July 2018 Workbook

implemented modifications to the 2018 standard specifications

July 2018 workbook

for lettings effective July - December 2018

Special provisions - Specific clauses adding to or revising the standard specifications, setting forth conditions varying from or additional to the standard specifications for a specific project.



Supplemental specifications - additions or revisions to the standard specifications.


History of revisions - to review the history of revisions for this workbook.


mandatory revisions - critical modifications implemented for the workbook.
mandatory revision #2 - to review the implementation letter.
mandatory revision #1 - to review the implementation letter.


note: these files are in adobe acrobat (pdf) format.

file size ranges from 9 kb to 200 kb.

special provisionssp0000001usage note
proposal requirements and conditions (business development initiative).
(rev 4-21-16) (fa 4-21-16) (7-18)

changes to: 2-1, 2-7.
sp0020100bdiuse with the approval of the district program management office.
use with sp0030201bdi, sp0071302bdi and sp0080100bdi.
proposal requirements and conditions - examination of plans, specifications, special provisions, and site of work.
(rev 11-3-15) (fa 1-27-16) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 2-4.
sp0020400all jobs (add a phone number or email address)
do not use withsp0020400-60day
proposal requirements and conditions - examination of plans, specifications, special provisions, and site of work (60 day ad).
(rev 4-11-16) (fa 7-1-16) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 2-4.
sp0020400-60dayjobs with 60-day ads. (add a phone number or email address)
do not use withsp0020400
proposal requirements and conditions - preparation of proposals (a+b bidding).
(rev 6-22-04) (fa 7-13-04) (7-18)

changes to: 2-5.1.
sp0020501aba+b bidding. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
use with sp0030100ab, sp0030203ab,sp0080701ab and sp0081300ab.
proposal requirements and conditions - preparation of proposals (lane rental).
(rev 2-21-05) (fa 3-31-05) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 2-5.1.
sp0020501lrlane rental. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
use with sp0030100lr, sp0081300lrdr and sp0081300lr.
award and execution of contract - consideration of bids - scope alternates.
(rev 11-3-15) (fa 11-20-15) (7-18)

changes to: 3-1.
sp0030100use at the direction of the district construction engineer in accordance with the work program instructions.
*notify contracts office on transmittal memo.
award and execution of contract - consideration of bids (a+b bidding).
(rev 11-5-97) (fa 1-20-98) (7-18)

insert information required
changes to: 3-1.
sp0030100aba+b bidding. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
use with sp0020501ab, sp0030203ab, sp0080701ab and sp0081300ab.
award and execution of contract - consideration of bids (budgetary constraints).
(rev 11-3-15) (fa 11-20-15) (7-18)

insert information required
changes to: 3-1.
sp0030100bcuse at the direction of the district construction engineer in accordance with the work program instructions.
*notify the contracts administration office on the transmittal memo.
award and execution of contract - consideration of bids (lane rental).
(rev 11-3-15) (fa 11-20-15) (7-18)

changes to: 3-1.
sp0030100lrlane rental. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
use with sp0020501lr, sp0081300lr and sp0081300lrdr.
award and execution of contract - consideration of bids (lump sum).
(rev 8-1-00) (7-18)

changes to: 3-1.
sp0030100lslump sum projects
award and execution of contract (timeframe modification).
(rev 3-2-17) (fa 4-27-17) (7-18)

insert information required
changes to: 3-2, 3-6, 3-7.
sp0030200use when modifying the “award and execution” timeframes in the standard specifications.
*contracts office must approve.
award and execution of contract (business development initiative).
(rev 5-13-15) (fa 7-13-15)(7-18)

changes to: 3-2.1, 3-2.2, 3-6, 3-7.
sp0030201bdiuse with the approval of the district program management office.
use with sp0020100bdi, sp0071302bdi, and sp0080100bdi.
award and execution of contract - award of contracts (a+b bidding)
(rev 8-22-96) (fa 9-3-96) (7-18)

insert information required
changes to: 3-2.
sp0030203aba+b bidding. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
use with sp0020501ab, sp0030100ab, sp0080701ab, and sp0081300ab.
award and execution of contract - public records
(rev 10-17-16) (fa 10-24-16 ) (7-18)

changes to: 3-9.
sp0030900all jobs.
scope of the work - intent of contract.
(rev 8-19-09) (fa 8-24-09) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 4-1.
sp0040100all jobs, excluding lump sum.
scope of the work (lump sum).
(rev 6-3-16) (fa 6-9-16) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 4-1, 4-3.1, 4-3.4, 4-3.9.4.
sp0040100lslump sum projects
control of the work (lump sum).
(rev 3-15-02) (7-18)

changes to: 5-1.1, 5-2, 5-7.6.
sp0050101lslump sum projects
control of the work - general inspection requirements - cooperation by the contractor.
(rev 2-10-94) (7-18)

changes to: 5-9.1
sp0050901long bridge jobs (1500 feet or longer); modify to suit.
control of materials - acceptance criteria (lump sum).
(rev 8-17-09) (fa 8-24-09) (7-18)

changes to: 6-1.
sp0060100lslump sum projects
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed (compliance with fhwa 1273).
(rev 1-2-14) (1-16-14) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.1.
sp0070101all federal aid jobs
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (bear).
(rev 6-6-17) (fa 6-13-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-1use when called for by the district environmental permit office (bear)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (eagle).
(rev 6-16-17) (fa 6-28-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-2use when called for by the district environmental permit office (eagle)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (gopher tortoise).
(rev 6-15-17) (fa 6-20-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-3use when called for by the district environmental permit office (gopher tortoise)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (manatee).
(rev 6-15-17) (fa 6-20-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-4use when called for by the district environmental permit office (manatee)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (sawfish).
(rev 5-25-17) (fa 6-13-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-5use when called for by the district environmental permit office (sawfish)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (sea turtle).
(rev 5-25-17) (fa 6-28-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-6use when called for by the district environmental permit office (sea turtle)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (indigo snake).
(rev 5-25-17) (fa 6-13-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-7use when called for by the district environmental permit office (indigo snake)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - laws to be observed - compliance with federal endangered species act and other wildlife regulations (sturgeon).
(rev 5-25-17) (fa 6-28-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-1.4.
sp0070104-8use when called for by the district environmental permit office (sturgeon)
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - permits and licenses (permits procured by the department).
(rev 11-10-16) (fa 1-26-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-2.1.
sp0070201ajobs with permits procured by dot
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - work or structures in navigable waters of the u.s., waters of the u.s. and waters of the state (discharge to).
(rev 6-9-15) (fa 7-22-15) (7-18)

changes to: 7-2.2.
sp0070202when swppp is used. (one or more acres disturbed.)
legal requirements and responsibilities to the public - preservation of existing property (toll facilities).
(rev 7-22-14) (fa 10-15-14) (7-18)

changes to: 7-11.1, 7-11.2.
sp0071101-tollsuse with the approval of the district traffic operations engineer.
legal requirements and responsibilities to the public - preservation of existing property - operations within the railroad right-of-way.
(rev 3-11-16) (fa 8-2-16) (7-18)

changes to: 7-11.4.
sp0071104rrprojects involving csx transportation, ns, fec, or operations within the south florida rail corridor and the central florida rail corridor right of way
legal requirements and responsibilities to the public - preservation of existing property - utilities - Florida gas transmission company, llc (fgt) facilities.
(rev 4-6-16) (fa 4-20-16) (7-18)

changes to: 7-11.5.
sp0071105fgtuse when florida gas transmission company, llc (fgt) is within the project limits.
use with sp0071201fgt.
legal requirements and responsibilities to the public - preservation of existing property - utilities - utility adjustments (no utility work schedules).
(rev 2-10-94) (7-18)

changes to: 7-11.5.3.
sp0071153awhen there are no utility work schedules.
legal requirements and responsibilities to the public - preservation of existing property - utilities - utility adjustments (utility work schedules).
(rev 11-10-16) (fa 1-26-17) (7-18)

changes to: 7-11.5.3.
sp0071153bwhen there are utility work schedules.
legal requirements and responsibilities to the public (Florida gas transmission (fgt) company, llc encroachment agreements).
(rev 7-28-16) (fa 7-31-15) (7-18)

changes to: 7-12.1, 7-13.2, 7-13.4.
sp0071201fgtuse when florida gas transmission company, llc (fgt) is within the project limits.
use with sp0071105fgt.
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - insurance - commercial general liability insurance (business development initiative).
(rev 4-10-15) (fa 7-31-15) (7-18)

changes to: 7-13.2
sp0071302bdiuse with the approval of the district program management office.
use with sp0020100bdi, sp0030201bdi, and sp0080100bdi.
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - wage rates for federal-aid projects.
(rev 9-1-17) (fa 10-31-17) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 7-16.
sp0071600all federal aid jobs
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - equal employment opportunity requirements.
(rev 4-25-02) (fa 7-17-02) (7-18)

changes to: section 7.
sp0072700non-federal aid projects
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - preference to state residents.
(rev 1-13-12) (7-18)

changes to: section 7.
sp0072800non-federal aid projects.
construction projects only.
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - e-verify.
(rev 6-13-11) (fa 6-16-11) (7-18)

changes to: section 7.
sp0072900all jobs
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - scrutinized companies.
(rev 4-20-16) (7-18)

changes to: section 7.
sp0073000all jobs
sp deleted and replaced with sp0073000 implemented by man02 for 7-18
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - scrutinized companies.
(rev 3-22-18) (7-18)

changes to: section 7.
sp0073000all jobs
mandatory #2
legal requirements and responsibility to the public - title vi assurance - dot 1050.2, appendix a and appendix e.
(rev 5-27-16) (fa 6-2-16) (7-18)

changes to: section 7.
sp0073100all federally funded jobs
prosecution and progress - subletting or assigning of contracts (business development initiative).
(rev 4-21-15) (fa 7-13-15) (7-18)

changes to: 8-1.
sp0080100bdiuse with the approval of the district program management office.
use with sp0020100bdi, sp0030201bdi, and sp0071302bdi.
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work (submission of working schedule).
(rev 11-13-14) (fa 1-22-15) (7-18)

changes to: 8-3.2.
sp0080302ause only when cpm is authorized by district construction engineer.
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work - beginning work (flexible start time).
(rev 3-2-17) (fa 4-27-17) (7-18)

insert information required
changes to: 8-3.3.
sp0080303awhen called for by the district construction engineer or the district maintenance engineer/administrator.
*contracts office must be notified.
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work - beginning work (notice to proceed).
(rev 3-2-17) (fa 4-27-17) (7-18)

insert information required
changes to: 8-3.3.
sp0080303bwhen called for by the district construction engineer.
use with the approval of the chief engineer.
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work - beginning work (mandatory start date).
(rev 3-2-17) (fa 4-27-17) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-3.3.
sp0080303cwhen called for by the district construction engineer.
use with the approval of the chief engineer.
*contracts office must be notified.
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work - partnering.
(rev 5-15-12) (fa 5-21-12) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-3.
*contracts office must be notified.
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work - disputes review board.
(rev 1-4-11) (fa 1-21-11) (7-18)

changes to: 8-3.
sp0080307drb999-20 items
*contracts office must be notified.
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work - regional disputes review board.
(rev 1-4-11) (fa 1-21-11) (7-18)

changes to: 8-3.
sp0080307rdrbjobs without 999-20 items
prosecution and progress - prosecution of work - statewide disputes review board.
(rev 1-4-11) (fa 1-21-11) (7-18)

changes to: 8-3.
sp0080308sdrb334, 337, 350, 570, 580 or 649 items
prosecution and progress – computation of contract time – adjusting contract time – increased work (lump sum).
(rev 8-1-00) (7-18)

changes to: 8-4.1, 8-7.3.1.
sp0080401lslump sum projects
prosecution and progress - limitations of operations - fencing.
(rev 6-17-04) (fa 7-13-04) (7-18)

changes to: 8-4.8.
sp0080408jobs on limited access highways
prosecution and progress - limitations of operations - contaminated material (mercury-containing devices and lamps).
(rev 11-6-95) (fa 12-27-95) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-4.9.
sp0080409jobs with lighting
prosecution and progress - computation of contract time - general (reduced productivity).
(rev 12-22-98) (fa 1-19-99) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-7.1.
sp0080701ause with approval of the district construction engineer.
prosecution and progress - computation of contract time - general (a+b bidding).
(rev 7-24-96) (fa 9-3-96) (7-18)

changes to: 8-7.1.
sp0080701aba+b bidding. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
use with sp0020501ab, sp0030100ab,sp0030203ab, and sp0081300ab.
prosecution and progress - computation of contract time - general (shortened contract time).
(rev 2-14-94) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-7.1.
sp0080701buse with the approval of the chief engineer.
prosecution and progress - computation of contract time - general (higher production rates).
(rev 12-22-98) (fa 2-1-99) (7-18)

changes to: 8-7.1.
sp0080701cuse when requested by the district construction engineer.
prosecution and progress - liquidated damages for failure to complete the work.
(rev 11-30-16) (fa 1-27-17) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: section 8-10.1, 8-10-2.
sp0081000use on all revenue producing projects.
prosecution and progress - damage recovery (user cost).
(rev 2-4-04) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-12.
sp0081200use when requested by the district construction engineer.
(do not use with lane rental)
prosecution and progress - alternative bidding.
(rev 7-28-97) (7-18)

changes to: section 8.
sp0081300aall jobs with alternative bidding. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
8-13. Incentive - disincentive for a+b.
(rev 7-27-04) (fa 7-28-04) (1-13)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300aba+b bidding. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer. Use with sp0020501ab, sp0030100ab, sp0030203ab, and sp0080701ab.
8-13. "bonus" payment and waiver of contractor claims.
(rev 5-19-04) (fa 7-13-04) (1-05)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300abba+b jobs with bonus use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
8-13. " bonus " payment and waiver of contractor claims.
(rev 7-27-04) (fa 7-28-04) (1-05)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300bbonus (date specific) use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
8-13. "bonus" payment and waiver of contractor claims.
(rev 7-27-04) (fa 7-28-04) (1-05)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300bcdbonus (calendar days) use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
8-13. Incentive - disincentive.
(rev 7-27-04) (fa 7-28-04) (1-05)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300idincentive - disincentive. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer. Do not use with sp0081300mid.
8-13. Incentive - disincentive for lane rental days.
(rev 9-25-03) (fa 12-24-03) (7-04)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300idlrincentive-disincentive for lane rental days. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer. Do not use with sp0081300lr or sp0081300lrdr.
8-13. Liquidated savings for early completion.
(rev 5-18-99) (fa 6-10-99) (7-00)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300lqsliquidated savings. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
8-13. Pay adjustment for fewer-more lane rental days.
(rev 4-29-97) (fa 5-7-97) (7-00)

changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300lrlane rental. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer. Use with sp0020501lr, sp0030100lr, and sp0081300lrdr.
8-13. Damage recovery.
(rev 9-25-03) (fa 12-24-03) (7-04)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300lrdrlane rental. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer. Use with sp0020501lr, sp0030100lr, and sp0081300lr.
8-13. "bonus" payment and waiver of contractor claims.
(rev 4-12-06) (fa 4-25-06) (1-07)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300mbmilestone bonus use with the approval of the district construction engineer. Do not use with sp0081300b or sp0081300bcd.
8-13. Incentive - disincentive.
(rev 2-9-06) (fa 4-25-06) (1-07)

insert information required.
changes to: 8-13.
sp0081300midmilestone incentive-disincentive. Use with the approval of the district construction engineer. Do not use with sp0081300id.
measurement and payment (lump sum).
(rev 11-4-16) (fa 1-6-17) (7-18)

changes to: 9-1.3, 9-2, 9-3, 9-5.5.2, 9-11.
sp0090103lslump sum projects
clearing and grubbing - removal of existing bridges - general.
(rev 9-10-07) (fa 2-15-08) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 110-6.1.
sp1100601use when requested by the district construction engineer. Must have signed agreement from the local agency receiving the material.
clearing and grubbing - removal of existing bridges - asbestos containing materials (acm) identified prior to the work.
(rev 11-10-16) (fa 1-26-17) (7-18)

changes to: 110-6.
sp1100606use when areas of asbestos abatement are identified in the plans.
clearing and grubbing (material for reef establishment).
(rev 7-10-95) (fa 6-21-99) (7-18)

changes to: 110-11.7, 110-12.7.
excavation and embankment - description - indentified areas of contamination.
(rev 10-10-16) (fa 1-26-17 ) (7-18)

changes to: 120-1.
sp1200100ause when contaminated areas are delineated in the plans.
milling of existing asphalt pavement.
(rev 8-31-99) (fa 2-14-00) (7-18)

insert information required.
changes to: 327-1, 327-6.
sp3270100when the plans provide a location for stockpiling milled material. Insert quantity to be retained. Use "all, tons, square yards", etc.
milling of existing asphalt pavement - equipment.
(rev 12-1-93) (7-18)

changes to: 327-2.
sp3270200use when requested by the district.
hot mix asphalt - general construction requirements.
(rev 2-22-18) (fa 2-22-18) (7-18)

changes to: 330-8.2, 330-9.4, 330-9.5.
sp3300802smooth pavement, for interstate and limited access roadway projects only.
use with the approval of the district construction engineer.
cement concrete pavement (colored concrete).
(rev 5-11-16) (fa 5-12-16) (7-18)

changes to: 350-1, 350-2, 350-10.
sp3500200jobs with colored concrete pavement
integral pile and column jackets.
(rev 1-7-16) (fa 1-14-16) (7-18)

changes to: 457.
sp4570000457 items
(rev 7-31-17) (fa 8-9-17) (7-18)

changes to: 580.
sp5800000non-federal aid jobs with landscaping.
use when requested by the dde.
(rev 7-31-17) (fa 8-9-17) (7-18)

changes to: 580.
sp5800000faall federal aid jobs with landscaping.
use when requested by the dde.
highway advisory radio.
(rev 10-16-15) (fa 12-31-15) (7-18)

sp6870000use with the approval of the chief engineer.
supplemental specificationsss0000001usage note
001    maintenance of traffic.
(rev 3-13-18) (fa 3-23-18) (7-18)

changes to: 102-7, 102-11.2.
ss1020700all jobs
mandatory #1 (7-18 implementation)
appendicesxapendixusage note
technical special provisions.

the following technical special provisions are individually signed and sealed but are included as part of this specifications package.


xtspsjobs with tsps