Structures Design

By downloading any programs, you are agreeing to the following disclaimer:
No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the Florida Department of Transportation as to the accuracy and functioning of any programs or the results they produce, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the Florida Department of Transportation in any connection therewith.

The Structures Design Office only supports those persons using this software in connection with Florida DOT related business.

For Mathcad problems, view our Mathcad Frequently Asked Questions page.

Attention Mathcad 15 program users! Effective January 1, 2022, the only version of Mathcad available for subscription will be PTC Mathcad Prime. After December 31, 2021, PTC will no longer distribute Mathcad 15. The Structures Design Office is evaluating several options including migrating to Mathcad Prime and other software.

CADD Software and Resources

Bridge, Culvert & Wall Programs

ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescription

Beam Stability

11/21/2023 Zip 
(Mathcad 15)
Evaluates the construction stability and temporary bracing requirements of simple span pretensioned beams (uniform shapes: Florida-I and AASHTO Type II) in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, FDOT Structures Manual and Guide Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary Works.
(Prime 9)

Biaxial Column

05/31/2022 Zip 
(Mathcad 15)
Calculates the 3D interaction diagram from arbitrary reinforced and prestressed concrete shapes. Note: Java (JDK 17) required. Install 64-bit Java 17 from the Java download website.
(Prime 9)
Box Culvert
(Mathcad 15)
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 400-289 to design concrete box culverts, wingwalls, headwalls, and cutoff walls in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
09/20/2024 Zip
(Prime 10)
FB-MultiPierSee UF-BSI WebsiteExe FB-MultiPier is a nonlinear finite element analysis program for analyzing bridge pier structures and is supported and available from the University of Florida Bridge Software Institute.

Live Load Generator

05/23/2023 Zip 
(Mathcad 15)
Calculates live loads for truck, truck train, lane, partial lane, and permit loads in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
(Prime 9)
Prestressed Beam
05/31/2022 Zip
(Mathcad 15)
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 450-010 to 450-299 to design simple span prestressed beams (Florida-I, AASHTO, Florida Bulb-T, Florida-U, Florida Double-T, Flat Slab, Inverted-T, FSB) in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Bent Cap
11/07/2018 Zip
(Mathcad 15)
Analyzes and designs fixed or pinned bent caps, including lateral loads, in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Retaining Wall
01/28/2025 Zip
(Mathcad 15)
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 400-010 to design and analyze cast-in-place retaining walls in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
01/28/2025 Zip
(Prime 10)
Vessel Collision Risk Analysis
01/14/2019 Zip
(Mathcad 15)
Performs a vessel collision risk analysis in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
01/28/2025 Zip
(Prime 10)


Sign Support Programs

ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescription
Cantilever Overhead Sign
10/01/2021 Zip 
(Mathcad 15)
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 700-040 to analyze cantilever sign tri-chord truss structures in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.
Drilled Shaft
(Mathcad 15)
Analyzes overturning and torsion in drilled shaft foundations constructed in sand or clay in accordance with AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.
(Prime 8)
Multi-Column Ground Sign
09/20/2024 Zip
(Mathcad 15)
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 700-020 to design ground signs in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.
(Prime 10)
Rectangular Spread Footing
11/07/2018 Zip
(Mathcad 15)
Analyzes rectangular spread footings for sign and signal structures in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
03/02/2023 Zip
(Prime 8)
Single Column Ground Sign
11/02/2022xlsxUsed with FDOT Standard Plan Index 700-010 to design single column ground signs in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.
Span Overhead Sign
10/01/2021 Zip
(Mathcad 15)
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 700-041 to analyze span sign tri-chord truss structures in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.


Lighting Support Programs

ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescription
High Mast
(Mathcad 15)
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 715-010 to design High Mast light poles in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.
(Prime 9)


Signal Support Programs

ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescription
AtlasSee UF-BSI Website Exe Used with FDOT Standard Index 634-001, 641-010 and 649-010 for the design and analysis of traffic signal supports consisting of dual cables connected to steel or concrete strain poles in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications. Available from the University of Florida Bridge Software Institute.
05/23/2023 Zip
(Mathcad 15) 
Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 649-031 to design cantilever signal support structures in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.
(Prime 9) 
11/01/2022 xlsx Used with FDOT Standard Plan Index 649-030 and 649-031 to design FDOT Standard cantilever signal support structures in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications.
11/01/2022xlsxAnalyzes existing mast arm tubes in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD LTS Design Specifications and FDOT requirements.
12/03/2009 Zip 
(Mathcad 15)
Analyzes traffic signal supports consisting of a single cable connected to steel or concrete strain poles in accordance with the AASHTO LTS Design Specifications, 6th Ed.


Geotechnical Programs

ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescription
FB-DeepSee UF-BSI Website Exe Used to estimate the static axial capacity of drilled shafts and driven piles and is supported and available from the University of Florida Bridge Software Institute.
MSE Wall External Stability
04/19/2013 xlsx Analyzes the external stability of MSE Walls in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specifications.


Miscellaneous Programs

ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescription
Adhesive Anchor
09/20/2024 Zip 
(Mathcad 15)
Designs adhesive anchors in accordance with the Structures Design Guidelines.
09/20/2024 Zip
(Prime 10)
Section Properties
01/24/2011 Msi Uses coordinate input to calculate section properties of any geometric shape. Note: Java required. Install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java from the Java download website.