UABFC - Frequently Asked Questions

As we receive questions regarding the 2020 Decennial Urban Area Boundary and Functional Classification update process; we will make every effort to provide the answers on this web page for all to see. Keep the questions coming, they are very helpful.

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1. Are there any major implications for an area if the urban area changes from an Urban Area in 2010 to a different Urban Area in 2020?
3. Appendix G: FC Min Data spreadsheet in the UABFC Handbook has “Additions” but the samples are “Changes” from one FC to another. Am I missing something there?
4. Previously, ALL roadways functionally classified above local were included, even if there were no changes. Is that no longer necessary?
5. If a road has a change, for only a portion, is the entire roadway included in the Appendix G: FC Min Data spreadsheet, e.g., mile points 0-1 no change; 1-2 change with details; and 3-10 no change?
7. For the decennial process, please state that the forms for changes to Functional Classification are not required, unless the forms are required, which is a change from previous processes.
8. Will Central Office provide the District with a digital signature process/tool?
9. What are the implications of a Rural Designation?
10. Is there guidance for providing documentation on adjusted urban area boundaries?
12. What urban areas are changing due to the 2020 census?

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