District Six Design-Build Projects

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Contract Number Financial
Project ID
Description Schedule of Events Addenda Other Information
ITS Device ReplacementX 

Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees


Design and construction of Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Advanced Countermeasures at various Interchange Exit Ramps in Miami-Dade County. 15 ramps have been identified in Phase III.

X Project Documents

Low Bid Design Build for the replacement of four permanent generators, one for each communications Hub building listed below, as well as the furnishment and installation of monitoring Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras at one communications Hub building (US-1 South Hub).


Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees


Design and construction of Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Advanced Countermeasures at various Interchange Exit Ramps in Miami-Dade County. 24 ramps have been identified in Phase II.

X Project Documents

Replacement of the SunGuide Transportation Management Center (TMC) Video Wall, and the replacement of one permanent generator at a communications Hub building.


Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees


Low Bid Design Build for the replacement of freeway and arterial Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) and associated equipment, and the replacement and removal of permanent generators at multiple locations districtwide.


Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees


Design and construction of Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Advanced Countermeasures at various Interchange Exit Ramps in Miami-Dade County.

X1, 2, 3 Project Documents
Replacement of freeway and arterial Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) and associated equipment at multiple locations Districtwide.X 

Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees

E6N17447165-1-52-01SR 826/Palmetto Expressway Capacity Improvement project (FPID)X 

Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees


Florida Keys Connecting Overseas to Advance Safe Travel (Florida Keys COAST) project

X1, 2, 3 Project Documents
ITS Device ReplacementX1

Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees

E6M92444444-2-52-01SR-90/US Hwy-41/Tamiami Trail from structure S-333 to structure S-334X1, 2

Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendees

Mandatory Utility Meeting Attendees




Low Bid Design-Build to design and construct a pedestrian bridge over SR 5/US 1/Overseas Highway at Islamorada Founders Park. Access to the pedestrian bridge shall include elevator towers and stairways located on the North and South sides of SR 5 / US 1. X1

Project Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting Sign In Sheets

Utility Meeting Sign in Sheets

E6L90430291-3-92-01ITS replacement of arterial incident management DMS in the Florida Keys; replacement and migration of fiber optic lateral cables along I-95 corridors.X 

Project Documents

Posting Notice

Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheets

ITS Equipment Replacement (LDBD)X1, 2, 3, 4,
Project Documents
E6J69434922-1-52-01Tamiami Trail Next Steps Bridge (ASDB)X1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Project Documents

Final Selection Posting Notice


SR 90 / US 41 / /SW 8 Street Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT)  Pilot Project

X1, 2 Project Documents

251688-1-52-01I-395 MacArthur Causeway Bridge (P3-ASDB) 1, 2, 2s  Project Documents
Shortlist Posting Notice
DB Firm Teams
PASS/FAIL Posting Notice
Notice of Posting of Addendum 10

Notice of Posting of Addendum 11
Notice of Posting of Addendum 12

Notice of Posting of Addendum 13
Notice of Posting of Addendum 14
Notice of Posting of Addendum 15
Notice of Posting of Addendum 16

Notice of Posting of Addendum 17

Project Selection Committee Meeting Agenda
Intent to Award Posting Notice

E6K52437711-1-92-01 430291-1-92-01 430291-1-92-02Replacement of Various ITS Devices and Installation of Warning Gates System (LBDB)X1Project Documents
Pre-Bid Sign-in Sheet
Posting Notice
SR 9A/I-95 from NW 29th Street to NW 131st Street for Rigid Concrete Pavement Reconstruction and Construction of Emergency Stopping Sites (LBDB)X1, 2, 3, 4 Project Documents

Pre-Bid Sign-in Sheet
Posting Notice
E6K57438540-1-52-01SR 924/NW 119 Street ASCT Pilot Project (I-95 Interchanges ASCT Phase II Pilot Project), Miami-Dade County (LBDB)X1, 2, 3 Project Documents
Pre-Bid Sign-In-Sheet
Posting Notice
E6L38251684-6-52-01Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility (GGMTF) located in the southwest quadrant of the Golden Glades Interchange in northern Miami-Dade County (ASDB)X12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Project Documents
Pre-Bid Sign-In-Sheets
Utility Meeting Sign-In Sheets
Posting Notice
E6L51 430291-2-92-01
Replacement of ITS devices within Miami-Dade County (LBDB)X1Project Documents
Pre-Bid Sign-In Sheet
Posting Notice