Roadway Design

Thank you for visiting the Florida Department of Transportation 2016 Design Update Training Website. For your convenience, we have included links to the Webinar presentations regarding updates to our Design standards, manuals, handbooks and other related topics. Professional Development Hour (PDH) credits are not available for this Training.
If you require additional information, click on the presenter’s name to contact them directly by email. Thank you for your time and allowing us to serve your training needs.
   July 2016  

DescriptionPDFVideo Presenter/Contact
Guardrail Training - Design Standards Index 400

Reference: RDB16-01

Module 1 New Index Sheets Nos. 1-10 (Part A)
Module 2 New Index Sheets Nos. 11-22 (Part B)
Module 3 Instructions for Design Standards (IDS)
Module 4 Design Tool  Length of Need (Excel)

PDFYouTube - 80 minRichard Stepp

YouTube - 60 min
YouTube - 80min
YouTube - 50min
   February 2016  
DescriptionPDFVideo Presenter/Contact
Federal Guidelines for Plain Language Initiatives

Discussion regarding definition of Plain Language, how it is implemented within the Agency and the affected publications

PDFYouTube - 6minPaul Hiers
Plans Preparation Manual Updates for 2016

Discussion for the update process, affected bulletins and related volume chapter changes

PDFYouTube - 12minMary Jane Hayden

Derwood Sheppard

Chester Henson



Design Update Training Website (All Years)