Pipe Repair Matrix - Corrugated PVC Pipe

Pipe Type

Problem Noted

Acceptable Repair Methods

Corrugated PVC Pipe1.  Small breaks or punctures on the pipe wallExternal Repairs:
  1.  Cementing a patch or repair piece over small breaks or punctures in the pipe.  Pieces are typically pipe saddles from the pipe manufacturer.  The repairs are made by: 
a.  Cleaning the affected area with a suitable solvent. 

b.  Cementing the repair piece in place using a heavy bodied urethane adhesive.  this requires a heavy, continuous bead of adhesive completely around the damaged area and through the full depth of the corrugations. 

c.  Cleaning away excessive adhesive.
  2.  Repair Couplings and Bands used in accordance with the pipe manufacturers specifications.
  3.  Concrete collars in accordance with Index 430-001 of the Department's Design Standards.
  4.  Pressure injection of an acceptable chemical grout.
  Internal Repairs:
  1.  Mechanical Repair Sleeve
 2.  Leaking JointsInternal Repairs:
  1.  Pressure injection of an acceptable flexible chemical grout.
  2.  Internal Joint seals
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