Earthwork Operations
The Earthwork Operations Unit closely examines the materials and construction control process of earthwork operations to determine the degree of compliance with established standards. Inspections are performed on materials, workmanship and construction
control processes that can be measured by sampling, testing and review of project records.
Software Downloads
Non-Electronic ERS Plot Program
The software used for plotting of the Earthwork Records System (ERS) for projects let before 10/2021 in the state of Florida. Obtain approval from the District Materials Office if using Non-Electronic ERS Plot Program on jobs let on or after 10/2021. Download Installation Notes (PDF).
Earthwork Lab/Field Testing Summary - Version 4.2 [PDF-3.65 MB]
This document provides a crosswalk for Earthwork sampling and testing and targets and limits to meet the specification requirements as well as general specification and construction notes. This document depicts MAC design and doesn't supersede any requirements of the actual contract documents on the project.