Traffic Incident
Management /
Program Manager
605 Suwannee St.,
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Tel: (850) 410-5631
Rapid Incident Scene Clearance (RISC) is a highly innovative
program that supports Florida’s Open Roads Policy goal
of safely clearing major highway incidents and truck crashes
in 90 minutes or less.
RISC was first implemented on Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise roadways and now is being expanded for statewide usage. This is an incentive-based program that requires specialized equipment and trained operators to quickly remove wreckage from the roadway, where major crashes close most lanes or causes significant travel delays.
The RISC program is operationally managed at the District level. The RISC Contractor has the responsibility to respond to the incident within 60 minutes of the request to activation request. Once on scene and provided a Notice to Proceed by the lead official on scene, the vendor will have 90 minutes to open the travel lanes for traffic. If the proper equipment arrives on scene within 60 minutes and the towing company clears the travel lanes within 90 minutes, they are eligible for the bonus as outlined in the contract.
Many times during major commercial vehicle crashes, trailers loaded with cargo are damaged and spill their loads onto the highway or adjacent areas. The RISC contract requires the vendor to have specified extra equipment on hand or available 24 hours a day/7 days a week to respond to the these major incidents. The towing company can receive an extra incentive for the staging and/or use of this extra equipment in the incident clearance process.

Select this link to download the 2011 District 6 RISC Demonstration Video. (WMV, 125 MB)