FDOT Transparency in Spending
FDOT Transparency in Spending
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is committed to the Governor's plan for government accountability through transparency in state contracting, budget, and spending. This website is intended to provide public access to information on all FDOT's Five-Year Work Program (the department's financial plan for delivering transportation improvement projects and activities to the people of Florida), a summary of disbursements by expenditure classification (referred to as an object code) and FDOT active procurement contracts.
Transportation Work Program
In accordance with Section 339.135. Florida Statutes, the Department of Transportation is responsible for the development of a State Transportation Five-Year Work Program which meets the mission, goals and objectives of the Department (s. 334.046, Florida Statutes), and the Florida Transportation Plan (s. 339.155, Florida Statutes). The Five-Year Work Program is based on a balanced financial plan which maximizes available revenue sources and achieves equitable geographic distribution. This document is a statewide project-specific list of transportation activities and projects scheduled for implementation during the ensuing five-year period. It is developed through extensive coordination with local governments. Metropolitan Planning Organizations, regional planning groups and Florida citizens. This site is used to search projects and project costs by county, by financial project number and numerous other categories.
Disbursements by Summary Object
FDOT disbursements are available to view at the Transparency Florida website. This site provides information about state disbursements to vendors/payees. You can select payments to all vendors or select a specific vendor to run an inquiry. General classifications of disbursements are located in the "Object Code Classification(s)" column. Simply select a specific object title which will show amounts expended in that classification. Note: More than one classification may be selected by holding down the CTRL key. Disbursements for prior fiscal years can also be obtained from this site.
FDOT Contract Information
This link provides a summary report that lists every FDOT active contract for goods or services.
The report is provided in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format, and includes the following information on each active FDOT contract:
CONTRACT NUMBER (FDOT identification number for each contract)
FISCAL YEAR (Fiscal year associated with initial contract funding)
GENERAL REVENUE (Type of funding source)
RECURRING TRUST FUND (Type of funding source. Most of FDOT funding is this type)
TRUST FUND (Type of funding source)
NONRECURRING GENERAL REVIEW (Type of funding source)
VENDOR NAME (Name of prime vendor or contractor associated with the contract)
CONTRACT PURPOSE (Description of contract purpose)
(Contact person for further information)
E-MAIL ADDRESS (E-mail address of contact person)
MANAGING DISTRICT (FDOT District responsible for administering the contract)
CONTRACT EXECUTION DATE (Date contract was signed)
BEGIN DATE (Date contract started)
CONTRACT END DATE (Scheduled date contract will end)
TOTAL CONTRACT COST (Overall total contract amount)
PROCUREMENT METHOD (Basis for procurement)
(What has been spent against the contract, to date)