Tom King Bayou pedestrian bridge ribbon cutting ceremony August 24th 2022 in Navarre, FL pic2LAP Training

All LAP training since May 2020 is now posted as a recorded webinar on the Florida LTAP website. For a complete list of webinar trainings, please go to Florida LTAP Center - Local Programs Training Resources. The recorded webinars include course materials and most qualify for PDH credits. 

LAP training is offered in a variety of formats for local agency staff and consultants as well as FDOT staff. Most courses are free of charge to government agency staff, but may require travel. The courses listed below reflect a sampling of those offered through various transportation agencies statewide and nationally.


Traditional Training Opportunities

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LAP Workshop Course No. BT 05-0151
LAP Professional Services Checklist Training Course No. BT-05-0152
LAP Title VI Sub-Recipient Compliance Assessment Tool (SCAT) Training Course No. BT-05-0153
LAP American with Disabilities Act Course No. BT-05-0062
LAP Construction Checklist Training Course No. BT-05-0197


Courses Offered by Other FDOT Offices

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Specifications Package Preparation Training for Consultant Firms
PD&E Manual Process Training (Course Catalog No. BT-19-0034) Webinar Course
Design Training Expo - Orlando


FHWA Training Opportunities

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National Highway Institute ADA Pedestrian Facility Design
On-Line Training: Effective On-Site Reviews
FREE AASHTO TC3 curriculum available online and via mobile devices


Computer Based training Opportunities

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FDOT - Traffic Engineering and Operations Office - ITS Systems Engineering 100 Course (
LAP Certification/Recertification CBT
LAP Professional Services CBT
Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC) CBT
National Highway Institute (NHI)
FHWA Emergency Relief Program Overview
Resident Compliance Specialist CBT
Electronic Review Comments CBT