County Incentive Grant Program
The County Incentive Grant Program (CIGP) was created for the purpose of providing grants to counties, to improve a transportation facility including transit which is located on the State Highway System (SHS) or which relieves traffic congestion on the
SHS, per Section 339.2817, Florida Statutes. Such projects may include resurfacing and paving dirt local roads as long as the statutory requirement is clearly met. For example, if an application is received for CIGP funds to pave a dirt road, the
justification must indicate how paving the dirt road would relieve congestion on the SHS.
Each eligible project must be consistent to the maximum extent feasible with the Florida Transportation Plan, Metropolitan Planning Organization
Plan where applicable, and any appropriate local government comprehensive plan. Counties may submit projects that are not in the Metropolitan Planning Organization Long Range Transportation Plan or local government comprehensive plan; however, if
selected, the projects must be amended into these plans within six months and supporting documentation should be provided to the Florida Department of Transportation (department).
Work Program Instructions - County Incentive Grant Program Agreement
Florida Statutes - County Incentive Grant Program
State Funded Program Forms
For more information regarding County Inventive Grant Program, Please contact your
District Local Programs Office
For immediate assistance please contact
Samantha Samford - State Local Programs Administrator
(850) 414-4383