Tom King Bayou pedestrian bridge ribbon cutting ceremony August 24th 2022 in Navarre, FL pic1LAP Certification

LAP Certification

Nationwide approximately 75% or 2.9 million of the 3.9 million total miles of roadway are owned and operated by local public agencies. The Local Agency Program or “LAP” provides sub-recipient towns, cities and counties develop, design, and construct transportation facilities with federal funds. The Department is the steward of the federal funds and is responsible for oversight of funded projects on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). LAP agencies prioritize and fund local projects (through their respective MPO or governing board) and are then eligible for reimbursement for the services provided to the traveling public through compliance with applicable Federal statutes, rules and regulations.

Federal-Aid Highway Program funds are only available to local agencies that perform the required certification process that evaluates whether the local agency has the sufficient qualifications and ability to “to undertake and satisfactorily complete the work”. The certification provides proof that the local agency is able to comply with federal requirements in a project and offers perspective to the level of oversight required by district offices over local agencies over the life of a LAP project.

There are two certification options that a local agency may receive; Full certification which lasts for three years and Project-specific certification which must be renewed at the beginning of a new project. Both certification levels require completion of the Certification Qualification Tool. The LP Manual Chapter 7 offers more detailed information on the process to certification.


Please review the FHWA Contract Administration Core Curriculum Participant’s Manual and Reference Guide, 2014

The FDOT LAP Certification Webinar recording is now available! Link for the recording ; Link for the PowerPoint Presentation

LAP Certification Tool


Certification is obtained by completing the Local Agency Program Certification Tool and all related items for submittal to your representative District.

The Certification Qualification Tool was developed in conjunction with FHWA and serves as a guide to the elements reviewed in order for your agency to become certified. Elements of Certification include (but are not limited to):

  • Local Agency Staff Qualifications
  • Professional Services Procurement Procedures for fair, open, and competitive selection of qualified consultants
  • Sub-recipient Compliance Assessment Tool for Title VI and related Non-Discrimination authorities
  • Construction Contract Procurement
  • Construction Contract Administration including CEI and Contract Compliance.
  • Materials Testing and Acceptance Quality Assurance Review

Certification varies based on qualifications. Please contact your District LAP Team for further assistance and information.


**For a List of Florida Certified Agencies Click here