CBT Phase 1 Documents

The following are links to the documents prepared for the refinement of the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) completed in 2012, in addition to the Alternatives Analysis documents completed in 2006. Presentations made to public agencies, as well as community meetings are included below. Additional study documents are available upon request. Please contact the Project Team at comments@centralbrowardtransit.com for more information.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the following documents. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, please click here and follow the instructions to download.

Note: Some of these files are large and may take several minutes to download.

Information Sessions

Streetcar Design and Construction Presentation

Streetcar Videos

Public Meetings

January 2016 Open House Meeting Materials

Project Documents

2012 Locally Preferred Alternative Selection

2006 Alternatives Analysis


By Date

Working Groups

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.

En Español: Para recibir información sobre el proyecto o hacer una pregunta en español, por favor llame a nuestra línea de información (954) 947-6545.

An Kreyol: Pou plis enfòmasyon, tanpri rele (954) 947-6545.