Traffic Safety Coalitions
Florida shares the national traffic safety vision, "Toward Zero Deaths," and formally adopted our own version of the national vision, "Driving Down Fatalities," in 2012. The Strategic Highway Safety Plan (updated in 2021) is the statewide plan
focusing on how to accomplish the vision of eliminating fatalities and reducing serious injuries on all public roads.
Safety Coalitions
Below, you will find Florida Traffic Safety Coalitions. These coalitions bring multiple traffic safety partners together to make Florida's roadways efficient and safe.
Traffic Records Coordinating Committee
Using data to support roadway safety decisions places the emphasis of safety programs on saving lives and preventing injuries. That is why Florida’s Traffic Records Coordinating Committee provides a statewide forum to facilitate the planning, coordination, selecting, and implementation of projects to improve the State’s traffic records system. The Committee is dedicated to maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic records data resources, collection, analysis, and reporting.
Florida Impaired Driving Coalition
By bringing together technical stakeholders and subject matter experts from various disciplines to provide recommendations and review critical impaired driving issues, The Florida Impaired Driving Coalition was established with the mission of reducing impaired driving-related deaths and injuries. The Coalition addresses impaired driving legislation, judicial rulings, new technologies, education, and enforcement protocols.
Florida's Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coalition
Many agencies, organizations, and groups have responsibilities and interests in pedestrian and bicycle safety issues. Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coalition was formed to prioritize and implement the strategies identified in order to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. This diverse group represents many agencies and organizations that have a vested interest in pedestrian and bicycle safety in Florida.
Motorcycle Safety Coalition
Florida established a Motorcycle Safety Coalition to implement the strategies and action steps that help improve motorcycle safety and reduce motorcyclist fatalities. The coalition includes representatives from both public and private sectors, state and local law enforcement, emergency management, motorcycle safety interest groups, and motorcycle dealers. The coalition meets quarterly and assists in prioritizing and implementing the action steps.
Florida Occupant Protection Coalition
The Florida Occupant Protection Coalition (FOPC) was formed to identify and prioritize Florida’s most pressing occupant protection issues. The Coalition reviews proven strategies and discusses promising new practices. The FOPC has a strategic plan that serves as the blueprint for legislation, program, and funding strategies to maximize Florida’s ability to reduce unrestrained motor vehicle occupant crashes.
Safe Mobility for Life Coalition
Florida is also leading the nation in preparing to meet the transportation safety and mobility challenges that arise from the inevitable increases to the aging population. The Florida Department of Transportation developed and maintains a website to support the work and efforts of our Safe Mobility for Life Coalition. It is the Coalition’s mission to reduce crashes by improving the safety, access, and mobility of Florida’s aging road users.
Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition
The Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition consists of more than 35 organizations committed to helping teens leverage the proven principles of Graduated Driver Licensing as well as encouraging fundamentally safe driving practices at a young age. We are affiliated with state and local government, law enforcement and public health agencies, traffic safety and injury prevention organizations, academia and business. We’re also teens, parents and crash victims.
Page updated: August 9,2023