July 2017 Workbook
Implemented Modifications to the 2017 Standard Specifications
July 2017 Workbook
for Lettings Effective July - December 2017
Special Provisions - Specific clauses adding to or revising the Standard Specifications, setting forth conditions varying from or additional to the Standard Specifications for a specific project.
Supplemental Specifications - Additions or revisions to the Standard Specifications.
History of Revisions - To review the History of revisions for this Workbook.
Mandatory Revisions - Critical modifications implemented for the Workbook.
Mandatory Revision #4 - To review the implementation letter.
Mandatory Revision #3 - To review the implementation letter.
Mandatory Revision #2 - To review the implementation letter.
Mandatory Revision #1 - To review the implementation letter.
Workbook Document - Final - To review the changes to the Workbook.
Workbook Document - Draft -
To review the Workbook.
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SPECIAL PROVISIONS | SP0000001 | Usage Note |
PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS. (REV 4-21-16) (FA 4-21-16) (7-17) Changes to: 2-1, 2-7. | SP0020100BDI | Use with the approval of the District Program Management Office. Use with SP0030201BDI, SP0071302BDI and SP0080100BDI. |
PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS - EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE OF WORK. (REV 11-3-15) (FA 1-27-16) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 2-4. | SP0020400 | All Jobs (add a phone number or email address) Do not use withSP0020400-60day |
PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS - EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE OF WORK. (REV 4-11-16) (FA 7-1-16) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 2-4. | SP0020400-60day | Jobs with 60-day Ads. (add a phone number or email address) Do not use withSP0020400 |
PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS. (REV 6-22-04) (FA 7-13-04) (7-17) Changes to: 2-5.1. | SP0020501AB | A+B Bidding. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0030100AB, SP0030203AB,SP0080701AB and SP0081300AB. |
PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS. (REV 2-21-05) (FA 3-31-05) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 2-5.1. | SP0020501LR | Lane Rental. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0030100LR, SP0081300LRDR and SP0081300LR. |
CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - SCOPE ALTERNATES. (REV 11-3-15) (FA 11-20-15) (7-17) Changes to: 3-1. | SP0030100 | Use at the direction of the District Construction Engineer in accordance with the Work Program Instructions. *Notify Contracts Office on Transmittal Memo. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. (REV 11-5-97) (FA 1-20-98) (7-17) Insert Information Required Changes to: 3-1. | SP0030100AB | A+B Bidding. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0020501AB, SP0030203AB, SP0080701AB and SP0081300AB. |
BUDGETARY CONSTRAINTS. (REV 11-3-15) (FA 11-20-15) (7-17) Insert Information Required Changes to: 3-1. | SP0030100BC | Use at the direction of the District Construction Engineer in accordance with the Work Program Instructions. *Notify the Contracts Administration Office on the Transmittal Memo. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. (REV 11-3-15) (FA 11-20-15) (7-17) Changes to: 3-1. | SP0030100LR | Lane Rental. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0020501LR, SP0081300LR and SP0081300LRDR. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. (REV 8-1-00) (7-17) Changes to: 3-1. | SP0030100LS | Lump Sum Projects |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. (REV 11-3-15) (7-17) Insert Information Required Changes to: 3-2, 3-6, 3-7. | SP0030200 | When necessary to change standard “Award and Execution”. *Contracts Office must approve. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. (REV 5-13-15) (FA 7-13-15)(7-17) Changes to: 3-2.1, 3-2.2, 3-6, 3-7. | SP0030201BDI | Use with the approval of the District Program Management Office. Use with SP0020100BDI, SP0071302BDI and SP0080100BDI. |
AWARD OF CONTRACTS - A+B BIDDING (REV 8-22-96) (FA 9-3-96) (7-17) Insert Information Required Changes to: 3-2. | SP0030203AB | A+B Bidding. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0020501AB, SP0030100AB,SP0080701AB and SP0081300AB. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - PUBLIC RECORDS (REV 10-17-16) (FA 10-24-16 ) (7-17) Changes to: 3-9. | SP0030900 | All Jobs. |
SCOPE OF THE WORK - INTENT OF CONTRACT. (REV 8-19-09) (FA 8-24-09) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 4-1. | SP0040100 | All Jobs, excluding Lump Sum. |
SCOPE OF THE WORK. (REV 6-3-16) (FA 6-9-16) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 4-1, 4-3.1, 4-3.4, 4-3.9.4. | SP0040100LS | Lump Sum Projects |
CONTROL OF THE WORK. (REV 3-15-02) (7-17) Changes to: 5-1.1, 5-2, 5-7.6. | SP0050101LS | Lump Sum Projects |
INSPECTION. (REV 2-10-94) (7-17) Changes to: 5-9.1 | SP0050901 | Long bridge jobs (1500 feet or longer); modify to suit. |
CONTROL OF MATERIALS. (REV 8-17-09) (FA 8-24-09) (7-17) Changes to: 6-1. | SP0060100LS | Lump Sum Projects |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - COMPLIANCE WITH FHWA 1273. (REV 1-2-14) (1-16-14) (7-17) Changes to: 7-1.1. | SP0070101 | All Federal Aid Jobs |
PERMITS PROCURED BY THE DEPARTMENT. (REV 11-10-16) (FA 1-26-17) (7-17) Changes to: 7-2.1. | SP0070201A | Jobs with permits procured by DOT |
DISCHARGE TO OR WORK OR STRUCTURES IN NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE U.S., WATERS OF THE U.S. AND WATERS OF THE STATE. (REV 6-9-15) (FA 7-22-15) (7-17) Changes to: 7-2.2. | SP0070202 | When SWPPP is used. (One or more acres disturbed.) |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC - TOLL FACILITIES. (REV 7-22-14) (FA 10-15-14) (7-17) Changes to: 7-11.1, 7-11.2. | SP0071101-tolls | Use with the approval of the District Traffic Operations Engineer. |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC - OPERATIONS WITHIN THE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. (REV 3-11-16) (FA 8-2-16) (7-17) Changes to: 7-11.4. | SP0071104RR | Projects involving CSX Transportation, NS, FEC, or operations within the South Florida Rail Corridor and the Central Florida Rail Corridor Right of Way |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC - UTILITIES. (REV 4-6-16) (FA 4-20-16) (7-17) Changes to: 7-11.5. | SP0071105FGT | Use when Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (FGT) is within the project limits. |
UTILITY WORK. (REV 2-10-94) (7-17) Changes to: 7-11.5.3. | SP0071153A | When there are no utility work schedules. |
UTILITY SCHEDULES. (REV 11-10-16) (FA 1-26-17) (7-17) Changes to: 7-11.5.3. | SP0071153B | When there are utility work schedules. |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC - RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES, CLAIMS, ETC. (FGT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENTS). (REV 7-28-16) (FA 7-31-15) (7-17) Changes to: 7-12.1, 7-13.2, 7-13.4. | SP0071201FGT | Use when there is a Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (FGT) Encroachment Agreement. Use with SP0071105FGT. |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - INSURANCE. (REV 4-10-15) (FA 7-31-15) (7-17) Changes to: 7-13.2 | SP0071302BDI | Use with the approval of the District Program Management Office. Use with SP0020100BDI, SP0030201BDI and SP0080100BDI. |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - WAGE RATES FOR FEDERAL-AID PROJECTS. (REV 12-8-15) (FA 12-16-15) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 7-16. | SP0071600 | All Federal Aid Jobs |
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS. (REV 4-25-02) (FA 7-17-02) (7-17) Changes to: Section 7. | SP0072700 | Non-Federal Aid Projects |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - PREFERENCE TO STATE RESIDENTS. (REV 1-13-12) (7-17) Changes to: Section 7. | SP0072800 | Non-Federal Aid Projects. Construction Projects Only. |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - E-VERIFY. (REV 6-13-11) (FA 6-16-11) (7-17) Changes to: Section 7. | SP0072900 | All Jobs |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - TITLE VI ASSURANCE - DOT 1050.2, APPENDIX A and APPENDIX E. (REV 5-27-16) (FA 6-2-16) (7-17) Changes to: Section 7. | SP0073100 | All Federally Funded Jobs |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS. (REV 4-21-15) (FA 7-13-15) (7-17) Changes to: 8-1. | SP0080100BDI | Use with the approval of the District Program Management Office. Use with SP0020100BDI, SP0030201BDI and SP0071302BDI. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - SUBMISSION OF WORKING SCHEDULE. (REV 11-13-14) (FA 1-22-15) (7-17) Changes to: 8-3.2. | SP0080302A | Use only when CPM is authorized by District Construction Engineer. |
PROSECUTION OF WORK - FLEXIBLE START TIME. (REV 2-15-10) (FA 2-17-10) (7-17) Insert Information Required Changes to: 8-3.3. | SP0080303A | When called for by the District Construction Engineer or the District Maintenance Engineer/Administrator. *Contracts Office must be notified. |
BEGINNING WORK. (REV 7-10-95) (7-17) Insert Information Required Changes to: 8-3.3. | SP0080303B | When called for by the District Construction Engineer. Use with the approval of the Chief Engineer. |
BEGINNING WORK. (REV 10-22-98) (11-5-98) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-3.3. | SP0080303C | When called for by the District Construction Engineer. Use with the approval of the Chief Engineer. *Contracts Office must be notified. |
PROSECUTION OF WORK - PARTNERING. (REV 5-15-12) (FA 5-21-12) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-3. | SP0080306 | 999-16 *Contracts Office must be notified. |
PROSECUTION OF WORK - DISPUTES REVIEW BOARD. (REV 1-4-11) (FA 1-21-11) (7-17) Changes to: 8-3. | SP0080307DRB | 999-20 Items *Contracts Office must be notified. |
PROSECUTION OF WORK - REGIONAL DISPUTES REVIEW BOARD. (REV 1-4-11) (FA 1-21-11) (7-17) Changes to: 8-3. | SP0080307RDRB | Jobs without 999-20 Items |
PROSECUTION OF WORK - STATEWIDE DISPUTES REVIEW BOARD. (REV 1-4-11) (FA 1-21-11) (7-17) Changes to: 8-3. | SP0080308SDRB | 334, 337, 350, 570, 580 or 649 Items |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS. (REV 8-1-00) (7-17) Changes to: 8-4.1, 8-7.3.1. | SP0080401LS | Lump Sum Projects |
LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS - FENCING. (REV 6-17-04) (FA 7-13-04) (7-17) Changes to: 8-4.8. | SP0080408 | Jobs on Limited Access Highways |
CONTAMINATED MATERIAL - MERCURY-CONTAINING DEVICES AND LAMPS. (REV 11-6-95) (FA 12-27-95) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-4.9. | SP0080409 | Jobs with Lighting |
COMPUTATION OF CONTRACT TIME. (REV 12-22-98) (FA 1-19-99) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-7.1. | SP0080701A | Use with approval of the District Construction Engineer. |
COMPUTATION OF CONTRACT TIME. (REV 7-24-96) (FA 9-3-96) (7-17) Changes to: 8-7.1. | SP0080701AB | A+B Bidding. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0020501AB, SP0030100AB,SP0030203AB and SP0081300AB. |
COMPUTATION OF CONTRACT TIME. (REV 2-14-94) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-7.1. | SP0080701B | Use with the approval of the Chief Engineer. |
COMPUTATION OF CONTRACT TIME. (REV 12-22-98) (FA 2-1-99) (7-17) Changes to: 8-7.1. | SP0080701C | Use when requested by the District Construction Engineer. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - AMOUNT OF LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. (REV 11-30-16) (FA 1-27-17) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: Section 8-10.1, 8-10-2. | SP0081000 | Use on all revenue producing projects. |
DAMAGE RECOVERY. (REV 2-4-04) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: Section 8. | SP0081300 | Use when requested by the District Construction Engineer. (Do not use with Lane Rental) |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS. (REV 7-28-97) (7-17) Changes to: Section 8. | SP0081300A | All Jobs with Alternative Bidding. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. |
8-13. Incentive - Disincentive for A+B. (REV 7-27-04) (FA 7-28-04) (1-13) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300AB | A+B Bidding. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0020501AB, SP0030100AB, SP0030203AB and SP0080701AB. |
8-13. "Bonus" Payment and Waiver of Contractor Claims. (REV 5-19-04) (FA 7-13-04) (1-05) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300ABB | A+B Jobs with Bonus Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. |
8-13. " Bonus " Payment and Waiver of Contractor Claims. (REV 7-27-04) (FA 7-28-04) (1-05) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300B | Bonus (Date Specific) Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. |
8-13. "Bonus" Payment and Waiver of Contractor Claims. (REV 7-27-04) (FA 7-28-04) (1-05) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300BCD | Bonus (Calendar Days) Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. |
8-13. Incentive - Disincentive. (REV 7-27-04) (FA 7-28-04) (1-05) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300ID | Incentive - Disincentive. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Do not use with SP0081300MID. |
8-13. Incentive - Disincentive for Lane Rental Days. (REV 9-25-03) (FA 12-24-03) (7-04) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300IDLR | Incentive-Disincentive for Lane Rental Days. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Do not use with SP0081300LR or SP0081300LRDR. |
8-13. Liquidated Savings for Early Completion. (REV 5-18-99) (FA 6-10-99) (7-00) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300LQS | Liquidated Savings. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. |
8-13. Pay Adjustment For Fewer-More Lane Rental Days. (REV 4-29-97) (FA 5-7-97) (7-00) Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300LR | Lane Rental. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0020501LR, SP0030100LR and SP0081300LRDR. |
8-13. Damage Recovery. (REV 9-25-03) (FA 12-24-03) (7-04) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300LRDR | Lane Rental. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Use with SP0020501LR, SP0030100LR and SP0081300LR. |
8-13. "Bonus" Payment and Waiver of Contractor Claims. (REV 4-12-06) (FA 4-25-06) (1-07) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300MB | Milestone Bonus Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Do not use with SP0081300B or SP0081300BCD. |
8-13. Incentive - Disincentive. (REV 2-9-06) (FA 4-25-06) (1-07) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 8-13. | SP0081300MID | Milestone Incentive-Disincentive. Use with the approval of the District Construction Engineer. Do not use with SP0081300ID. |
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. (REV 11-4-16) (FA 1-6-17) (7-17) Changes to: 9-1.3, 9-2, 9-3, 9-5.5.2, 9-11. | SP0090103LS | Lump Sum Projects |
REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES - STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED. (REV 9-10-07) (FA 2-15-08) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 110-6.1. | SP1100601 | Use when requested by the District Construction Engineer. Must have signed agreement from the Local Agency receiving the material. |
REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES. (REV 11-10-16) (FA 1-26-17) (7-17) Changes to: 110-6. | SP1100606 | Use when areas of Asbestos Abatement are identified in the Plans. |
MATERIAL FOR REEF ESTABLISHMENT. (REV 7-10-95) (FA 6-21-99) (7-17) Changes to: 110-11.2, 110-12.7. | SP1101102 | 110-84 |
EXCAVATION - IDENTIFIED AREAS OF CONTAMINATION. (REV 10-10-16) (FA 1-26-17 ) (7-17) Changes to: 120-1. | SP1200100A | Use when contaminated areas are delineated in the Plans. |
LANDSCAPE SOIL LAYER. (REV 3-29-17) (7-17) Changes to: 163. | SP1630000 | All Jobs Mandatory #3 |
MILLING OF EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. (REV 8-31-99) (FA 2-14-00) (7-17) Insert Information Required. Changes to: 327-1, 327-6. | SP3270100 | When the Plans provide a location for stockpiling milled material. Insert quantity to be retained. Use "all, tons, square yards", etc. |
MILLING OF EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. (REV 12-1-93) (7-17) Changes to: 327-2. | SP3270200 | Use when requested by the District. |
CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT - COLORED CONCRETE. (REV 5-11-16) (FA 5-12-16) (7-17) Changes to: 350-1, 350-2, 350-10. | SP3500200 | Jobs with Colored Concrete Pavement |
INTEGRAL PILE AND COLUMN JACKETS. (REV 1-7-16) (FA 1-14-16) (7-17) Changes to: 457. | SP4570000 | 457 Items |
LANDSCAPING. (REV 1-7-15) (7-17) Changes to: 580. | SP5800000 | Non-Federal Aid Jobs with Landscaping. Use when requested by the DDE. |
LANDSCAPING. (REV 1-7-15) (FA 3-13-15) (7-17) Changes to: 580. | SP5800000FA | All Federal Aid Jobs with Landscaping. Use when requested by the DDE. |
HIGHWAY ADVISORY RADIO. (REV 10-16-15) (FA 12-31-15) (7-17) Section 687 moved from eBook to Special Provisions. | SP6870000 | Use with the approval of the Chief Engineer. |
| ||
Supplemental Specifications | SS0000001 | Usage Note |
001 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS. (REV 4-7-17) (FA 4-10-17) (9-17) Changes to: 1-3. | SS0010300 | All Jobs Mandatory #4 (9-17 Implementation) |
002 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS. (REV 4-7-17) (FA 4-10-17) (9-17) Changes to: 2-2.3, 2-2.4, 2-5.2, 2-6. | SS0020203 | All Jobs Mandatory #4 (9-17 Implementation) |
924 ADMIXTURES FOR CONCRETE. (REV 3-1-17) (FA 3-3-17) (7-17) Changes to: 924-2.1. | SS9240201 | All Jobs Mandatory #1 |
924 ADMIXTURES FOR CONCRETE. (REV 3-1-17) (FA 3-1-17) (7-17) Changes to: 924-2.7, 924-2.8. | SS9240207 | All Jobs Mandatory #2 |
| ||
Appendices | data-role="resizable">XAPENDIC | Usage Note |
The following Technical Special Provisions are individually signed and sealed but are included as part of this Specifications Package. | XTSPs | Jobs with TSPs |