Small County Outreach Program
The purpose of this program is to assist small county governments in repairing or rehabilitating county bridges, paving unpaved roads, addressing road-related drainage improvements, resurfacing or reconstructing county roads, or constructing capacity
or safety improvements to county roads.
Small counties shall be eligible to compete for funds that have been designated for the small County Outreach Program (SCOP) for projects on county roads. Available funds are allocated to the districts
based on the number of eligible counties. For example, if a district has 12 counties eligible for SCOP/Small County Economic Development (SCED) and Small County Growth Management (GRSC), and there is a total of 38 eligible counties statewide, then
the district’s allocation would be approximately 31.57% of the total available funding. The Florida Department of Transportation (department) shall fund 75% of the cost of projects on county roads funded under the program. Any initial bid costs
or project overruns after the letting that exceed the department’s participation as stated, will be at the county’s expense. This will help ensure that the funds are utilized on as many projects as possible.
Subsequent to the
department’s selection of a project for inclusion in SCOP, a joint participation agreement (JPA) must be executed. Districts shall use the standard boilerplate JPA. Any changes to the financial provisions in this agreement must be approved by
the Office of Comptroller.
Work Program Instructions for Small County Outreach Program
Florida Statutes - Small County Outreach Program
State Funded Program Forms
For more information regarding Small County Outreach Program, Please contact your
District Local Programs Office
For immediate assistance please contact
Samantha Samford - State Local Programs Administrator
(850) 414-4383