Recycled Materials Research
The following is a list of research reports for recycled materials. Please e-mail the FDOT State Materials Office at to request a copy of those reports that do not include a web address.
- BDL13 - Use of Aggregate Screenings as a Substitute for Silica Sand in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC)
- 0510798 (BA589)* - Research and Techno-Economic Evaluation: Uses of Limestone Byproducts
- 0510797 - Guidelines and Specifications for the Use of Reclaimed Aggregates in Pavement
- 09-526 Laboratory Evaluation of Polymer Modified Asphalt Mixtures with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
- 07-507 Evaluation of High Percentage of Reclaimed Asphalt Mixtures for Superpave Mixtures
- 04-472 Resurfacing of SR-471 using the Hot In-Place Recycling Process
- 02-455 Evaluation of Two Hot In-Place Recycling Projects
- 96-410 Effect of Tire Rubber Grinding Method on Asphalt-Rubber Binder Characteristics
- 91-388 Evaluation of Crushed Glass in Asphalt Paving Mixtures
- BD545-68 - Evaluation of Hybrid Binder for Use in Surface Mixtures in Florida
- BC354-77 - Guidelines for Use of Modified Binders
- BC354-01* - Guidelines for Use of Modifiers in Superpave Mixtures
- 0510717 - Recycling of Asphalt Mixtures Containing Crumb Rubber
- 1997 Evaluation of Asphalt Additives for Improved Cracking and Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Paving Mixtures
- 94-406 Field Evaluation on an Asphalt Mixture Containing Recycled Crushed Glass
- FL-ER-52-93 Occupational Exposure Assessment of Ground Tire Rubber / Asphalt Blending, Mixing, and Paving Operations
- 1993 Summary of FDOT Experimental Project to Monitor Exposure Levels When Using GTR in HMA
- 1993 Summary of Events Involved in the Evaluation and Implementation of Ground Tire Rubber For Use in Asphalt Pavements
- 1992 Evaluation of Ground Tire Rubber in Asphalt Concrete
- 1991 Florida's Approach Using Ground Tire Rubber in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
- 1989 Extraction Testing of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Containing Ground Tire Rubber
- 1989 Evaluation of Experimental Asphalt-Rubber, Open Graded, Friction Course Mixtures: Materials and Construction of Test Pavements on State Road 16
- 1989 Evaluation of Experimental Asphalt-Rubber, Dense Graded, Friction Course Mixtures: Materials and Construction of Test Pavements on N.E. 23rd Avenue
- 1989 Florida’s Initial Experience Using Ground Tire Rubber in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
- 1989 Investigation and Evaluation of the Use of Ground Tire Rubber as an Additive to Asphalt Concrete
- 89-372 Evaluation of Limerock-Rap Base, State Road 100, Flagler County
- 1987 Surface Recycling of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, SR-20, Palatka, FL
- 1987 Surface Recycling of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, SR-5, Holly Hill, FL
- 1982 Evaluation of Asphalt Rubber as a Stress Absorbing Interlayer and a Binder for Seal Coat Construction (SR-60, Hillsborough County)
- 1982 Insuring the Quality of Recycled Asphalt Concrete
Chemical Materials
- Transportation Research Board (Accession No. 01090765) - Creep Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Piles Under Vertical Loads
- 1994 (September) -99700-7519-010 (State Project Number) Utilization of Recycled Plastics for Highway Applications - Volumes 1 and 2
- 98-431 - Long-Term Performance Evaluation of Asphalt-Rubber Surface Mixes
- 99-432 - Full-Scale Laboratory Evaluation of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforcement of Subgrade Soils
- Report BC409 (October 2001) - Use of Recycled Concrete Made With Florida Limestone Aggregate For A Base Course In Flexible Pavement
- Participation in the Federal Highway Administration National Review of Recycled Concrete Aggregate. The purpose of this review is to capture for technical deployment the most advanced uses of recycled concrete aggregate and then transfer the knowledge with all State Transportation Agencies (STA).
Soils and Earthwork
- BDB09 - Improving the Properties of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement for Roadway Base Applications
- BDB09 - Investigating the Statewide Variability and Long-Term Strength Deformation Characteristics of RAP and RAP-Soil Mixtures
- BD544-04 - Stabilization of Marginal Soils Using Recycled Materials
- BC819 - Developing Specifications for Using Recycled Asphalt Pavement as Base, Subbase or General Fill Materials, Phase II
- BB892 - Developing Specifications for Using Recycled Asphalt Pavement as Base, Subbase or General Fill Materials
- 0510688 - Engineering Properties and Utilization of Ash Residue from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators in Roadway Construction
- 0510650 - Developing Specifications for Waste Glass and Waste-to-Energy Bottom Ash as Highway Fill Materials, Phase 1, 2 Volumes
Developing Re-Use Applications and Improving the Economic Benefits of Florida's Waste Materials. Cosentino and Heck. January 2010. Prepared for Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. - 0510650 - Developing Specifications for Waste Glass, Municipal Waste Combustor Ash and Waste Tires as Highway Fill Materials, Phase 2 (3 Volumes)
- Design, Construction and Evaluation of Fly Ash Embankment. Part 1: Environmental Testing. Part 2: Mix Design and Economics.
Phosphopypsum for Secondary Road Construction. Chang, Chin and Ho. June 1989. Prepared for Florida Institute of Phosphate Research. - Soils Research as Related to the Design and Construction of Pavement. Final Report Part II. Evaluation of new sources of material gypsum.
- Evaluation of New Sources of Material Preliminary Study - Gypsum.
- NACE 555 - Cathodic Protection Using Scrap and Recycled Materials (NACE 91 #555)
- No Report Number - Corrosion and Corrosion Control of Concrete Structures in Florida - What Can Be Learned?
- Research Report 195 (76-06A) - Corrosion Inhibiting Properties of Portland Cement and Portland-Pozzolan Cement Properties
- No Report Number - Critical Issues Related to Corrosion Induced Deterioration Projection for Concrete Marine Bridge Substructures
- Final - Effect of Fly Ash Quality on the Durability and Service Life of Concrete
- FL/DOT/RMC/0524-3292 - Evaluation of Chemical Composition, Physical Properties and Pozzolanic Activity of Fly Ash in Florida
- FL/DOT/RC/0537-3523 - Factors Controlling Corrosion of Steel-Reinforced Concrete Substructure in Seawater
- FL/DOT/SMO/89-360 - Feasibility and Economics of Bridge Corrosion Protection Alternatives
- FL/DOT/SMO/89-360 - Feasibility and Economics of Bridge Corrosion Protection Alternatives - An Addendum Study
- FL/DOT/SMO/89-361 - Field and Laboratory Study of Modulus of Rupture and Permeability of Structural Concrete in Florida Abridged Version
- FL/DOT/SMO/89-361 - Field and Laboratory Study of Modulus of Rupture and Permeability of Structural Concretes in Florida
- 76-3 - Fly Ash For Structural Concrete In Aggressive Environments
- 79-218 - Fly Ash In Structural Concrete
- No Report Number - Future Goals of Cement and Cementitious Materials for High Performance Concrete
- SP 140-1 - High Performance Concrete in Florida Bridges
- No Report Number - Influence of Permeability and Corrosion Inhibiting Admixtures in Concrete upon Initiation of Salt Induced Embedded Metal Corrosion
- 00802 - Influence of Permeability Reducing and Corrosion Inhibiting Admixtures in Concrete upon Initiation of Salt Induced Embedded Steel Corrosion
- 0510754 - Performance and Durability of Class C Fly Ash Concrete
- 87-319 - Quality Of Concrete With Fly Ash
- FL/DOT/SMO/91-389 - Strength and Durability of Concrete in Florida
- 82-257 - Structural Concrete With Fly Ash In Aggressive Environments
- 87-318 - Use Of Fly Ash In Structural Concrete - Florida
- 89-354 - Use Of Fly Ash Presented To Florida Utilities Coordinating Committee
- BB-463 - Blending of Class F Fly Ashes
- BA-502 - Corrosion Forecasting for 75-Year Durability Design of Reinforced Concrete