Materials Acceptance and Certification System

The Materials Acceptance and Certification (MAC) system is the enterprise application that documents Materials Quality Assurance Procedure for Construction data including Project Materials Acceptance, Independent Assurance, Laboratory Qualification, Quality Control Program and Aggregate Control Program.

News and Information
MAC Status Update
Posted September 18, 2024 - Several enhancements are being programmed for MAC in anticipation of the MAC Cloud Migration Project. More information will be provided as they are made available. Also check the MAC application home screen for regular updates. Project status information will be shared by various methods of communication to users and stakeholders. For MAC ERS users experiencing slow response time and display issues, use the following guide ERS Slow Response Time for suggestions on improving display. The Department is currently developing fixes to the issues that should result in improvements in response time for all MAC users and display for ERS users. Some of these will be part of the enhancements mentioned above.

MAC Contacts

A list of MAC acronyms.
PDF  (212KB)

MAC Production Environment
Link to the Production version of MAC (

Access Instructions
Computer Based Training is available for the Access Instructions section in Learning Curve. Non-FDOT users can purchase a Learning Curve subscription outlined in the link to the right.
MAC Roles
MAC Role Summary NEW
MAC is a role based application. This is a summary of company and system roles along with who can assign them to users. Please review this document if you are not sure which roles to include on your access request.
Instructions (PDF-229KB) 
FDOT User ID Accounts
FDOT User ID Account Instructions
FDOT employees and non-FDOT users who need access to MAC and other FDOT applications that require an FDOT User ID account.
Instructions (PDF-181KB) 
Internet Subscriber Accounts
Internet Subscriber Account Instructions
Users who do not need to access any other FDOT applications requiring an FDOT User ID account.
Instructions (PDF-223KB) 
ISA Password Reset Instructions
How to reset a locked, forgotten or expired ISA password.
Instructions (PDF-757KB) 
Updating an ISA Account
How to update an existing ISA account for a change in email, name, company name, phone number or challenge question
Instructions (PDF-162KB) 
MAC login
MAC Login Instructions
How to Log into MAC with an FDOT user id or ISA
Instructions (PDF-933KB) 
Navigation and Reports
MAC Navigation
General instructions for navigation within the system. MAC is an internet based application. Navigation with back and forward arrows will exit you from the application.
Instructions (PDF-2.64MB) 
MAC Reports
General reporting instructions and report descriptions.
Instructions (PDF-1.53MB) 
Grant Company Access
Grant Access Instructions
How to grant access to another company.
Instructions (PDF-188KB) 
Acknowledge Granted Access Instructions
How to acknowledge access granted to your company.
Instructions (PDF-133KB)

Documents for Industry
What is a Company in MAC?
PDF  (115KB)
Profile Form for a New Company
This form is to add a new company, lab or production facility into MAC.
PDF  (825KB)

MAC Training Environment (
This link is to the MAC training environment. It is intended to be used when users participate in hands on or web-based training and can also be used after attending training to practice skills learned in the training session before trying them in the production environment.

ERS - Earthwork Record System Plots
PDF  (481KB)
ERS Slow Response NEW
PDF  (172KB)
Failing Test Notification NEW
Instructions for subscribing to the failing test notification shown with Earthwork Material filters for QC and VT earthwork technicians (must be a MAC user to subscribe) and PAs.
PDF  (248KB)
Earthwork Record System Plot Instructions
PDF  (7.77MB)
ERS Plans Reading Guidelines
Guidelines for QC data entry to find ERS related information from plans for plotting and PAs for reviewing plots. NOTE: This document is a guide for extracting the needed data to create plots and review plots. It does not supersede any requirements of the actual contract documents on the project.
PDF  (2.8MB)
ERS Plot Introduction
Video  (6:11)
Non-Electronic ERS Plot Program – The software used for plotting of the Earthwork Records System (ERS) for projects let before 10/2021 in the state of Florida. Obtain approval from the District Materials Office if using Non-Electronic ERS Plot Program on jobs let on or after 10/2021. Download Installation Notes (PDF)
Zip  (8.8MB)
ESB Plots
Video  (7:46)
ESB Adjust Lifts
Video  (6:04)
Step Up and Down
Video  (6:32)
ESB Pads
Video  (7:02)
ESB Walls
Video  (4:50)
Drainage Logbook
Video  (6:33)
Update ERS Drainage Plots
Video  (4:30)
Mark Logbook Ready for Sampling
Video  (3:24)
ESB Field Adjustments
Video  (9:30)
Drainage Plot Field Adjustments
Video  (8:45)
ERS Plot Notifications
Video  (4:29)
ERS - Earthwork Record System Gauges
Company Profile Manager Gauge Maintenance
How to add existing users as a company profile manager to maintain company gauges, how to add update and delete company gauges and calibration data.
PDF  (2.16MB)
Create, Update, and Delete Company Gauges
Video  (3:37)
Add, Update, and Delete Company Gauge Calibration Information
Video  (7:04)
ERS Gauge Notifications
Video  (2:54)
Project Gauge Maintenance
Video  (3:17)
Initial 3-Way Gauge Comparison
Video  (5:50)
2-Way Gauge Comparison
Video  (4:10)
ERS - Earthwork Record System Samples
ERS Sample Manual
ERS Sample and Test Entry and Submission for field density, stabilizing mixing depth and base thickness samples.
PDF  (9.39MB)
ERS Sample Introduction
Introductory information about sampling and testing on ERS Projects
Video  (6:02)
Field Density ESB
How to create a field density sample on an ESB Logbook
Video  (13:51)
Pipe Backfill Density
How to create a field density on a Drainage Logbook
Video  (3:17)
Sample Project Navigation
How to navigate from the ERS screen to the Sample screen and from the Sample screen to the ERS screen
Video  (2:23)
Thick Lifts
Information on samples taken for thick lift approval for embankment, base, drainage and retaining walls
Video  (2:28)
Logged and Submitted Samples to Pending Finalization
How to process samples that do not complete the sample life cycle on the ERS Project screen from the Sample screen
Video  (4:39)
Proctor Samples
The impact of incomplete proctor samples on field density samples
Video  (3:29)
Field Density special cases
A summary of common situations that do not follow the normal sample life cycle, for example IV samples
Video  (4:22)
Stabilizing Mixing Depth
How to create a QC stabilizing mixing depth sample
Video  (5:15)
QC Base Thickness
How to create a QC base thickness sample
Video  (7:32)
Enter Witnessed By TIN
How the VT company enters the TIN of the verification technician who witnessed a stabilizing mixing depth or base thickness sample
Video  (3:29)
QC Submittal of Witnessed by Samples
How QC Data Reviewer submits a Witnessed By Sample to FDOT after VT company enters Witnessed By TIN
Video  (3:19)
Correct and Resubmit Sample
How to make sample data corrections, test corrections or both on samples that have been Returned for Corrections by the PA
Video  (4:01)
Mark Samples for Rework
Video  (5:27)
ERS Sample Notifications
Summary of the notifications related to ERS samples and Witnessed By functions.
Video  (4:10)
ERS Sample Numbering System
How to number ERS samples for sample tracking and comparison packages.
PDF  (695KB)
ERS - PA Instructions
PA ERS Manual
PDF  (3.77MB)
ESB Logbook Review
How to review initial plot data for ESB logbooks.
Video  (7:08)
Drainage Logbook Review
How to review initial plot data for Drainage logbooks.
Video  (4:04)
Field Density Review and Finalization
How to review field density sample before finalization, how to return incorrect samples for corrections and how to finalize them.
Video  (6:14)
ERS Field Density Sample Finalization Guidelist
PDF  (182KB)
ERS Field Density Comparison Packages
How to create a field density comparison package, how to add resolutions samples for non-comparisons, how to designate when resolution is not performed and how to create incomplete comparison packages.
Video  (8:08)
ERS - Earthwork Record Project Maintenance
ERS PMU Project Maintenance
PDF  (546KB)
ERS PMU Project Maintenance
Video  (4:51)
ERS Program Maintenance User Materials Certification Review New
Instructions for IA Project PMUs for conducting an MC Review on ERS data.
PDF  (1.8MB)

Notifications Subscriptions and Dashboard Basic Information
General Instructions all users should review
PDF  (1.48MB)
Introduction Video
How MAC notifications work, types of MAC notifications
Video  (3:15)
How to navigate to the My Subscriptions screen and subscribe, apply filters or unsubscribe
Video  (9:25)
Dashboard video
How to navigate to the Dashboard, acknowledge pending notifications and search all notifications
Video  (2:36)
Company Roles - Company Profile Managers
Instructions on MAC filtering for Company Profile Managers Reviewers and access notifications
PDF  (503KB)
Company Roles - Data Reviewers
Instructions on MAC filtering for Data Reviewers and sample notifications
PDF  (272KB)
Company Roles - Facility Profile Managers
Instructions on MAC filtering for Facility Profile Managers Reviewers and facility and product status notifications
PDF  (319KB)
Company Roles - Lab Managers
Instructions on MAC filtering for Lab Managers Reviewers lab profile and sample notifications
PDF  (1.0MB)
Contractor QC Manager
Instructions on MAC filtering for the Contractor QC Manager listed on the Contractor QC Plan (CQCP) in MAC
PDF  (298KB)
District Final Estimates Personnel
PMCL notification and review
PDF  (406KB)
FDOT Verifiers
Sample notifications for program samples for FDOT Verifiers
PDF  (415KB)
Materials Certifications for system roles other than PA or PMU
MC Review / MAR and PMCLs for RE, DBE, DCE, DMRE, DOC and DOM
PDF  (731KB)
Materials Office Mix Design Users
DMO Asphalt, SMO Asphalt, DMO Concrete, SMO Concrete
PDF  (362KB)
Mix Design Reviewers & Submitters
Mix Design Notifications for Mix Design Submitters and Mix Design Reviewers
PDF  (331KB)
Mix Design Notifications
Notification Filters for Mix Design Submitters, Mix Design Reviewers, and Materials Office Mix Design users
Video  (7:11)
Program Maintenance Users
Notifications for Material Program Management and samples
PDF  (757KB)
Project Administrators
CQCP, MC Review / MAR, Nonstandard JGS and Samples
PDF  (509KB)
Project Administrator Filters
PA role users opt in and filter examples
Video  (2:57)

Mix Designs
Asphalt Mix Design Part 1
Creating and Initiating the Mix Design
Video  (17:20)
Asphalt Mix Design Part 2
Entering the Test Data
Video  (12:31)
Asphalt Mix Design Part 3
Revising a Mix Design
Video  (12:30)
Concrete Mix Design Part 1
Creating a Mix Design and Entering Test Data
Video  (28:11)
Concrete Mix Design Part 2
Revising an Existing Mix Design
Video  (28:11)

Profile Managers
Company Profile Management Instructions
PDF  (2.02MB)
Company Profile Management Video
Video  (31:57)
Laboratory Profile Management Instructions
PDF  (2.38MB)
Laboratory Profile Management Video
Video  (28:15)
Production Facility Profile Management Instructions
PDF  (1.20MB)
Production Facility Profile Management Video
Video  (25:56)

Contractor Quality Control Plan Data Entry for QC Personnel
Contractor QC Plan Data Entry Instructions Updated for Materials Bulletin 24-02
PDF  (7.1MB)

Job Guide Schedule and Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide
Standard JGS Instructions
PDF  (1.4MB)
Non-standard JGS User Instructions
PDF  (3.7MB)
Non-Standard JGS Materials Summary Worksheet by Material Category
A spreadsheet summarizing MAC materials, Program MAC Specs and APL Specs to assist QC data entry and Project Administrators in creating and reviewing Non-standard JGS grouped by major material category, such as Soils, Drainage, Concrete, Guardrail, etc.
XLXS (248KB)
Online Sampling Testing and Reporting Guide Viewing Instructions
PDF  (992KB)

Sample Life Cycle Information
Project Sample User Manual 
PDF  (7.3MB)
Sample Life Cycle Data Entry and Submit Sample for FDOT Verification Video
Video  (32:47)
Sample Life Cycle FDOT Verification and Comparison Package Video
Video  (56:47)

Material Specific Sample Information
APL Tracking Sample Life Cycle Instructions
PDF  (2.8MB)
Creating an APL Tracking Sample
How to enter APL tracking sample
Video  (8:12)
APL Tracking Sample Test Results and Sample Submittal
How to enter APL tracking test results, review the sample and submit it to FDOT
Video  (4:24)
Earthwork Lab/Field Testing Summary - Version 4.2
This document provides a crosswalk for Earthwork sampling and testing and targets and limits to meet the specification requirements as well as general specification and construction notes. This document depicts MAC design and doesn't supersede any requirements of the actual contract documents on the project.
PDF  (3.65MB)
Asphalt Sample Information 
PDF  (2.22MB)
Rolling Straight Edge Sample Life Cycle Pre 07/2020
PDF  (2.13MB)
Rolling Straight Edge Sample Life Cycle Post 07/2020
PDF  (1.69MB)
Rolling Straightedge Test Results Q&As
PDF  (451KB)
Ride Acceptance for Laser Profile Sample Full Instructions
Notes regarding MAC samples on Laser Profiling for Ride Acceptance:
- The roadway should be ready, clean, open to traffic, and free of any construction equipment, etc. at the time of testing.
- The laser profiling MAC login request should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to testing.
PDF  (387KB)
Ride Acceptance for Laser Profile Sample Quick Sheet
Notes regarding MAC samples on Laser Profiling for Ride Acceptance:
- The roadway should be ready, clean, open to traffic, and free of any construction equipment, etc. at the time of testing.
- The laser profiling MAC login request should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to testing.
PDF  (185KB)
Project Structural Concrete Samples
PDF  (1.2MB)
Program Structural Concrete Samples
PDF  (699KB)
Auger Cast Pile Grout Samples
PDF  (1.78MB)
Structural Concrete Production Facility Chloride Samples
PDF  (2.22MB)
Liquid Asphalt Sample Data Entry and Submit for FDOT Verification Video
Video  (33:50)

State Materials Office Samples
Certification Documents Reviewed by State Materials Office
PDF  (1.81MB)
Guardrail Stamp Number Verifications
PDF  (937KB)
Program Random Samples Taken from FDOT Projects
PDF  (945KB)

Independent Assurance Samples
IA Data Entry for Proficiency Samples
PDF  (1MB)
IA Data Entry for Split Samples
PDF  (1MB)

Project Administrator Information
PA Concepts for MAC This material is currently unavailable as it is being revised.
PA Concepts for MAC Video This material is currently unavailable as it is being revised.
This optional training information provides detailed background information for users with the PA role. With the MAC implementation, responsibilities are being transferred to the PA. This video is designed to provide PAs who are unfamiliar with materials acceptance with the basic concepts

STRG/JGS for Project Administrator
MAC Spec Workbook Version to FDOT Contract Let Dates Crosswalk
PDF  (195KB)
PA Review of JGS Entry (MAC requirements) Updated for Work Order NSJGS
This document describes the MAC functions for the PA review of the standard JGS and non-standard JGS in MAC. Additional information for reviewing non-standard JGS entries for Lump Sum contracts to ensure contract compliance with Specifications Section can be found in the PA Instructions for LS JGS.
PDF  (1.27MB)
PA instructions for LS JGS (contract compliance requirements)
This document details the PA review of the non-standard JGS to ensure entries for Lump Sum contracts are compliant with Specifications Section 105.
PDF  (469KB)
APL Tracking and MC Review
Instructions for PAs and MC Reviewers on APL Tracking samples & MC Review.
PDF  (675KB)

FDOT Contractor QC Plan Review Updated for Materials Bulletin 24-02
PDF  (3.2MB)

Sample Finalization Guide Lists
Asphalt Plant Samples
PDF  (196KB)
Rolling Straightedge (Pre 07/2020)
PDF  (207KB)
Rolling Straightedge (Post 07/2020)
PDF  (210KB)
Soils/Earthwork Materials
PDF  (176KB)
ERS Field Density
PDF  (166KB)
Structural Concrete Materials
PDF  (134KB)

Materials Certification (MC) Review
MC Review for the PA
PDF  (4.33MB)
PA Notification for Location MAR Resolved Location Tab
Instructions on setting up an MC Review notification for the PA to be notified when a finding is MAR Resolved and ready to have the location information entered.
PDF  (230KB)
MC Review and MAR for District Construction Engineer
PDF  (1.26MB)
MC Review and MAR for the District Materials and Research Engineer
PDF  (1.41MB)
MC Review Program Maintenance User Manual
PDF  (2.23MB)
View PMCL Letters
How to find and view a PMCL letter in MAC.
PDF  (754KB)

Program Maintenance User Manuals
Independent Assurance Program Maintenance User Manual
PDF  (10.12MB)
Laboratory Qualification Program Maintenance User Manual
PDF  (3.0MB)
Quality Control Program Maintenance User Manual
PDF  (3.0MB)
Quality Control Program Maintenance User Product Maintenance Manual
PDF  (1.5MB)