Transit Maintenance
This area includes programs in the Transit Office that pertain to transit maintenance. The TRIPS Program provides state vehicle contracts and technical assistance to transit agencies in regards to their vehicle and warranty needs. Maintenance of vehicle fleet technical assistance and training is available to fixed route and paratransit agencies through the Transit Maintenance Analysis and Resource Center and the Florida Paratransit Maintenance Training and Technical Assistance Program.
Technical assistance is provided for overall fleet maintenance through the Preventative Maintenance Planning and Training Program. This program provides transit agencies tools and resources to establish maintenance programs. The Crashworthiness Program provides actual crash analysis of structural designs of Paratransit equipment. Testing results contribute to the development of a Florida Crashworthiness Standard. Buses build under this new standard have far less intrusion into the passenger compartment area during side impact or rollover.
Public Transit Vehicles Preventative Maintenance Guide 2021
Transit - Research - Inspection - Procurement Services (TRIPS)
Transit Maintenance Analysis and ResourceCenter
Florida Association of Paratransit Technicians
Preventative Maintenance Planning and Training Program