
Road Damage


    What is Resilience?

    FDOT's Resiliency Policy defines resilience as the ability of the transportation system to adapt to changing conditions and prepare for, withstand, and recover from disruption.

    What is FDOT's Role in Resilience?

    FDOT has a long-standing commitment to improving the resilience of the state transportation system to support the safety, mobility, quality of life, and economic prosperity of Florida, while preserving the quality of our environment and communities. Years of extreme weather events have led FDOT to improve the system’s resilience, including better preparation for storms as well as quicker recovery in the event of extreme weather. Use of design techniques such as pavement markings, roundabouts, and high mast lighting, and planning tools such as the Sea Level Rise Sketch Planning Tool, which provides roadway impact data for a range of climate and flooding scenarios, has helped make our transportation system inherently resilient. 

    FDOT’s forward-looking Resiliency Policy is being implemented throughout the Department’s long-range and modal plans, the work program, asset management plans, and research efforts. Additionally, this policy is being consistently implemented within internal manuals, guidelines, and documents which guide Department planning, programming, project development, design, construction, operations, and maintenance. Recent legislation at both the federal and state level has furthered this commitment to resilience. The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) created the PROTECT program and Section 339.157, Florida Statutes requires FDOT to develop a Resilience Action Plan, which was recently completed. 

    Resilience Planning at FDOT

    Information about additional ongoing resilience planning efforts from the Office of Policy Planning and other FDOT offices can be found at the links below: 


    Funding Opportunities

    United States Department of Transportation PROTECT Program

    The IIJA established both formula and discretionary grant programs for the PROTECT program, with guidance published by USDOT in July 2022. The PROTECT formula program is projected to provide FDOT with more than $365 million over the next 5 years.  

    It is anticipated that the formula funds will be distributed to FDOT's Districts by statutory formula, similar to the distribution for other formula programs. The Districts will use the project priority lists provided by the local governments and MPOs to match appropriate funding sources to projects. 

    The application window for the 2022-2023 PROTECT discretionary grant cycle closed on August 18, 2023. The 2022-2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity is available for review. Information about the 2023-2024 PROTECT program grant cycle will be shared here once available.

    Florida Department of Environmental Protect Resilient Florida Program

    Established in 2021, the Resilient Florida Program aims to improve the state’s resilience to the impacts of natural hazards such as sea-level rise, flooding, and extreme weather events. The program provides grant funding opportunities for resilience planning and analysis as well as implementation of projects that enhance adaptation and mitigation. The 2023 application cycle closed on September 1, 2023. Visit the Resilient Florida Grants webpage for more information.

    Partner Agencies

    Other state agencies are also incorporating resilience into their work.  FDOT continues to collaborate with various partners on alignment of resilience strategies.  

    Florida Department of Environmental Protection
    Florida Department of Commerce
    Florida Division of Emergency Management

    Additional Resilience Information

    Federal and State Laws and Regulations 

    Florida MPO Peer Exchange

    Florida Reports & Guidance 

    National Initiatives and Reports

    Research Projects 

    Tools, Resources, and Webinars


    For questions or comments, please email the FDOT Office of Policy Planning at 

    For more information on FDOT's Resilience activities, contact Jennifer Carver, Statewide Community Planning Coordinator or Mary Jane Hayden, Pavement Design Engineer at