Strategic Plan
The purpose of the ITS Strategic Plan (Plan) is to provide statewide direction and guidance for the FDOT, Florida's Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and local governments in planning, programming, and implementing integrated multi-modal ITS elements
to maximize the safety and efficiency of Florida's Transportation System.
The Plan was recently updated to include:
For additional information, please contact James Landini at
The Plan was recently updated to include:
- an analysis of FDOT's Traffic Engineering and Operations Office ITS Section and District achievements with respect to the objectives and initial actions recommended in the Plan;
- an assessment of new national and state ITS policies, programs, and technologies;
- the identification and development of new ITS Program core strategies to guide the future of ITS in Florida; and
- the provision of ITS management and operations to sustain the investments in ITS.
The Plan expressly addresses implementation of the Ten-Year ITS Cost Feasible Plan.
- The 2017 Update of Florida's ITS Strategic Plan (Version 1, August 2017)
- The 2014 Update of Florida's ITS Strategic Plan (Version 2, November 2014)
- The 2005 Update of Florida's Intelligent Transportation System Strategic Plan (Version 1.2, May 12, 2005)
- Florida's Intelligent Transportation System Strategic Plan (Aug. 23, 1999)
- ITS Strategic Plan Resource Documents( Aug. 1999)
- Summary of Survey Results (Jul. 1998)
- Issue Papers:
- ITS Cost Analysis (Jul. 8, 1999)
- Integration of ITS into the MPO Transportation Planning Process (Jun. 22, 1999)
- Operations, Management and Maintenance (Jun. 6, 1999)
- Economic Impacts of ITS in Florida (Apr. 1999)
- Rural/Inter-Urban ITS Applications (Mar. 8, 1999)
- Procurement (Jan. 25, 1999)
For additional information, please contact James Landini at