The Transportation Data & Analytics (TDA) Office has identified a need to educate and inform our customers (internal and external to FDOT) of the services and products we provide to the public. Our mission is to provide leadership for informed transportation
decisions through data collection, analysis, integration and dissemination. In order to further our mission and educate our customers, we are utilizing our data and performing analytics to provide examples of how the data can be used, in a series
known as Datalytics. What follows below is the end result of those efforts.
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TDA Datalytics
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Truck parking is nationally recognized as a top issue for truck drivers. It is anecdotally understood to be a statewide issue based on surveys and interviews. However, prior to the analysis that inspired this edition of DataLytics, it had not been quantified or understood well enough to take appropriate action. As with other strategic planning and investment decisions, a data-driven approach can effectively help alleviate this issue in locations experiencing the greatest over-utilization at designated truck parking locations or where unauthorized parking is most severe. Truckers park for a multitude of reasons, including;
- Home-stays (after multiple days on the road),
- FMCSA Hours Of Service (HOS) compliance,
- Overnight parking, other than for HOS compliance,
- Staging to meet a delivery window, and
- Regular breaks and refueling.
Each of these reasons is associated with different dwell times, which is the duration of a stopped truck. Likewise, each reason can lead to different solutions the Department could consider to help improve work conditions for truck drivers.
Statewide truck GPS analyses were further analyzed to identify where and when trucks were stopped for the time period of September 2017 through August 2018. A stopped truck is defined as a dwell time of greater than 1 hour. An inventory of known (designated) truck parking locations, both public and private, was conducted and is considered the supply (or capacity). The demand (or volume) is the number, and location, of stopped trucks. These statistics can help transportation planners better understand where volume exceeds capacity, resulting in an over-utilized truck parking location. The data can also identify where trucks are stopped in an unauthorized fashion, namely within public right-of-way (ROW). This insight can then be used to identify where and why truck parking is of the greatest concern. Then, appropriate solutions (projects, partnerships, policy updates, etc.) can be identified and tailored to each unique problem area. For more information, please see the final report on TDA’s Multimodal Data System Program’s webpage, here.

This edition of DataLytics shows the status of Florida’s tourism economy as it relates to other global leaders. This resource also allows you to consider how the fluidity of travel between states within the United States compares to the fluidity of travel between nations in Europe. Whether by car or by train, using a passport or driver’s license, each transportation mode directly affects the frequency for both domestic and international visitation.

1 AAA News Room “Have Holiday Plans, Will Travel: Record-Breaking 107 Million Americans to Celebrate Holidays Away from Home”, Jeannette Casselano. December 14, 2017.

Data Purpose: Certified public roadway mileage is reported by FDOT to USDOT, as required by Section 402(c) of Title 23, United States Code. The data for each local government is supplied by that government to FDOT each year, as required by Florida Statutes Chapter 218.322. Please click here for more information on available roadway mileage data. for more information on available roadway mileage data.

Data Purpose: System currently consists of (330) permanent continuous count stations that collect volume, speed, vehicle classification data and (33) stations that collect weigh-in-motion data 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. These sites are located throughout the State to monitor overall traffic trends. Information from these counters is used to determine traffic growth and tendencies as well as to develop pavement design input, seasonal adjustment factors used in determining estimates of annual average daily traffic (AADT), axle correction factors for road tube counts and directional design hour volumes (DDHV).