Florida Safe Routes to School Tool Kit

Florida Safe Routes to School Tool Kit
The Florida Safe Routes to School Toolkit can be used by schools throughout the state and nation to create a safer bicycling and walking environment for children. The tool kit includes a student travel survey, a school and neighborhood site assessments, and parental attitudinal surveys.
Some Components of the Project:
- Each school forms a School Traffic Safety Task Force.
- A bicycle/pedestrian safety component is written into the “School Improvement Plan” dealing with safe routes, a safety committee, and a safety education curriculum.
- A school-wide travel survey is conducted at the beginning of the project to assess the various transportation modes students use to go to and from school.
- A school/neighborhood site assessment are conducted to determine the conditions of street traffic, parent and bus drop-off locations, sidewalks, crossings, and the overall safety of existing routes to school.
- Attitudinal surveys are administered to parents, identifying their concerns.
- A list of planned improvements are generated and presented to the appropriate government entity for consideration and funding using a variety of monetary sources, including state/federal “safety” dollars and sidewalk “enhancement” funds.
- A Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Workshop is given to physical education teachers, school resource officers, and crossing guards.
- Finally, Safe Routes to School lessons are implemented for students. Parents are encouraged to participate through “walking school bus” programs and other “safe” neighborhood initiatives.
- A follow-up travel survey is administered and an on-going process established to continue to assess traffic hazards.