Design Build

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Contract Number

Project ID


Schedule of Events


Other Information

E54F4452074-2-32-01, etc.I-75 Improvements from South of S.R. 44 to S.R. 200 1, 2Advertisement
E55B8448914-1-52-01, etc.SR 535 Interchange Improvements at I-4 & WB Express Lane Extension from west of SR 536 to west of Daryl Carter PkwySchedule of Events1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting
1:00 PM


E59A6444315-1-52-01, etc.I-4 (SR 400) at Sand Lake Road Interchange from West of SR 528 to West of SR 435 & I-4 (SR 400) from West of SR 536 to West of SR 528 E59A6 Schedule of Events1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
E51B0423446-1-52-03Central Florida Commuter Rail (CFCR) Transit Phase 2 North Signals 1WITHDRAWN
E59A5447807-1-52-01Smart Orlando Downtown Advanced Traffic Operations PerformanceE59A5 Schedule of Events1 
E59A2423446-1-52-03Central Florida Commuter Rail (CFCR) Transit Phase 2 North Signals
 Will be re-advertised as E51B0 at a later date
E59A1423446-1-52-01Central Florida Commuter Rail (CFCR) Transit Phase 2 North Civil WorksE59A1 Schedule of Events1, 2, 3, 4 
E59A0423446-9-52-22Low Bid Design-Build
SunRail Vehicle Storage and Light Maintenance Facility (VSLMF) Noise Wall
E59A0 Schedule of Events 

Virtual Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting
11:00 AM




GoTo Meeting

United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 615-517-525

E54A6437755-2-52-01, Etc.Design Build Push Button Contract No. 2 – Program ManagementE54A6 Schedule of Events1, 2, 3, 4 

Low Bid Design-Build

Weather Condition Sensor System


E53A4 Schedule of Events  
Low Bid Design-Build
441211-1-52-01Countywide ATMS-DMS Phase IE5Z94 Schedule of Events1, 2 
E5Z61435446-2-52-01District 5 Transit Signal Priority - Phase IIIE5Z61
Schedule of Events
 Mandatory Pre-Proposal Sign In Sheets 9/11/18
E5Z18240200-4-52-01Wekiva Parkway (Section 8) From Orange Boulevard to East of Rinehart RoadE5Z18
Schedule of Events
Rev. 7/30/2018
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 
Mandatory Pre-Proposal
Sign In Sheets 12/18/17