STIP Information

Federal Aid Management

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

STIP Project Detail Listings

Initial Project Detail Listing as approved by FHWA on October 1st each year

This is a static file showing the list of projects in the STIP at the time of adoption of the Five Year Work Program at July 1st each year. Note that, although the STIP must be approved on the first day of the new federal fiscal year (October 1st) it is based on the projects shown in the Adopted Work Program as of the beginning of the state fiscal year (July 1st) which starts three months earlier than the federal fiscal year.

NOTE: This initial static project detail listing does not change over time and doesn’t include any subsequent changes to the project details such as cost estimates, funding sources, fiscal year in which cost estimates are programmed, or project descriptions.

The initial project detail listing can be accessed in several ways, as explained below.

  1. The initial STIP project detail may be viewed or searched on-line in portable document format (PDF).
    1. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, search or print in this format.
    2. Caution: this is a very large document so be selective in what you print.

    Link to Statewide Initial STIP Project Detail

    Statewide STIP as a PDF file, suitable for searching or printing (.pdf - 13,992 KB)

    Links to Initial STIP Project Detail by District

    All District files are "PDF" file suitable for searching or printing

    Central Office
    (.pdf - 96 KB)
    District 1
    (.pdf - 4,586 KB)
    District 2
    (.pdf - 4,165 KB)
    District 3
    (.pdf - 3,867 KB)
    District 4
    (.pdf - 5,753 KB)
    District 5
    (.pdf - 5,077 KB)
    District 6
    (.pdf - 3,994 KB)
    District 7
    (.pdf - 4,706 KB)
    District/State Wide
    (.pdf - 2,251 KB)

  2. The complete statewide STIP initial project listings may also be downloaded as an Excel file by clicking on the link shown below:

     Statewide STIP.xlsx (.xlsx - 4,310 KB)

  3. The initial STIP project detail listings may also be viewed or searched on-line via the STIP Project Detail and Summaries Report. This report enables the STIP to be viewed by specific County, MPO, Item Segment, or Project Description.

    In order to see the initial STIP project detail listings as approved by FHWA on October 1st, you must select “Approved STIP” in the “Report Type” drop-down menu.

    Current Project Detail Listings, including all changes during the course of the year

    This report also includes an option to display the “current” version of the STIP project detail listings, which includes all changes to the STIP since it was approved by FHWA on October 1st (based on the Adopted Work Program adopted by FDOT on July 1st each year). Changes since the initial approval include Administrative Modifications as well as formal STIP Amendments.

    In order to see the current STIP project detail listings, you must select “Current STIP” in the “Report Type” drop-down menu.

    The STIP Project Detail Listings and Summaries On-line Report may be accessed by clicking on the link shown below:

    STIP Project Detail and Summaries On-Line Report

Reference to Work Program Fund Codes in the STIP

The STIP Project Detail Listing includes a reference to the source(s) of funding for each of the listed projects. This data field is called the "Work Program Fund Code". A listing of the descriptions for the Work Program Fund Codes listed in the STIP Project Detail Listings may be found at the following link: