Pavement Performance
The Pavement Performance Unit is responsible for evaluating the frictional characteristics, structural adequacy, and pavement marking retroreflectivity of in-service pavement systems. Each year, specialized friction units are used to test approximately 8,000 lane miles of the State Highway System, all new construction projects, and airport runways in support of the Department's Safety Program. This testing is used to monitor the friction characteristics of pavements on an annual basis, identify spot hazard locations, and assess the needs for runway rubber removal. For pavement structural adequacy evaluations, Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) devices are typically used to support the District Design Offices primarily in the design of resurfacing projects. This functional Unit is also equipped with additional specialized equipment such as the Automated Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (ADCP) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), for in-depth forensic and geophysical investigations. One of the Department's latest initiatives is the implementation of a Pavement Marking Management System (PMMS) to monitor the safety and night-time visibility of pavement markings on our roadway system. In order to provide an efficient and less subjective methodology, Mobile Retroreflectivity Units (MRUs) are used to collect pavement marking reflectivity.
Documents and Resources
High Friction Surface Treatment (HFST)
--- High Friction Surface Treatment Guidelines
Mobile Retroreflectivity Unit (MRU)
--- FM 5-600 Mobile Retroreflectivity Unit [PDF-673KB]
--- FDOT Form 675-060-15 MRU Worksheet 3.30.17 [XLS-192KB] (TBD)
--- FDOT Quality Assurance for MRU Testing [PDF-1.23MB]
--- FDOT Operations Manual for MRU [PDF-2.8MB]
Contact Information