Structures / Over-Weight Over-Dimension Permits
The State Permit Office oversees Oversize and Overweight Permit issuance for Florida on all state maintained highways and roadways. This includes permitting for commercial, public, and private motorists operating on the state system. The type of permits available are annual Blanket permits, annual Vehicle Specific Blanket permits, ten-day Trip permits, and three-month Route Specific Blanket permits (the latter two require a defined route to be submitted with the request).
If you have any questions, you can contact us at (850) 410-5777. The hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you are looking for another type of permit, please click here to access the "One Stop Permitting" website.
Over-Weight/Over-Dimensional Permitting
Customers can SELF-ISSUE Trip permits using the Permit Application System (PAS) for loads up to 16 feet wide, 18 feet high, 150 long and 200,000 pounds (140,000 pounds for self-propelled equipment). This means that no interaction with the Permit Office is required. In order to benefit from self-issued permits, the GIS feature in PAS must be used.
Permit Application System Demonstrations/Tutorials

Barry Building, 3185 South Blairstone Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32311
Located on the west side of the building.
Hours of Operations
Effective January 01, 2024, our hours of operations will be as follows:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Please note that our office will no longer operate on Saturdays.
See map below for details or if you would like a full screen map, click here.
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