FDOT Traffic Studies

A traffic study is an engineering investigation to evaluate a transportation system. The study is a means of identifying and documenting any deficiencies or improvements - both operational and physical - necessary to accommodate current or projected traffic volumes. Studies are a vital part of the FDOT's ongoing effort to enhance the safety and performance of our freeways, state roads, and local arterial streets.

A study typically consists of collecting data, projecting traffic volumes, and identifying the improvements required for the transportation system. Studies are performed on intersections and also non-intersection roadway segments to determine what improvements are warranted and how they might lead to a better road for motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and other users. The need for traffic signals and speed zones is also determined by traffic studies, which have similar application in the analysis of traffic management in work zones.

To oversee the FDOT's traffic study functions, there is a Traffic Studies Working Group that is composed of representatives from the Department's District offices, the Tallahassee headquarters, and Florida's Turnpike. This Working Group meets several times per year and is responsible for directing the formulation of policy and programs relating to traffic studies.

Other Information

For additional information, please contact the State Traffic Services Section at StateTrafficServicesSection@dot.state.fl.us.