Safety Engineering
To implement the Strategic Highway Safety Plan and achieve our goal of a fatality free transportation system for all roadway travelers, Transportation Safety Engineering is the discipline that conducts location specific and systemic safety analysis
to identify safety improvement needs and designs countermeasures to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes. Collaboration with education, enforcement, and emergency services increases the effectiveness of our engineering efforts. In
Florida, Transportation Safety Engineering is conducted at statewide and regional district levels.

Statewide functions:
- Development of procedures
- Conduct systemic safety analyses
- Provide federal funds monitoring
- Conduct safety program evaluation
- Provide quality assurance
- Determine federal eligibility of projects
- Develop and maintain safety analysis database and mapping systems
- Conduct crash data processing and crash location verification
- Provide safety training and resources
- Respond to public information and data requests
District functions:
- Program, develop, and implement strategic safety initiatives and projects
- Provide safety engineering analysis and reviews for all FDOT projects to incorporate safety features into all roadway projects
- Provide response to locally generated safety concerns
- Review fatal crashes to determine if engineering actions are needed
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For more information contact Brenda Young, P.E. @ 850.414.4146
Page updated: July 5, 2023