For Immediate Release
March 5, 2024
Major Progress Underway Advancing I-4
Moving Florida Forward Projects to Construction

ORLANDO, Fla. — As part of preparing
for the construction of the Moving Florida Forward projects along the
Interstate 4 (I-4) corridor in northern Polk, Osceola, and southern Orange
Counties, the Florida Department of Transportation recently held an Industry
Forum for the construction and engineering industries.
Hosting this forum moves these projects one
step closer to delivering these projects to the local communities. Interested
industry partners were given a firsthand look at technical details of these
projects and information on the opportunities available to be involved in the
construction of these upcoming projects. This forum included a presentation on
the program scope, the individual projects, project features, procurement
timelines, and procurement processes.
The series of projects part of this program and featured at the Industry Forum were from west of U.S. 27 in Polk County to east of State Road (S.R.) 536 in Orange County. Project plans part of this program include a major overhaul to I-4 and also include new tolled Express Lanes in the median of I-4 and the development of the Poinciana Connector.

These major congestion relief projects have
been advanced 10-15 years sooner thanks to the bold vision of Governor DeSantis
and the support of the Florida Legislature who prioritized funding for these
projects as part of the historic Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure
Initiative. With growing commuter, tourist, and freight traffic along I-4 in
this area the interstate is in great need of addressing capacity and operations
upgrades to improve mobility through the area, increase safety, enhance the quality
of life for the community, and ensure the resiliency of our transportation
system for the future.
The plans for these I-4 projects will connect
with the construction already underway at the S.R. 535 interchange, the new
Daryl Carter Parkway Interchange, the Sand Lake Road Interchange, and the
completed I-4 Ultimate Improvements through downtown Orlando. Once completed,
this series of projects and the ones currently underway not only provide
regional congestion relief, but also modernizes outdated infrastructure and
provides additional travel choices on this critical interstate corridor. View this map for more information on adjacent projects.
In addition to the recently held Industry
Forum, as part of FDOT’s robust outreach program for projects, the Department
plans to also share information and meet with community partners and other
stakeholders along these project corridors.
For additional information, please contact the
FDOT Communications Office at FDOTCommunicationsOffice@dot.state.fl.us.
www.fdot.gov | Twitter: @MyFDOT | Facebook: @MyFDOT
The Florida Department of Transportation’s mission is to provide a safe transportation system that ensures the mobility of people and goods, enhances economic prosperity and preserves the quality of the state’s environment and communities. The department is committed to building a transportation system that not only fits the current needs of Florida’s residents and visitors but also enhances mobility throughout the state to accommodate its consistent and rapid growth. The unique nature of the Sunshine State and its year-round warm climate provides numerous opportunities to achieve the department’s mission through multiple transportation modes including highways/streets, air, rail, sea, spaceports, transit, and the ever-expanding deployment of bicycle & pedestrian facilities.