining testing frequencies of individual aggregates produced for the Department.


Materials Manual
The Materials Manual (MM) contains the instructions needed to complete the Quality Assurance and Materials Acceptance portion of Department of Transportation contracts. It is designed to give details to Department representatives for administering items mandated in Florida Statutes, Rules and/or Contract Specifications and the successful completion of road and bridge contracts. This Manual ensures consistency in carrying out Department policies to ensure that the quality of all materials and workmanship used in the completion of construction contracts are evaluated on a fair and equal basis.

Materials Bulletins


Materials Bulletins
The information provided in a Materials Bulletin is meant to function as an addendum to the contract documents. For questions for concerns regarding the information contained within these documents, please contact the related State Materials Office technical unit.

Independent Assurance


Aggregate Independent Assurance Program
This document describes the Independent Assurance (IA) evaluation program for qualified aggregate technicians. The IA program evaluates the performance of the qualified sampling and testing personnel and testing equipment. The program covers sampling procedures, testing procedures, and testing equipment.

Quality Control Checklists


Quality Control Program Checklist
The QC Program Checklist has been developed to assist in writing a effective Quality Control Program that contains all the information required by the above Rule.  The checklist follows the Rule step-by step through 14-103.006 Source Approval Requirements, from the Identification of the Physical Location of the aggregate source through Identification of the aggregate to be produced. 


Rules of the Department of Transportation, Chapter 14-103, Aggregate Source Approval
This document addresses the Scope, Purpose, Definitions, and Source Approval Requirements needed to develop an effective Quality Control Program.



Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.


Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG)
The STRG provides information on the frequency of the sampling and testing of materials. Both the STRG and the Job Guide Schedule (JGS) are now part of the MAC application. Instructions for both the STRG and the JGS can both be found on the MAC page and then going to the training section.

Technician Training



Additional Information


Instructions for Aggregate Mine Approvals
The State Materials Office, Aggregate Control Unit, is assigned the task of initial aggregate source and product approval for Mines and Redistribution Terminals located In-State, Out-of-State, or Out-of-Country. For additional information on this process, please select the above link.


Instructions for Coding of Aggregate Test data for Computerization
This booklet is intended to serve as a guide for correctly completing required FDOT aggregate code forms to be submitted to the Department for quality control tests performed.  It includes examples of code forms, which have been correctly filled out for entry into the FDOT aggregate database using the correct codes for items such as material type, sample type, and sample location.  Additional information includes required sieve designations for coarse and fine aggregates.


Aggregate Source Approval Flowchart
This document is a flowchart which provides an overview of the source approval process.

Additional Requirements

After obtaining the above documents and developing a draft of a Quality Control Program, the following items will also be needed to process a new source request: (1) A letter requesting source approval addressed to the Director, Office of Materials, and (2) The required number of test results according to the type of material to be approved per the Construction Aggregate Manual reported on the appropriate code sheets.