Design Standards 2006 Interim
Interim Standard Index Sheets are to be included in FDOT construction plans, maintenance contracts and permits which are used to update the Standard Index Book to which they are referenced. The default print size is 11x17 on the Page Set-up option. Bentley’s Microstation design file format is NOT available for distribution. Other Indexes may be revised by Design Standards Modifications.
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Index# | Sheet# | Filename | Description |
All Indexes | All Sheets | DS2006-Interim.pdf | All 2006 Interims in one PDF Portfolio
**** File size is 77 MB **** |
All Indexes | All Sheets | July2006.pdf | Effective July 1, 2006 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
All Indexes | All Sheets | Jan2007.pdf | Effective January 1, 2007 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
All Indexes | All Sheets | July2007.pdf | Effective July 1, 2007 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
All Indexes | All Sheets | Jan2008.pdf | Effective January 1, 2008 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
Index# | Sheet# | Filename | Description |
200 | 3 of 3 | 200.pdf | STRUCTURE BOTTOMS TYPE J AND P - Dated 01-01-06: Includes 70 ksi WWF, maximum wire spacing and changes "E3.5" to "E3" in Table 6 |
201 | 4 of 4 | 201.pdf | SUPPLEMENTAL DETAILS FOR MANHOLES AND INLETS – Dated 01-01-06: Includes 70 ksi WWF in Equivalent Steel Area Table and maximum bar/wire spacing reduction criteria to Note 4. |
205 | 2 of 5 | 205.pdf | COVER HEIGHT – Dated 01-01-07: New wall thickness dimensions for Round Pipe; increase diameter of polyethylene pipe to 60”. |
289 | 1-7 of 7 | 289.pdf | CONCRETE BOX CULVERT DETAILS (LRFD) - Dated 01-01-07: This is a new Index for Box Culverts designed to the AASHTO LRFD Specifications using Department's Mathcad Design Program. It is used in lieu of Index No. 290 which is for LFD Designs. Structures Sitemenu Data Table cell 00289 should be used with this Index. |
291 | 1-5 of 5 | 291.pdf | SUPPLEMENTAL DETAILS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS – Dated 07-01-06: This is a new Index to provide joint details for precast box culverts and connections to C-I-P headwalls and wings. |
292 | 1-14 of 14 | 292.pdf | STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS - Dated 01-01-07: This new Index provides standard precast box culvert designs for single cell box culvert sizes up to 12'x12'. |
310 | 1 and 2 of 2 | 310.pdf | CONCRETE SIDEWALK – Dated 01-01-07: Added schedule of varying widths (Sheet 1) and continuous pathway note (Sheet 2). |
400 | 24 0f 24 | 400.pdf | GUARDRAIL- Dated 07-01-06: This is a new sheet showing details for double faced guardrail on median shoulders. |
403 | 1 & 2 of 2 | 403.pdf | GUARDRAIL TRANSITIONS FOR EXISTING BRIDGE TRAFFIC RAILING RETROFITS - Dated 07-01-05: This is a new index to detail upgrading the guardrail approaches to existing bridge rail retrofits. |
411 | 1-10 of 10 | 411.pdf | PIER PROTECTION BARRIER - Dated 07-01-06: This is a new Index to provide details for Pier Protection Barriers to meet LRFD Bridge Design Specifications requirements. |
414 | 1-12 of 12 | 414.pdf | TYPE K TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIER - Dated 01-01-06: Replaces Sheets 1-7 and adds Sheets 8-12. (Sheet 1) Added “Optional Spacing Bars 4A (Typ) to Elevation View. (Sheet 2)Changed ALTERNATE REINFORCING STEEL (WELDED WIRE FABRIC DETAIL) "CONFIGURATION ONE" and "CONFIGURATION TWO" (Sheet 3) Added NOTES FOR THRIE BEAM GUARDRAIL SPLICE INSTALLATIONS. Changed "LIMITATION OF USE" , "CONNECTION PIN INSTALLATION" notes, DETAIL OF CONNECTION BETWEEN BARRIER UNITS. (Sheet 4) Added "Traffic Side for Transition to Median Traffic Railings, see Sheet 8" note block to TYPICAL SECTION detail. Changed title of TYPICAL SECTION & "ANCHOR BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS" & "LIMITATIONS OF USE" notes, "TREATMENT AT BRIDGE DECK EXP. JOINT SCHEMATIC" (Sheet 5) Added "Traffic Side for Transition to Median Traffic Railings, see Sheet 8" note block to TYPICAL SECTION detail. Changed weld detail on STAKE DETAIL, title of TYPICAL SECTION and “STAKES” note. (Sheet 7) Added asterisks to traffic arrows in Approach Transitions. |
414 | 13-14 of 14 | 414A.pdf | TYPE K TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIER – Dated 01-01-07: These are new sheets to provide details for connecting proprietary temporary concrete barriers directly to Type K Temporary Concrete Barriers. |
430 | 1-2 of 2 | 430.pdf | OPTIONAL CRASH CUSHION DETAILS - Dated 07-01-05: This is a new Index to provide details for allowing the use of an optional crash cushion pay item. |
518 | 3 of 3 | 518.pdf | RUMBLE STRIPS – Dated 07-01-06: This is a new sheet showing details for rumble strips in rigid pavement. |
520 | 1of 1 | 520.pdf | GRAVITY WALL - Dated 01-01-06: The Gravity Wall was completely redesigned. |
520 | 1 of 1 | 520A.pdf | GRAVITY WALL – Dated 01-01-07: Removed drawing of guardrail and added Design Note 5. |
521 | 1of 1 | 521.pdf | CONCRETE STEPS - Dated 01-01-07: This is a new Index replacing the detail removed from the 2004 Design Standards. |
600 | 11 of 11 | 600.pdf | GENERAL INFORMATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL THROUGH WORKZONES – Dated 07-01-06: (Sheet 11) This is a new sheet to provide details for temporary raised rumble strips in construction zones. |
600 | 12 of 12 | 600A.pdf | GENERAL INFORMATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL THROUGH WORK ZONES –Dated 01-01-07: This is a new sheet giving details for sign supports in work zones. |
600 | 10 of 10 | 600B.pdf | GENERAL INFORMATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL THROUGH WORK ZONES- Dated 07-01-07: Revised the detail and notes under “Use of RPMs in Lieu of Paint or Removable Tape”. Added RPMs on the edgeline in transitions in the detail “Use of RPMs to Supplement Paint or Removable Tape”. |
603 | 1-2 of 2 | 603.pdf | TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY, WORK WITHIN THE TRAVEL WAY – Dated 07-01-06: (Sheet 1) Added Automated Flagger Assistance Device (AFAD) symbol. (Sheet 2) This is a new sheet that gives details for use of the AFAD. |
812 | 1 and 4 of 4 | 812.pdf | BRIDGE FENCING (ENCLOSED) - Dated 01-01-06: (Sheet 1) Corrected payment note pay item description and added Note 4 for variable sidewalk widths. (Sheet 4) Changed Note 1, DIM. H and added Notes 2 & 3 |
850 | 2 of 2 | 850.pdf | STEEL PEDESTRIAN BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN RAILING - Dated 01-01-06: Corrected C.I.P. anchor bolt diameter in DETAIL "A" and changed base plate venting hole to 1" diameter hole |
850 | 1-5 of 5 | 850A.pdf | STEEL PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING - Dated 01-01-07: Added ADA handrail details for ramps and stairs, and refers to Index 851 for bridge applications. |
850 | 1-5 of 5 | 850B.pdf | STEEL PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING - Dated 07-01-07: Revised Shop Drawing & Anchor Bolts notes (Sheet 1); Revised notes in DETAILS "D" & "E" (Sheet 4); Added DETAIL "F" and note to Anchor Bolt Table (Sheet 5) |
851 | 1-2 of 2 | 851.pdf | BRIDGE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING (STEEL) - Dated 01-01-07: This is a new Index for use of picket type pedestrian/bicycle railings on bridges for new construction and retrofits. |
860 | 1-5 of 5 | 860.pdf | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING - Dated 01-01-07: Added ADA handrail details for ramps and stairs, and refers to Index 861 for bridge applications. |
860 | 1-5 of 5 | 860A.pdf | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING - Dated 07-01-07: Revised Shop Drawing & Anchor Bolts notes (Sheet 1); Revised notes in DETAILS "D" & "E" (Sheet 4); Added DETAIL "F" and note to Anchor Bolt Table (Sheet 5) |
861 | 1-2 of 2 | 861.pdf | BRIDGE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING (ALUMINUM) - Dated 01-01-07: This is a new Index for use of picket type pedestrian/bicycle railings on bridges for new construction and retrofits. |
870 | 1-5 of 5 | 870.pdf | ALUMINUM PIPE GUIDERAIL - Dated 01-01-07: Added ADA handrail details for ramps and stairs. |
870 | 1-5 of 5 | 870A.pdf | ALUMINUM PIPE GUIDERAIL - Dated 07-01-07: Revised Anchor Bolts note (Sheet 1); Revised notes in DETAILS "D" & "E" (Sheet 4); Added DETAIL "F" and changed Anchor Bolt offset dimension to edge of sidewalk for ramps (Sheet 5) |
880 | 1-5 of 5 | 880.pdf | STEEL PIPE GUIDERAIL - Dated 01-01-07: This new Index provides a steel version of the Aluminum Pipe Guiderail (Index No. 870). |
880 | 1-5 of 5 | 880A.pdf | STEEL PIPE GUIDERAIL - Dated 07-01-07: Revised Anchor Bolts note (Sheet 1); Revised notes in DETAILS "D" & "E" (Sheet 4); Added DETAIL "F" and changed Anchor Bolt offset dimension to edge of sidewalk for ramps (Sheet 5) |
5100 | 1 of 2 | 5100.pdf | RETAINING WALL - CAST IN PLACE - Dated 07-01-07: Revised Design Specification note. |
5200 | 1 of 1 | 5200.pdf | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS, GENERAL NOTES - Dated 01-01-06: Added notes C.3, D.4, H.3 & J.8 and ASTM A 497 (Deformed Wire) to Note D.2 |
5204 | 1 of 1 | 5204.pdf | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - FIRE HOSE ACCESS HOLE & DRAINAGE DETAILS – Dated 01-01-07: Corrected outer dimensions on grating and added edge distance dimension for Expansion Anchors. |
5300 | 1-16 of 16 | 5300.pdf | PERMANENT RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS� - Dated 01-01-06:� Replaces Index No. 5300. Added FDOT Wall Types Table and new Sheet 2; Changed "leveling concrete" to "buildup concrete" and Sheet Numbering; Deleted 45 degree chamfer from C.I.P junction Slab for precast coping. Changed offset for C.I.P. coping to outside face of panels to 6” to match precast coping options. |
5300 | 1-19 of 19 | 5300A.pdf | PERMANENT RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS - Dated 01-01-07: Added Note 16 to "CONSTRUCTION” notes (Sheet 1) ; Modified "Table of FDOT Wall Types” (Sheet 2); Changed Junction Slab reinforcing; Added 42" F-Shape, 42" Vertical & Corral Shape Traffic Railing details. |
11200 | 1-3 of 3 | 11200.pdf | STANDARD ROADSIDE SIGN – Dated 01-01-06: (Sheet 1) Revised “Design Wind Load”, “Fuse Plates”, and “Foundation” notes. (Sheets 2 and 3) Revised “Shim Detail”. |
11200 | 2 & 3 of 3 | 11200A.pdf | STANDARD ROADSIDE SIGN – Dated 07-01-06: Added 4” max. dimension to ground line in “SIGN COL. & STUB COL. ELEVATION” and “BASE CONNECTION” details. |
11200 | 1-3 of 3 | 11200B.pdf | MULTI-COLUMN GROUND SIGN - Dated 01-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications update. Eliminated aluminum post option. |
11300 | 1 of 1 | 11300.pdf | STEEL OVERHEAD SIGN STRUCTURE - Dated 01-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications update. |
11310 | 1 & 2 of 5 | 11310.pdf | CANTILEVER SIGN STRUCTURE - Dated 01-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications updates. Top of foundation redesign. |
11320 | 1 & 5 of 5 | 11320.pdf | SPAN SIGN STRUCTURE - Dated 01-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications updates. Top of foundation redesign. |
11860 | 4 of 4 | 11860.pdf | SINGLE COLUMN GROUND SIGNS – Dated 07-01-06: Added 4” max. dimension to ground line in “SLIP BASE AND FOOTING DETAIL”. |
11860 | 1-8 of 8 | 11860A.pdf | SINGLE COLUMN GROUND SIGNS - Dated 01-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications updates. Eliminated U channel and Square posts, added new Post and Foundation tables and modified ASTM galvanization reference for bolts, nuts and washers. |
11860 | 1,3&5 of 8 | 11860B.pdf | SINGLE COLUMN GROUND SIGNS - Dated 07-01-07: Changed Example (Sheet 1). Revised Post and Foundation Table and added soil plate detail (Sheet 3). Deleted single bevel base plate detail (Sheet 5) |
17346 | 14 of 14 | 17346.pdf | SPECIAL MARKING AREAS – Dated 07-01-06: This is a new detail sheet showing interchange exit numbering on the shoulder pavement. |
17346 | 10 of 13 | 17346A.pdf | SPECIAL MARKING AREAS – Dated 07-01-07: Changed details of markings for accessible parking spaces. |
17502 | 1-7 of 7 | 17502.pdf | HIGHMAST LIGHTING - Dated 07-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications updates. Designed new Standard Highmast Assemblies and modified ASTM galvanization reference for bolts, nuts and washers. Changed foundation reinforcement. |
17505 | 2 of 2 | 17505.pdf | EXTERNAL LIGHTING FOR SIGNS (MERCURY VAPOR) –Dated 01-01-06: In “Detail A”, revised notes to reflect use of stainless steel hardware. |
17505 | 1 of 2 | 17505A.pdf | EXTERNAL LIGHTING FOR SIGNS –Dated 01-01-07: 175 Watt Mercury Vapor luminaire requirement removed. |
17515 | 1-3 of 3 | 17515.pdf | STANDARD ROADWAY ALUMINUM LIGHTING - Dated 07-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications updates. Designed new Standard Aluminum Light Pole Assemblies and modified ASTM galvanization reference for bolts, nuts and washers. Changed foundation reinforcement. |
17723 | 1-3 of 3 | 17723.pdf | STEEL STRAIN POLE - Dated 07-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications updates. Designed new Standard Steel Strain Pole Assemblies and modified ASTM galvanization reference for bolts, nuts and washers.Changed foundation reinforcement. |
17725 | 1-2 of 2 | 17725.pdf | CONCRETE STRAIN POLE - Dated 01-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications update. Designed new Standard Concrete Strain Pole Assemblies. |
17727 | 1-2 of 2 | 17727.pdf | SIGNAL CABLE & SPAN WIRE INSTALLATION DETAILS - Dated 01-01-07: Single Point Connection was modified and adjustable hangar was changed. |
17743 | 1-3 of 3 | 17743.pdf | STANDARD MAST ARM "D", "E" & "F" ASSEMBLIES - Dated 07-01-07: AASHTO 2001 LTS-4 Specifications updates. Designed new Standard Mast Arm "D", "E" and "F" Assemblies. |
17841 | 1 of 1 | 17841.pdf | CABINET INSTALLATION DETAILS- Dated 07-01-06: Added details and notes for alternate power Transfer Switch. |
18100 | 1 of 1 | 18100.pdf | CCTV POLE PLACEMENT – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18101 | 1 of 1 | 18101.pdf | TYPICAL CCTV SITE – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18102 | 1-2 of 2 | 18102.pdf | CCTV POLE GROUNDING – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18104 | 1 of 1 | 18104.pdf | CCTV CABINET EQUIPMENT LAYOUT – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18105 | 1 of 1 | 18105.pdf | CCTV BLOCK DIAGRAM – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18107 | 1 of 1 | 18107.pdf | GROUND MOUNTED CCTV CABINET – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18108 | 1 of 1 | 18108.pdf | POLE MOUNTED CCTV CABINET – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18110 | 1-2 of 2 | 18110.pdf | CAMERA MOUNTING DETAILS – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18111 | 1-2 of 2 | 18111.pdf | STEEL CCTV POLE – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18113 | 1-2 of 2 | 18113.pdf | CONCRETE CCTV POLE – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18202 | 1 of 1 | 18202.pdf | FIBER OPTIC PULLBOX AND TRENCH DETAILS – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index.. |
18204 | 1 of 1 | 18204.pdf | FIBER OPTIC SPLICE BOX AND PULLBOX – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18300 | 1 of 1 | 18300.pdf | DMS CABINET AND SIGN WIRING AND BLOCK DIAGRAM – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18301 | 1 of 1 | 18301.pdf | DMS CABINET LAYOUT – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18302 | 1 of 1 | 18302.pdf | TYPICAL DMS MOUNTING DETAILS – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18303 | 1-2 of 2 | 18303.pdf | DMS STRUCTURE DETAILS – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
18305 | 1-2 of 2 | 18305.pdf | DMS GROUNDING DETAILS – Dated 01-01-06: This is a new index. |
20150 | 1 of 1 | 20150.pdf | AASHTO TYPE V BEAM - Dated 01-01-06: Added embedded bearing plates to all beams |
20160 | 1 of 1 | 20160.pdf | AASHTO TYPE VI BEAM - Dated 01-01-06: Added embedded bearing plates to all beams |
20172 | 1 of 1 | 20172.pdf | FLORIDA BULB-T 72 BEAM - Dated 01-01-06: Added embedded bearing plates to all beams |
20178 | 1 of 1 | 20178.pdf | FLORIDA BULB-T 78 BEAM - Dated 01-01-06: Added embedded bearing plates to all beams |
20400 | 1 of 1 | 20400.pdf | NOTES AND DETAILS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE SHEET PILES - Dated 01-01-06: Changed "DESIGN PARAMETERS" and "PILE PICK-UP AND HANDLING" notes for Type "B" & "C" piles. Deleted plastic filter fabric from Detail "A" (Section Taken Below Dimension "X") |
20501 | 1 of 1 | 20501.pdf | BEVELED BEARING PLATE DETAILS - PRESTRESSED AASHTO AND BULB-T BEAMS - Dated 01-01-06: Replaces Index No. 20501. Added embedded bearing plates to all AASHTO Type V, VI and Florida Bulb-T beams. Changed concrete anchor stud. |
20502 | 1 0f 1 | 20502.pdf | BEVELED BEARING PLATE DETAILS - FLORIDA U-BEAMS - Dated 01-01-06: - This is a new Index to provide details for Bearing Plates on Prestressed Florida U-Beams |
20602 | 1 of 1 | 20602.pdf | EDC INSTRUMENTATION FOR SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES - Dated 11-07-06: This is a new Index for use in prestressed piles by Special Provision 455-5.12 and implemented under Structures & Construction Office Temporary Design Bulletin C06-10. |
20630 | 1 of 1 | 20630.pdf | 30”SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE - Dated 01-01-06: Added dimension "4'-0" Solid Section - Typical for Pile" & "11'-0" Solid Section - Typical for Splice Section" to ELEVATION |
20630 | 1 of 1 | 20630A.pdf | 30”SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE - Dated 11-07-06: Replaces Index No. 20630 and Interim Index No. 20630 Dated 01-01-06. Deleted 2" diameter vent hole in tip of pile and 3/4" diameter side vent holes. Changed 4'-0" Solid Sections to 11'-0" Solid Section at each end of the pile. |
21110 | 1-2 of 2 | 21110.pdf | POURED JOINT WITH BACKER ROD EXPANSION JOINT SYSTEM - Dated 01-01-06: This is a new Index |
21220 | 1 of 2 | 21220.pdf | NAVIGATION LIGHT SYSTEM DETAILS (FIXED BRIDGES) - Dated 01-01-06: Changed Mid Fender light location |
21600 | 1-7 of 7 | 21600.pdf | TEMPORARY DETOUR BRIDGE GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS – Dated 07-01-06: This is a new Index to provide general notes and bearing details for temporary bridge applications. |
21600 | 1 of 7 | 21600A.pdf | TEMPORARY DETOUR BRIDGE GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS - Dated 01-01-07: Added "Storage Facility" and "Shipping Weights and Dimensions" notes and clarified the Instructions to Designer. |
21600 | 3 of 7 | 21600B.pdf | TEMPORARY DETOUR BRIDGE GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS - Dated 07-01-07: Added vertical dimensions between deck surface and underside of bearings, including depth of Truss Panel. |
21610 | 1-3 of 3 | 21610.pdf | TEMPORARY DETOUR BRIDGE DETAILS – TIMBER PILE FOUNDATIONS– Dated 07-01-06: This is a new Index to provide bearing and backwall details for timber pile foundations. |
21620 | 1-2 of 2 | 21620.pdf | TEMPORARY DETOUR BRIDGE DETAILS – STEEL H PILE FOUNDATIONS – Dated 07-01-06: This is a new Index to provide bearing and back wall details for steel H pile foundations. |
21630 | 1-3 of 3 | 21630.pdf | TEMPORARY DETOUR BRIDGE DETAILS – STEEL PIPE PILE FOUNDATIONS – Dated 07-01-06: This is a new Index to provide bearing and pile cap details for steel pipe pile foundations |
21900 | 1-2 of 2 | 21900.pdf | FENDER SYSTEM GENERAL NOTES AND LAYOUT - Dated 01-01-06: This is a new Index to provide General Notes and Details for Heavy, Medium and Light Duty Fender Systems |
21900 | 1 of 2 | 21900A.pdf | FENDER SYSTEM GENERAL NOTES AND LAYOUT - Dated 01-01-07: Changed Instructions to Designer note. |
21910 | 1-5 of 5 | 21910.pdf | FENDER SYSTEM HEAVY DUTY - Dated 01-01-06: This is a new Index to provide details for the Heavy Duty Fender System |
21920 | 1-5 of 5 | 21920.pdf | FENDER SYSTEM MEDIUM DUTY - Dated 01-01-06: This is a new Index to provide details for the Medium Duty Fender System |
21930 | 1-5 of 5 | 21930.pdf | FENDER SYSTEM LIGHT DUTY - Dated 01-01-06: This is a new Index to provide details for the Light Duty Fender System |