STIP Information

Federal Aid Management

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a federally mandated document which must include a listing of projects planned with federal participation in the next four fiscal years. Although the STIP is approved annually by FHWA at the beginning of each federal fiscal year (October 1st), FHWA allows FDOT to report these four years on a state fiscal year basis (July 1st thru June 30th). This is because the report is based upon the same projects that are listed in the first four years of FDOT's Adopted Five Year Work Program.

The projects shown in both the Work Program and the STIP are all drawn from the same Work Program Administration (WPA) database, and are presented in Year of Expenditure (YOE) dollars. Work Program reports and STIP reports are simply differently formatted reports of the same projects programmed in the WPA database. Therefore, in order for a project to be listed in the approved STIP, it must first be included in the WPA database and programmed in the first four years of the Adopted Five Year Work Program.

The project must either be included in the Tentative Work Program during the annual Tentative Work Program development cycle, or it must be amended into the Work Program and STIP after it has been adopted on July 1st of each state fiscal year.

The Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) Transportation Improvement Program is an essential component of the Federal Lands Planning Program. It is developed cooperatively between Federal Lands Highway Division offices and the Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMA), and provides a list of transportation improvements for a four-year period among the primary programs administered by the Office of Federal Lands Highway, the Federal Lands Transportation Program and the Federal Lands Access Program. The projects are considered a part of Florida’s STIP and are included in the STIP by reference, and may be found at the following link: Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) TIP. Projects on this list that are in an MPO area shall be included in the local MPO TIP in which they are geographically located.