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What are official crash records?
Where do crash records come from?
What data is stored in crash records?
What is a long form crash record?
What is a short form crash record?
What kind of training does law enforcement receive for reporting crashes?
Are there electronic, digital options for law enforcement to report crashes?
How can I get a traffic crash report?
How does FDOT use the information from crash records?
How can I get crash statistics and data to support safety analysis?
What is FARS?
What is the FDOT CAR system?
What is Florida's Signal Four Analytics?
What is SSOGIS?
What is the difference between crash data from the CAR system and Signal Four Analytics?
How current is the data in the CAR system?
How long does it take for a crash record to show up in the data?
How do I get crash data or statistics for a county?
How do I get crash data or statistics for a city or neighborhood?
How do I get crash data or statistics for a specific road or intersection?
On average, what is the distribution of crashes on Florida roadways?
How do I get crash data to match published statistics?