Fuel & Bituminous Forms

Use the Permeable Base Section of the certifications below for existing projects and projects Let after July 1, 2010.

See the Fuel and Bituminous Average Price Index page for more information.

Conventional Projects

  • Fuel Adjustments on Conventional Projects are done automatically in AASHTOWare Project Construction (PrC).
  • 700-050-66 Asphalt & Bituminous Adjustments - Contractor's Certification of Quantities Form Updated 02/09/17
  • Note: For County/City Conventional Projects only; please use the Lump Sum/Design-Build Adjustment Worksheet below.

Lump Sum & Design-Build Projects

List of Items that Require Fuel Adjustments (when applicable) and their Fuel Factors

  • Contracts Let January 2022 forward - English  Updated 7/11/2024
  • Contracts Let 04/01/21 thru 12/31/21 - English  Updated 12/10/21
  • Contracts Let 01/01/20 thru 03/31/21 - English Updated 3/8/21
  • Contracts Let 01/01/13 thru 12/31/19 - English  Updated 12/10/19
  • Contracts Let 01/01/07 thru 12/31/12 - English  Updated 01/09/13


For additional Information on Fuel & Bituminous Pricing, please contact: Taylor Carlquist - (850) 414-4252