UABFC - Frequently Asked Questions
As we receive questions regarding the 2020 Decennial Urban Area Boundary and Functional Classification update process; we will make every effort to provide the answers on this web page for all to see. Keep the questions coming, they are very helpful.
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We have revised Appendix G to include the following status requests:
“Addition” = New Roadway.
“Deletion” = physically deleted.
“No Change” = No change for that segment (and on report because another segment had change(s).
“Revision” = all other changes.
“Future” = roads that are under/completed construction, they will be open to traffic, and providing connectivity within the next 5 years. Double-dash “=” should be used for symbology purposes. All existing roads shall be assigned functional classification according to how the roadway is functioning in the current year only. Future routes should be functionally classified with the existing system if they are included in an approved short range improvement program (i.e., 5-year work program) and there is a good probability that the route will be under construction within 4 years. Where applicable, the same classification should be given to the future route and to the existing route that it will replace until the future route is constructed.
Justification modifications (justify each based of the 12 Trip Purposes):
outside of urban area – formerly urban.
inside of urban area – formerly rural.
align mile point with urban boundary – urban boundary mile point changed (these include corrections).
The short of it is there are still federal funding opportunities for rural roads. To follow are examples from our RCI database regarding functional classification and additional funding for rural roads.
RCI Functional Classification information:
• Federal-Aid None (FA-None) - Rural minor collectors or locals and not NHS.
Source: RCI Handbook, Feature 112: and Feature 121:
Another consideration is whether your route is on the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN), there are funding opportunities there as well. Feature 116 in RCI details whether a route is part of the NHFN as a primary, non-primary, or critical urban/rural freight corridor.
Source: RCI Handbook F116:
Federal aid eligible roads in Rural areas of the state with a population of less than 5,000 are eligible for the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, the Carbon Reduction Program, and the Transportation Alternatives Program. Each of these programs have a set-aside specifically for rural areas of the state. Other eligible improvements with federal funds such as sidewalks are eligible for use on any public road with an appropriate maintenance agreement for work performed off the state highway system.
Last Updated 2/23/2024