Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)’s Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) Handbook has been developed as a guide for personnel responsible for performing business functions that maintain the strategic development and planning of transportation data for the Department and the system of record commonly referred to as RCI. This resource covers the following items:

  • Describes how RCI supports the business data requirements and users of the system;
  • Documents the processes for establishing and managing the location of roadway assets and multimodal travel ways;
  • Describes how to collect data and the related features and characteristics of those roadway assets and multimodal travel ways;
  • Establishes data governance for RCI features and characteristics data collection; and
  • Provides the data quality management processes that maintain the integrity of the data management system.

The Transportation Data and Analytics (TDA) Office is responsible for the maintenance of this handbook and coordinates changes with other offices.  This handbook is used by FDOT personnel in the District and Central Offices who perform data collection in the field and in the office. 

To access the RCI User Manual, Transportation Quality Management handbooks, RITA User Manual and other manuals, please visit our TDA Documents and Publications page.

Subscribe to our FDOT Contact Management Subscription Service to receive the most current notices, bulletins, memoranda, and other important information. Submit FDOT RCI Handbook questions by email to: co-rci@dot.state.fl.us. 

2023 FDOT Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) Handbook

Access the complete 2023 RCI Handbook.

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Handbook by Chapter

100 Series - Administrative Features (Designations)

200 Series - Physical Features (Geometric)

300 Series - Operational Features

400 Series - Maintenance Features

800 Series - Non-Motorized Way Features

900 Series - Rail Line Features

Last Updated: 9/14/2023

Handbook by RCI Features and Characteristics:

To go directly to a series, click: 100, 200, 300, 400, 800, 900
Table by RCI features and characteristics
FeatureFeature NameContact
111State Road SystemTDA
 STROADNO - State Road Number 
 STRDNUM2 - Secondary State Road Number 
112Federal SystemTDA
 FAHWYSYS - Federal Highway System Code 
 NATLNWK - National Network Code 
 NHSCID - National Highway System Connector 
 OLDFASYS - Old Federal Highway System 
 SPECSYS - Special Systems 
 STGHWNWK - Strategic Highway Network Code 
 TRAVLWAY - Travel Way Along Roadway 
113AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficialsTDA
 USROUTE - US Route Number 
 USROUTE2 - Secondary US Route Number 
114Local SystemTDA
 LOCALNAM - Local Name of Facility 
115Special DesignationsTDA
 SCENEHWY - Scenic Highway Designation 
 SCENEDTE - Scenic Highway Designation Date 
 SCENEEXT - Scenic Highway Designation Extension 
116Freight NetworksTDA
 NHFN - National Highway Freight Network 
118HPMS - Highway Performance Monitoring SystemTDA
 ATGROTHR - Other or No control At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSIG - Signals At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSTOP - Stop Signs At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRTYPE - At-Grade Type - First or Last 
 CURCLASx - Curves by Class (x=A-F) 
 GRACLASX - Grades by Class (x=A-F) 
 HORALADQ - Horizontal Alignment Adequacy 
 HPMSIDNO - HPMS Sample ID Number 
 LOADTDEV - HPMS Sample Type 
 PEAKLANE - Number of Lanes in Peak Direction Peak Hour 
 SIGPREV - Prevailing Type of Signalizations 
 SIT1500 - % of Passing Sight Distance >=1500 feet 
 TERRAIN - Type of Land Terrain 
 TURNLANL - Turn Lane Left 
 TURNLANR - Turn Lane Right 
 TYPEOP - Type of Parking 
 VRTALADQ - Vertical Alignment Adequacy 
 WIDEFEAS - Is Widening Feasible 
 WIDOBST - Widening Obstacles - A through G, and X 
 WIDPOTNL - Widening Potential Lanes 
119HPMS - UniverseTDA
 BASETHIK - HPMS Base Course Thickness 
 FLEXTHIK - HPMS Thickness of Flexible Pavements 
 HOVNUMLN - Number of Associated Managed Lanes 
 HOVTYPE - Type of Associated Managed Lanes Operation 
 IRIDATE - International Roughness Index Collection Date 
 OVRYTHIK - HPMS Last Overlay Thickness 
 RAMPFC - Ramp Federal Category 
 RIGDTHIK - Thickness of Rigid Pavement 
 SURFACTP - Surface Type 
 TOLLCHGS - Toll Charges 
 TOLLTYPE - Toll Type 
 YRCONST - Year of Last Construction 
 YRIMPT - Year of Last Improvement 
120Type of RoadTDA
 RTESGNCD - Route Signing 
 TYPEROAD - Type of Road 
121Functional ClassificationTDA
 FUNCLASS - Functional Classification 
122Facility ClassificationTDA
 OWNAUTH - Owning Authority 
 RDACCESS - Access Control Type 
 TOLLNAME - Name of Toll Facility 
 TOLLROAD - Toll Road Flag 
123Proposed Functional ClassificationTDA
 PROFUNCL - Proposed Functional Classification 
124Urban ClassificationTDA
 HWYLOCAL - Highway Location Code 
 MPOAREA - Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area 
 PLACECD - Census Place (City) Code 
 URBAREA - Urban Area Number 
 URBSIZE - Urban Size 
125Adjacent Land ClassificationTDA
 LANDUSE - Prevailing Type of Land Use 
 ROUGHIND - Pavement Roughness Index 
126Preliminary Context ClassificationTDA
 CCTXTCLS - Preliminary Current Context Classification 
 FCTXTCLS - Future Context Classification 
 CCTXTDTE - Preliminary Current Context Classification Date 
 FCTXTDTE - Future Context Classification Date 
137Maintenance Area BoundaryTDA
 CCNUMBER - Cost Center Number 
138Roadway RealignmentTDA
 NALIGNDT - New Alignment Date 
 NALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of New Alignment 
 NALNBGPT - New Alignment Begin MP 
 NALNENPT - New Alignment End MP 
139New RealignmentTDA
 OALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of Old Alignment 
 OALNBGPT - Old Alignment Begin MP 
 OALNENPT - Old Alignment End MP 
140Section Status ExceptionTDA
 OSDATE - On or Off-System Date 
 STATEXPT - Segment Status 
141Stationing ExceptionsTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
142Managed LanesTDA
 CMLBMP - Composite Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 CMLEMP - Composite Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 CMLRDWY - Composite Managed Lane Roadway ID 
 LMLBMP - Left Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 MAINBMP - Mainline Begin Milepoint 
 MAINEMP - Mainline End Milepoint 
 MAINRDWY - Mainline Roadway ID 
 RMLBMP - Right Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 RMLEMP - Right Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 RMLRDWY - Right Managed Lane Roadway ID 
143Associated Station ExceptionTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
146Access ManagementSIO
 ACMANCLS - Access Management Classification 
147Strategic Intermodal SystemSIO
 SISFCTPx - SIS Facility Type Level (x=1-9) 
 SISMPIDx - SIS Facility Map ID Level (x=1-9) 
212Through LanesTDA
 NOLANES - Number of Roadway Lanes 
 SURWIDTH - Pavement Surface Width 
213Auxiliary LanesTDA
 AUXLNTYP - Auxiliary Lane Type 
 AUXLNUM - Number of Auxiliary Lanes 
 AUXLNWTH - Average Auxiliary Lane Width 
214Outside ShouldersTDA
 MLTRFSEP - Managed Lane Separator 
 SHLDTYPE - Highway Shoulder Type 
 SHLDTYPx - Highway Shoulder Type (x=2,3) 
 SLDWIDTH - Highway Shoulder Width 
 SHLDWTHx - Highway Shoulder Width (x=2,3) 
 MDBARTYP - Type of Median Barrier 
 MEDWIDTH - Highway Median Width 
 RDMEDIAN - Highway Median Type 
 RDMEDIAN (For informational purposes only) - Type of Median 
216Bike Lanes/Pedestrian FacilitiesTDA
 BIKELNCD - Bicycle Lane 
 BIKSLTCD - Bicycle Keyhole Lanes 
 BIKSLTWD - Bicycle Keyhole Width 
 BIKLNBCD - Separated Bike Lane Separator Type 
 SEPBLNWD - Separated Bike Lane Width & Separation 
 SDWLKBCD - Sidewalk Barrier Code 
 SHARDPTH - Shared Path Width & Separation 
 SIDWLKWD - Sidewalk Width & Separation 
 SIDEWALK - Sidewalk Width 
219Inside ShouldersTDA
 ISLDTYPE - Inside Shoulder Type 
 ISLDTYPx - Inside Shoulder Type (x=2,3) 
 ISLDWDTH - Inside Shoulder Width 
 ISLDWTHx - Inside Shoulder Width (x=2,3) 
220Non Curve Intersection PointTDA
 NCPTINT - Non Curve Point of Intersection 
221Horizontal CurveTDA
 BEARING - Compass Bearing 
 HRZCANGL - Horizontal Curve Central Angle 
 HRZDGCRV - Horizontal Degree of Curve 
 HRZPTINT - Horizontal Point of Intersection 
230Surface DescriptionTDA
 PAVECOND - Pavement Condition 
 PAVINDEX - Pavement Index 
 SURFNUM - Pavement Surface Type 
232Surface LayersTDA
 FRICTCSE - Friction Course 
 SURFLxTH - Pavement Surface Thickness (x=1-7) 
 SURFLAYx - Pavement Surface Layer (x=1-7) 
 BASETHK - Roadway Base Thickness 
 TYPEBASE - Type of Roadway Base Material 
 BOXCULHT - Box Culvert Height 
 BOXCULLT - Box Culvert Width 
 BXCULGTH - Box Culvert Length 
 CRSDRLGH - Length of Crossdrain Pipes 
 NOBXCULV - Number of Box Culverts 
 NOCRDRAN - Number of Crossdrain Pipes 
 PIPEDIAM - Pipe Diameter 
 PIPEHIGH - Non-Circular Pipe Height 
 PIPETYPE - Type of Pipe 
 PIPEWDTH - Non-Circular Pipe Width 
242Storm SewersOOM
 Storm Sewer Summary 
 INLETS - Number of Curb Inlets 
 MANHOLES - Number of Manholes 
 MDITCBAS - Number of Catch Basins 
243Off Roadway AreasOOM
 BORRPITS - Number of Borrow Pits 
 MITARACR - Mitigation Area 
 RETAREAS - Number of Retention Areas 
 SEDBASIN - Number of Sediment Basins 
245Roadside DitchesOOM
 FRDRNLEN - French Drain Roadside Ditch Length 
 PAVDTLEN - Paved Roadside Ditch Length 
 STMSWLEN - Storm Sewer Roadside Ditch Length 
 TRKLNLEN - Trunk Line Roadside Ditch Length 
248Outfall DitchesOOM
 ODITHAND - Outfall Ditch by Hand Length 
 ODITHAUL - Outfall Ditch by Hauled Length 
 ODITPAVE - Outfall Ditch by Length Paved 
 ODITPIPE - Outfall Ditch by Length Piped 
 ODITSPR - Outfall Ditch Spread Length 
 BEGSECNM - Begin Roadway Section Milepoint Description 
 ENDSECNM - End Roadway Section Milepoint Description 
 INTSDIRx - Intersection Direction (x=1-9) 
 INTSRTPx - Intersection Surface Type (x=1-9) 
 CROSRDNM - Crossing Roadway Name 
 EXITNO - Interchange/Exit Number 
 INTERCHG - Type of Interchange 
 CHKDIGIT - Check Digit 
 RRCROSNO - National Railroad (RR) Grade Crossing Number 
 TRNOTPNP - Paved Turnouts Without Pipe 
 TRNOTPPI - Paved Turnouts With Pipe 
 TRNOTUNP - Unpaved Turnouts Without Pipe 
 TRNOTUPI - Unpaved Turnouts With Pipe 
 WSTRNPNP - Average Width Turnout, Paved, No Pipe 
 WDTRNPPI - Average Width Turnout, Paved, With Pipe 
 WDTRNUNP - Average Width Turnout, Unpaved, No Pipe 
 WDTRNUPI - Average Width Turnout, Unpaved, With Pipe 
 CROVERLG - Length of Crossover 
 BOXCULNO - Box Culvert Number 
 BRIDGENO - Bridge Number 
 FACCROSS - Facility Crossed 
 TUNNELNO - Tunnel Number 
 UNDPASNO - Underpass Number 
 BARRWALL - Barrier Wall Length 
 DBLGRAIL - Double Face Guardrail Length 
 SPCGRAIL - Miscellaneous Guardrail Length 
 STDGRAIL - Standard Guardrail Length 
 CHNLKFCS - Number of Chain Link Fences 
 MISCFCS - Length of Miscellaneous Fences 
 OTHERFCS - Number of Other Types of Fences 
 WOVENFCS - Number of Woven Wire Fences (aka Hog Wire) 
273Cable BarriersOOM
 CABLBRTY - Cable Barrier Type 
 CABLWIRE - Number of Cable Wires 
275Miscellaneous Concrete StructuresOOM
 NOISBARR - Noise Barrier Wall 
 RETWALL - Retaining Wall Length 
 SEAWALL - Seawall Length 
 SLOPEPAV - Slope Pavement Area Concrete 
 SLOPERIP - Slope Paving Area Rip-Rap 
311Speed LimitsTEO
 DTESZAPP - Date Speed Zone Approved 
 DTESZIMP - Date Speed Zone Implemented 
 MAXSPEED - Maximum Speed Limit 
 MINSPEED - Minimum Speed Limit 
312Turning RestrictionsTEO
 DTETMAPP - Date Turning Movement Approved 
 DTETMIMP - Date Turning Movement Implemented 
 LMTRSTRC - Limited Turn Restriction Time 
 TURNMOVE - Turning Movement Restriction 
 DTEPKAPP - Date Parking Approved 
 DTEPKIMP - Date Parking Restriction Implemented 
 PKRSTIME - Parking Restriction Time 
 TYPEPARK - Type of Roadway Parking 
 WOVENFCS - Number of Woven Wire Fences (aka Hog Wire) 
320Mile Markers SignsTDA
 MILEMARK - Mile Marker Sign 
 MAINTAGC - Maintaining Agency Name 
 SDESTRET - Side Street Name 
 SIGNALID - Signal Cabinet ID Number 
 SIGNALNC - Non-counted Signal 
 SIGNALTY - Type of Traffic Signal 
 SIGOPDTE - Date Signal Operational 
 SIGSTRCT - Type of Signal Structure 
 TYPECABL - Type of Cable Connection 
323School ZonesTEO
 SCHLNAME - School Name 
 SCHLPED - School Speed Zone 
326Traffic Monitoring SitesTDA
 TRFSTANO - Traffic Station Number 
 TRSTATYP - Traffic Station Type 
330Traffic Flow Break StationsTDA
 FLWBRKID - Count Station Assigned to Break 
 TRFBRKCD - Traffic Break Code 
331Traffic Flow BreaksTDA
 AADTDATE - Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Date 
 AADTTYPE - Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Type 
 AVGDFACT - Roadway Section Average D Factor 
 AVGKFACT - K Factor 
 AVGTFACT - Section Average T Factor 
 SECTADT - Section Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) 
341Lighting SystemOOM
 LOCOWNER - Owner of Local Luminaries 
 NOALMPOL - Number of Aluminum Poles 
 NOCONPOL - Number of Concrete Poles 
 NOFIBPOL - Number of Fiberglass Poles 
 NOHMSLUM - Number of High Mast Luminaries 
 NOLOCLUM - Luminaries Under Local Agreement 
 NOOTHPOL - Number of High Mast Poles 
 NOSGMLUM - Number of Sign Luminaries 
 NOSTDLUM - Number of Standard Luminaries 
 NOSTLPOL - Number of Steel Poles (not to include high mast) 
 NOUDKLUM - Number of Underdeck Luminaries 
 NOWODPOL - Number of Wood Poles 
360Toll PlazasTDA
 TOLPLZNM - Toll Plaza Name 
361Service PlazasTDA
 SVCPLZNM - Service Plaza Name 
411Roadside MowingOOM
 INMACHMW - Intermediate Machine Mowing 
 RDSDMOW - Roadside Mowing Area (Large) 
 SLOPEMOW - Slopes Mowable Area 
 SMMACMOW - Small Machine Mowing Area 
412Weed ControlOOM
 HANDCUT - Hand Cut Area 
 MWEEDCTL - Mechanical Weed Control Area 
 OBSPRAY - Obstruction Spraying Area 
413Landscape AreaOOM
 BOLDLAND - Bold Landscaping 
 LANDSCPE - Landscape Area 
421Roadside Ditch CleaningOOM
 RDCANALS - Number of Roadside Canals 
 RDITEXCA - Number of Roadside Ditches (Excavator) 
422Median Ditch CleaningOOM
 MDITHEXC - Number of Median Ditches (Excavator) 
 MDITPAVE - Number of Median Ditches (Paved) 
 MDITPIPE - Number of Median Ditches (Piped) 
431Parks and Rest AreasOOM
 RSTAREAS - Number of Rest Areas Without Facilities 
 RSTARFAC - Number of Rest Areas With Facilities 
 WAYSDPKS - Number of Wayside Parks 
 WEIGHSTA - Number of Weigh Stations 
 WELCMSTA - Number of Welcome Stations 
 BRDELIN - Number of Bridge End Delineators 
 DELINEAT - Number of Guide Posts/Hazard Marker Delineators 
 DBLELINE - Number of Stripes - Double White or Yellow 
 SKIPLINE - Number of Stripes - Skip White or Yellow 
 SKIPWHBK - Number of Stripes - Skip White With Black 
 SNGLLINE - Number of Stripes - Single White or Yellow 
452Symbols and MessagesOOM
 CRSHATCH - Crosshatching Area 
 CURBMARK - Curb Marking Area 
 PNTARROW - Number of Arrows 
 PNTLETTR - Number of Letters 
 RADIUSMK - Radius Marking Area 
453Cross WalksOOM
 CRWALK24 - Number of 24 Foot Crosswalks 
 CRWALK36 - Number of 36 Foot Crosswalks 
 CRWALK48 - Number of 48 Foot Crosswalks 
 CRWALK60 - Number of 60 Foot Crosswalks 
 CRWALK72 - Number of 72 Foot Crosswalks 
454Stop BarsOOM
 STOPBR12 - Number of 12 Foot Stop Bars 
 STOPBR18 - Number of 18 Foot Stop Bars 
 STOPBR24 - Number of 24 Foot Stop Bars 
 STOPBR36 - Number of 36 Foot Stop Bars 
 STOPBR48 - Number of 48 Foot Stop Bars 
455Raised Pavement MarkersOOM
 PAVTMARK - Number of Raised Pavement Markers 
 ATCONDTN - Attenuator Condition 
 ATINSPEC - Attenuator Inspection Date 
 ATREPAIR - Attenuator Repair Date 
 ATRMRKS1 - Attenuator Remarks - 1 
 ATRMRKS2 - Attenuator Remarks - 2 
 ATTLOCCD - Attenuator Location 
 ATTMODEL - Attenuator Model Number 
 ATTYPECD - Attenuator Type 
 ATTYPINS - Attenuator Inspection Type 
 VEHDIRCD - General Vehicular Direction 
480Highway SignsOOM
 CANTSTR - Number of Cantilever Structures 
 CNPANG30 - Number of Construct Panels Overhead and Ground Greater 
 GRPSTG30 - Number of Ground Sign Posts Greater than 30 Square Feet 
 GRPSTL30 - Number of Ground Sign Posts Less than 30 Square Feet 
 OVRLNSTR - Number of Full Overlane Structures 
 PANLLT30 - Ground Panels Less than 30 Square Feet 
481Highway Maintenance ClassificationOOM
 HIWMNCLS - Highway Maintenance Classification 
801Shared-Use Non-motorized (SUN) TrailsSIO
 SUNTRTYP - SUN Trails Type 
 SUNTRCOR - SUN Trails Corridor Name 
901Rail Line FacilityFMO
 RRCLASST - Railroad Class Type 
 RRCONAME - Railroad Company Name 
 RRLINETP - Railroad Line Type 
 RROUTEID - Railroad Route ID 
 RSISFIDx - Railroad Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Facility ID Level 
 RSISFTPx - Railroad Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Facility Type Level (x=1-9)