Office of Design
Interim Standard Index Sheets are to be included in FDOT construction plans, maintenance contracts and permits which are used to update the Standard Index Book to which they are referenced. The default print size is 11x17 on the Page Set-up option. Bentley's Microstation design file format is NOT available for distribution.
Other Indexes may be revised by Design Standards Modifications. For all Design Standards having an associated" Instructions for Design Standards (IDS), use the appropriate version corresponding to the effective project letting dates. | |||
Index# | Sheet# | Filename | Description |
All Sheets | All Sheets | 20100101-All-Int | All 2010 Interims on one PDF file - Dated 01/01/10: **** File size is 30 MB **** |
All Sheets | All Sheets | 20100701-All-Int | All 2010 Interims on one PDF file - Dated 07/01/10: **** File size is 38 MB **** |
All Sheets | All Sheets | 20110101-All-Int | All 2010 Interims on one PDF file - Dated 01/01/11: **** File size is 64 MB **** |
All Sheets | All Sheets | 20110701-All-Int | All 2010 Interims on one PDF file - Dated 07/01/11: **** File size is 5 MB **** |
All Sheets | All Sheets | July2010.pdf | Effective July 1, 2010 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
All Sheets | All Sheets | Jan2011.pdf | Effective January 1, 2011 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
All Sheets | All Sheets | July2011.pdf | Effective July 1, 2011 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
All Sheets | All Sheets | Jan2012.pdf | Effective January 1, 2012 - Design Standards English Modifications List |
Index# | Sheet# | Filename | Description |
001 | 1-4 of 4 | STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS – Dated 1/1/2011: Updating abbreviations | |
002 | 2 of 3 | STANDARD SYMBOLS – Dated 7/1/10: Rotated linetypes and changed “Silt Fence” to “Sediment Barrier”. | |
100 | 1 of 1 | TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN AND SOD FLUME- Index Deleted 01/01/10 | |
101 | 1 of 1 | TRASH RETAINER AND SEDIMENT BASIN- Index Deleted 01/01/10 | |
102 | 1-3 of 3 | TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL – Dated 01/01/10: Sheet 1; modified chart and terminology. Sheet 2; updated terminology. Sheet 3; updated pay item name. | |
102 | 1-3 of 3 | TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL- Index Deleted 01/01/11 | |
103 | 1 of 1 | TURBIDITY BARRIERS- Index Deleted 01/01/10 | |
106 | 1 of 1 | SOIL TRACKING PREVENTION DEVICE TYPE A- Index Deleted 01/01/10 | |
200 | 1 of 5 | STRUCTURE BOTTOMS TYPE J AND P – Dated 01/01/10: Raised pipes to show grout underneath. | |
201 | 3 & 4 of 5 | SUPPLEMENTAL DETAILS FOR MANHOLES AND INLETS – Dated 01/01/10: Sheet 3; changed value of “h”. Sheet 4; revised reinforcement in Note 4. | |
211 | 1-3 of 5 | CURB INLET TOPS TYPE 5 & 6 – Dated 01/01/10: Sheet 1; added center of box reference point. Sheets 2 & 3; revised inlet bottom/riser details. | |
220 | 1 of 3 | GUTTER INLET TYPE S – Dated 01/01/10: Clarified recess depth at top of inlet for steel grate. | |
221 | 1 of 2 | GUTTER INLET TYPE V – Dated 01/01/10: Clarified recess depth at top of inlet for steel grate. | |
233 | 1-2 of 2 | DITCH BOTTOM INLETS TYPES F & G – Dated 01/01/10: Sheet 1 & 2; added center of box reference points. | |
245 | 1 of 1 | UNDERDRAIN INSPECTION BOX – Dated 01/01/10: Added center of box reference point. | |
280 | 1 of 3 | MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE Details – Dated 1/1/2011: Changed Concrete Collars from Class I Concrete to NS Concrete | |
289 | 5 of 7 | CONCRETE BOX CULVERT DETAILS (LRFD) - Dated 01/01/10: Added 1 3/4" offset to base of traffic railing at coping in DETAIL I. <view IDS> | |
291 | 3 of 5 | SUPPLEMENTAL DETAILS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS, Dated 01/01/10: Added "or Joint Sealant" to the 1/2" horizontal joint detail in SECTION B-B. "<view IDS> | |
302 | 2-3 of 4 | TRAFFIC SEPARATORS - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 2) Added skewed treatment from Index No. 490; (Sheet 3) and changed Note reference for skewed bridges to "Sheet 2". | |
304 | 1 - 6 of 6 | PUBLIC SIDEWALK CURB RAMPS – Dated 1/1/2011: All sheets, removed the 2' level landing requirement. | |
308 | 1 & 2 of 2 | CONCRETE SLAB REPLACEMENT – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 1) From FIGURE 10.4-PARTIAL SLAB FULL DEPTH REPLACEMENT, delete leader note: “Saw Cut Existing Tie Bars”; (Sheet 2) Under JOINT DEFICIENCIES, corrected descriptions for Spall Nonwheel Path and Spall Wheel Path. | |
308 | 1 of 2 | CONCRETE SLAB REPLACEMENT – Dated 1/1/2011: Extended Bond Breaker leader to include Transverse Joints in Figures 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5 | |
310 | 1 of 2 | CONCRETE SIDEWALK – Dated 01/01/10: Offset driveway tapers 1’ from back of curb. | |
400 | 1 & 17 of 26 | GUARDRAIL – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 1) Deleted second paragraph in note 15 referring to recycled beams, and changed VECP (Value Engineering Change Proposal) to CSIP (Cost Savings Initiative Proposal); (Sheet 17) Changed: 2" Nom. Diameter to NPS 2 Sch. 40 Galv. Pipe Rail Per ASTM F1083. | |
402 | 24 of 24 | GUARDRAIL TRANSITIONS AND CONNECTIONS FOR EXISTING BRIDGES – Dated 01/01/10: Added note for bridge name plate as note 2. "<view IDS> | |
403 | 3 of 3 | GUARDRAIL TRANSITIONS FOR EXISTING BRIDGE TRAFFIC RAILING RETROFITS - Dated 01/01/10: Changed Concrete Class to "NS". Changed payment for Transition Block to "Concrete Curb (Special), LF". "<view IDS> | |
410 | 7 of 25 | CONCRETE BARRIER WALL – Dated 01/01/10: Added text “Shoulder Pavement” and aligned expanded shoulder with roadway shoulder. | |
410 | 3 & 5 of 25 | CONCRETE BARRIER WALL – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 3) F-SHAPE MEDIAN BARRIER WHEN Y IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 6 INCHES DETAIL, changed detail for F-Shape Median Barrier where Y is less than or equal to 6 inches; (Sheet 5) Deleted Section CC-DD, along with the Plan and Elevation views for the Independent Barrier and Sign Pedestal. | |
410 | 1, 3, 7, 8 & 24 of 25 | 410B.pdf | CONCRETE BARRIER WALL—Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 1) Updated details and Note 5. (Sheet 3) Added a Construction Joint & Horizontal Bar to Cantilevered Wall Footing. Changed Bar Bending Diagrams 4A, 4B,4C, 4D & 4E and deleted the Min and Max. designations for X1, X, and Y; (Sheet 7) Updated plan View at Barrier Wall Inlets; Updated table DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES; Changed the Crash Test criteria (Note 2); (Sheet 8) Renamed “Bar 4H Modified” to “Bar 4J, updated “Bars 4H & 4J.” Changed rebar bending diagrams; (Sheet 24) Updated Note 3. |
414 | 1 of 15 | TYPE K TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIER SYSTEM – Dated 07/01/10: Changed specification reference from “6-8” to “105” and Added “or MASH 2009 Test Level 3 criteria” to ALTERNATE DESIGN note "<view IDS> | |
414 | 4, 6 & 7 of 15 | TYPE K TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIER SYSTEM - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 4) Added language to TRANSITIONS note for QPL Barrier Systems; (Sheet 6) Corrected weld symbol and added optional modifications to top of Stake; (Sheet 7) Added Flowable Fill option to BACK FILLED ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. "<view IDS> | |
420 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(32” F SHAPE) – Dated 07/01/10: Changed MARKERS and JOINTS notes. "<view IDS> | |
420 | 1, 3 & 4 of 4 | TRAFFIC RAILING - (32" F SHAPE) - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Changed JOINTS note reference for treatment on skewed bridges to Sheet 3; (Sheet 3) Added new sheet for skew details from Index No. 490; (Sheet 4) Changed Sheet No. and DETAIL"B" to pre-cured silicone sealant. "<view IDS> | |
421 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(MEDIAN 32” F SHAPE) – Dated 07/01/10: Changed JOINTS note. "<view IDS> | |
421 | 1, 3 & 4 of 4 | TRAFFIC RAILING - (MEDIAN 32" F SHAPE) - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Changed JOINTS note reference for treatment on skewed bridges to Sheet 3; (Sheet 3) Added new sheet for skew details from Index No. 490; (Sheet 4) Changed Sheet No. and DETAIL "B" to pre-cured silicone sealant. "<view IDS> | |
422 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(42” VERTICAL SHAPE) – Dated 07/01/10: Changed MARKERS and JOINTS note. "<view IDS> | |
422 | 1-3 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING - (42" VERTICAL SHAPE) - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Changed JOINTS note reference for treatment on skewed bridges to Index No. 420; (Sheet 2) Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER and added 3/4" V-Groove to VIEW B-B; (Sheet 3) Changed DETAIL"B" to pre-cured silicone sealant. "<view IDS> | |
423 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(32” VERTICAL SHAPE) – Dated 07/01/10: Changed MARKERS and JOINTS notes. "<view IDS> | |
423 | 1-3 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING - (32" VERTICAL SHAPE) - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Changed JOINTS note reference for treatment on skewed bridges to Index No. 420; (Sheet 2) Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER; (Sheet 3) Changed DETAIL "B" to pre-cured silicone sealant. "<view IDS> | |
424 | 1 of 7 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(CORRAL SHAPE) – Dated 07/01/10: Changed MARKERS note. "<view IDS> | |
424 | 1 & 3 of 7 | TRAFFIC RAILING - (CORRAL SHAPE) - Dated 01/01/11: Added DETAIL "A" (Pre-cured Silicone Sealant) for curbed sections. "<view IDS> | |
425 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(42” F SHAPE) – Dated 07/01/10: Changed MARKERS and JOINTS notes. "<view IDS> | |
425 | 1-3 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING - (42" F SHAPE) - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Changed JOINTS note reference for treatment on skewed bridges to Index No. 420; (Sheet 2) Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER; (Sheet 3) Changed DETAIL"B" to pre-cured silicone sealant. "<view IDS> | |
470 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING - (THRIE-BEAM RETROFIT) GENERAL NOTES & DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: Changed REFLECTIVE RAILING MARKERS note to place marker at top of post. "<view IDS> | |
470 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(THRIE-BEAM RETROFIT) GENERAL NOTES & DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: Changed ELEVATION MARKERS note. "<view IDS> | |
481 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(VERTICAL FACE RETROFIT) NARROW CURB – Dated 07/01/10: Changed * and ** notes. "<view IDS> | |
482 | 1 of 4 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(VERTICAL FACE RETROFIT) WIDE CURB – Dated 07/01/10: Changed * and ** notes. "<view IDS> | |
483 | 1 of 3 | TRAFFIC RAILING-(VERTICAL FACE RETROFIT) INTERMEDIATE CURB – Dated 07/01/10: Changed * and ** notes. "<view IDS> | |
501 | 5-10 of 10 | GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCED SOILS - Dated 01/01/10: Corrected "MARAFI" to "MIRAFI" (Sheet 5); Added Application Usage 2 for SYNTEEN SF 11 & SF 12 (Sheet 6); Added FORNIT 30 and Added Creep Resistance, Creep Reduction Factor and Usage Application 4 to FORNIT 20 (Sheet 7). New Sheet 8 Added; Sheets 8 & 9 renumbered to 9 & 10. "<view IDS> | |
501 | 1-12 of 12 | GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCED SOILS - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Added "RFLT" to Note 2 and new Sheets 5 & 10 for TENCATE geotextiles. Renumbered all sheets "<view IDS> | |
515 | 2 & 4 of 7 | TURNOUTS – Dated 01/01/10: Offset driveway taper 1’ from back of curb. | |
520 | 1 of 1 | GRAVITY WALL – Index Deleted 01/01/11: (See Index 6011) | |
546 | 1, 2, 5 & 6 of 6 | SIGHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 1) Revised Special Areas Limited to Ground Cover detail, and updated General Notes # 1 & 5; (Sheets 2, 5 & 6) Removed requirement that the median adjacent to left turn lane is an “Area limited to ground cover.” | |
560 | 1-2 of 2 | CROSSING SURFACES – Dated 01/01/10: Sheet 1; added TA surface and Note 7. Sheet 2; added 50’ max FDOT participation details. | |
600 | 6 & 7 of 13 | GENERAL INFORMATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL THROUGH WORK ZONES – Dated 01/01/10: Multiple revisions to notes, details and table. | |
600 | 3, 5, 8 & 9 of 13 | GENERAL INFORMATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL THROUGH WORK ZONES – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 3) To TYPICAL PLACEMENT OF TEMPORARY RAISED RUMBLE STRIPS detail added RUMBLE STRIPS AHEAD sign and DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS table; (Sheet 5) Removed heading and text for "SIGN PLACEMENT" and Deleted Sign Placement Note; (Sheet 8) Added RUMBLE STRIPS AHEAD (MOT-18-10) and BE PREPARED TO STOP (W3-4) signs, changed designation of WORKERS sign to (W21-1) for the symbol sign and (W21-1A) for the word message sign, and added Graphic sign with motorcycle (W8-15P) under GROOVED PAVEMENT AHEAD (MOT-15-06) and LOOSE GRAVEL (W8-7) sign; (Sheet 9) Added note that Standard Orange Flags are not to be used on portable sign supports and added note to clarify that Type B lights are not required on portable sign supports | |
603 | 2 of 2 | TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY, WORK WITHIN THE TRAVEL WAY – Dated 7/1/10: Added new notes #1 and 5 | |
623 | 1 of 1 | MULTILANE, WORK WITHIN THE TRAVEL WAY DOUBLE LANE CLOSURE – Dated 7/1/10: New Design Standard. | |
628 | 1 of 1 | TWO WAY LEFT TURN CLOSURE – Dated 7/1/10: Changed Detail so that there is nothing within the Buffer zone. | |
667 | 6 of 6 | TOLL PLAZA TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS – Dated 01/01/10: Corrected 50’ taper and number and spacing of channelizing devices. | |
670 | 1 of 1 | 670.pdf | MOTORIST AWARENESS SYSTEM - Dated 01/01/11: Corrected reference in detail to Note 6. |
801 | 1 of 3 | FENCE TYPE A – Dated 01/01/10: Added requirements for recycled plastic posts in Note 7. | |
810 | 1-3 of 4 | BRIDGE FENCING (VERTICAL) - Dated 01/01/11: Change cut at bottom of post to 45 degree angle "<view IDS> | |
820 | 1 of 1 | PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING, Dated – Dated 01/01/10: Changed post offset dimensions to joints. "<view IDS> | |
820 | 1 of 1 | PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BULLET RAILING – Dated 07/01/10: Added “BULLET” to title and PAYMENT note. "<view IDS> | |
820 | 1 of 1 | BRIDGE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BULLET RAILING - Dated 01/01/11: Added "Bridge" and “Bullet” to title; Changed * note reference for Skew Treatment to Index No. 420, and changed DETAIL "A". "<view IDS> | |
821 | 1 of 1 | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BULLET RAILING FOR TRAFFIC RAILING (32" F SHAPE), - Dated 01/01/10: Changed post offset dimensions to joints. "<view IDS> | |
821 | 1 of 1 | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BULLET RAILING FOR TRAFFIC RAILING (32” F SHAPE) – Dated 07/01/10: Added tapered end detail. "<view IDS> | |
822 | 1-3 of 3 | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BULLET RAILING DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 2) Moved RAILING NOTES to Sheet 3; Changed RAIL INSTALLATION NOTE; Added Sheet 3 with Tapered End Details. "<view IDS> | |
825 | 1-2 of 2 | 42” CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING – Dated 07/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
825 | 1 of 2 | 42” CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING - Dated 01/01/11: Changed * note reference for Skew Treatment to Index No. 420. "<view IDS> | |
826 | 1-2 of 2 | 54� CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING – Dated 07/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
826 | 1 of 2 | 54” CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING - Dated 01/01/11: Changed * note reference for Skew Treatment to Index No. 420. "<view IDS> | |
850 | 1 & 4 of 5 | STEEL PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING - Dated 01/01/10: Added "ASTM A500, Grade B, C or D" for pipe rails and pickets in RAILS, PICKETS & POSTS note (Sheet 1); Added 4" tolerance to end hoop length in DETAIL "C" (Sheet 4). "<view IDS> | |
850 | 1 - 5 of 5 | STEEL PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Deleted Design Criteria; (Sheets 2, 3 & 5) Deleted minimum extension of handrail at base of steps and changed 2'-10” dimension to mid-height of handrail; (Sheet 4) Added Type B connection option. "<view IDS> | |
851 | 1-3 of 3 | BRIDGE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING (STEEL) - Dated 01/01/11: Changed railing to match Index No. 852 Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER note. "<view IDS> | |
852 | 1-8 of 8 | STEEL PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard to replace Index No. 850. "<view IDS> | |
860 | 4 of 5 | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING - Dated 01/01/10: Added 4" tolerance to end hoop length in DETAIL "C". "<view IDS> | |
860 | 1 - 5 of 5 | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PICKET RAILING – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Deleted Design Criteria; (Sheets 2, 3 & 5) Deleted minimum extension of handrail at base of steps and changed 2'-10” dimension to mid-height of handrail; (Sheet 4) Added Option Expansion Joint Detail. "<view IDS> | |
861 | 1-3 of 3 | BRIDGE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING (ALUMINUM) - Dated 01/01/11: Changed railing to match Index No. 862."<view IDS> | |
862 | 1-8 of 8 | ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard to replace Index No. 860. "<view IDS> | |
870 | 1 - 5 of 5 | ALUMINUM PIPE GUIDERAIL – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Deleted Design Criteria; (Sheet 3) Deleted minimum extension of handrail at base of steps; (Sheets 2, 3 & 5) Changed 2'-10” dimension to mid-height of handrail. "<view IDS> | |
870 | 1 & 5 of 5 | ALUMINUM PIPE GUIDERAIL - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Deleted APPLICABILITY NOTE TO DESIGNER; (Sheet 5) Added 2"min. curb height dimension to TYPICAL SECTION ON GRAVITY WALL. "<view IDS> | |
880 | 1 - 5 of 5 | STEEL PIPE GUIDERAIL – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Deleted Design Criteria; (Sheet 3) Deleted minimum extension of handrail at base of steps; (Sheets 2, 3 & 5) Changed 2'-10” dimension to mid-height of handrail. "<view IDS> | |
880 | 1 & 5 of 5 | STEEL PIPE GUIDERAIL – Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Deleted "APPLICABILITY NOTE TO DESIGNER"; (Sheet 5) Added 2"min. curb height dimension to TYPICAL SECTION ON GRAVITY WALL. "<view IDS> | |
5100 | 1-2 of 2 | RETAINING WALL – CAST IN PLACE – Index Deleted 01/01/11: (See Index 6010) | |
5200 | 1 of 1 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - GENERAL NOTES - Dated 01/01/10: Second sentence in Note K.4 is deleted. Added patent information to Note K.5. "<view IDS> | |
5200 | 1 of 1 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - GENERAL NOTES - Dated 07/01/10: Changed Note B and Note H 2."<view IDS> | |
5200 | 1-15 of 15 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - Dated 01/01/11: Changed Title & number of sheets to include Indexes 5201-5207; Note B from "PPM" to "SDG"; Notes E, K, & O to remove foundation and post "Options"; Note L from "VECP" to "CSIP". "<view IDS> | |
5201 | 1 of 1 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS-TEXTURE OPTIONS-Index Deleted 01/01/11 (See Index 5200) | |
5202 | 1-6 of 6 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - FLUSH PANEL OPTION - Dated 01/01/10: 90 degree corner post details revised and 45 degree post added. New Sheets 4 & 5 added, other sheets renumbered. "<view IDS> | |
5202 | 1-6 of 6 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS-FLUSH PANEL OPTION – Dated 07/01/10: Added option for texture surface on back of panels. "<view IDS> | |
5202 | 1-6 of 6 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS-FLUSH PANEL OPTION – Index Deleted 01/01/11 (See Index 5200) | |
5203 | 1-6 of 6 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - RECESSED PANEL OPTION - Dated 01/01/10: 90 degree corner post details revised. Sheet 4 added, other sheets renumbered. "<view IDS> | |
5203 | 1-6 of 6 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS- RECESSED PANEL OPTION- Index Deleted 01/01/11 (See Index5200) | |
5204 | 1 of 1 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - FIRE HOSE ACCESS HOLE & DRAINAGE DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: Deleted 4 3/4" dimension at end of panel, and note requiring double mat of WWR for panels with drainage holes."<view IDS> | |
5204 | 1 of 1 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS- FIRE HOSE ACCESS HOLE & DRAINAGE DETAILS –Index Deleted 01/01/11 (See Index 5200) | |
5205 | 1, 2 & 3 of 7 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - PILE AND POST REINFORCING STEEL - Dated 01/01/10: Sheets redrawn and Sections renamed; Changed side cover in auger cast pile to 4" for Option A (Sheets 1 & 2). Corrected Bar C2 length in Option B (Sheet 3). "<view IDS> | |
5205 | 1-7 of 7 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS- PILE AND POST REINFORCING STEEL- Index Deleted 01/01/11 (See Index 5200) | |
5206 | 1 of 1 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS - PILE DEPTH AND REINFORCING SUMMARY - Dated 01/01/10: Changed dimensions of Bars P5 & P6 and radius of Bar P3 to 1'-2" in the BAR BENDING DETAILS. "<view IDS> | |
5206 | 1-2 of 2 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS-PILE DEPTH AND REINFORCING SUMMARY – Dated 07/01/10: Added Sheet 2 for N=4 to 10 (very loose soils) "<view IDS> | |
5206 | 1-2 of 2 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS- PILE DEPTH AND REINFORCING SUMMARY- Index Deleted 01/01/11 (See Index 5200) | |
5207 | 1 of 1 | PRECAST SOUND BARRIERS- PRECAST POST CAPITAL- Index Deleted (See Index 5200) | |
5210 | 1 of 5 | TRAFFIC RAILING/SOUND BARRIER (8'-0”) – Dated 07/01/10: Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER; Changed spacing of V-Grooves and Intermediate Open Joints. "<view IDS> | |
5210 | 1-2 of 5 | TRAFFIC RAILING/SOUND BARRIER (8'-0") - Dated 01/01/11: Changed Mortar Plug to Pre-cured Silicone Sealant joint. "<view IDS> | |
5212 | 1-2 of 2 | TRAFFIC RAILING/SOUND BARRIER (8'-0") JUNCTION SLAB - Dated 01/01/11: Changed Junction Slab detail. "<view IDS> | |
5300 | 7, 13, 16, 17 & 18 of 19 | PERMANENT RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS – Dated 01/01/10: Changed 1" Continuous Neoprene Strip, to 1" Preformed Joint Filler (Sheets 7, 13 & 17); Changed Note 9 to allow slip forming with approval and Anchor Bolt Design Notes 2 & 3 (Sheet 16); Deleted grout pad and weep hole details (Sheets 16-18). "<view IDS> | |
5300 | 1-19 of 19 | PERMANENT RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS- Index Deleted 01/01/11: (See Index 6020 and Index Series 6100 and 6200) | |
5301 | 1 of 1 | TEMPORARY RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS- Index Deleted -1/01/11: (See Index 6030) | |
6010 | 1-2 of 2 | 6010.pdf | C-I-P CANTILEVER RETAINING WALL - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5100). "<view IDS> |
6011 | 1 of 1 | 6011.pdf | C-I-P GRAVITY WALL - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 520); Changed Junction Slab detail and concrete cover to 3". "<view IDS> |
6020 | 1 of 1 | 6020.pdf | PERMANENT MSE RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index (Previously Index No. 5300, Sheets 1 & 2)."<view IDS> |
6030 | 1 of 1 | 6030.pfd | TEMPORARY MSE RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5301). "<view IDS> |
6040 | 1-4 of 4 | 6040.pdf | PRECAST CONCRETE SHEET PILE WALL - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index Number (Previously Index Nos. 20400 - 20440). "<view IDS> |
6100 | 1-2 of 2 | 6100.pdf | MSE WALL COPING (PRECAST OR C-I-P) - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5300, Sheets 3 & 4) "<view IDS> |
6110 | 1-6 of 6 | 6110.pdf | WALL COPING WITH TRAFFIC RAILING/JUNCTION SLAB - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5300 Sheets 5-10); Changed junction slab configuration and precast traffic railing option. "<view IDS> |
6120 | 1-3 of 3 | 6120.pdf | WALL COPING WITH TRAFFIC RAILING/RAISED SIDEWALK - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5300 Sheets 11-13); Changed raised sidewalk depth. "<view IDS> |
6130 | 1-2 of 2 | 6130.pdf | WALL COPING/PARAPET WITH C-I-P SIDEWALK - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5300 Sheets 14 & 15). "<view IDS> |
6200 | 1-3 of 3 | 6200.pdf | COPING MOUNTED LIGHT POLE PEDESTAL - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5300 Sheets 16-18). |
6201 | 1 of 1 | 6201.pdf | JUNCTION SLAB AT DRAINAGE INLET OPENINGS - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index No. & Title (Previously Index No. 5300 Sheet 19). "<view IDS> |
11200 | 1-2 of 2 | MULTI-COLUMN GROUND SIGN – Dated 01/01/10: Galvanized note changed: brass shim note added (Sheet 1); configuration revised and S3X5.7 post added (Sheet 2) | |
11200 | 1-2 of 2 | MULTI-COLUMN GROUND SIGN – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 1) Welding note, Base Connection note, Fuse Plate note and Shop Drawings note were revised. Tolerances note was deleted; (Sheet 2) Weld symbol revised. Detail B revised. Brass Shims added to Shim Detail. | |
11200 | 2 of 2 | MULTI-COLUMN GROUND SIGN – Dated 1/1/2011: Added Section W 8x18 to table and updated values. "<view IDS> | |
11300 | 1 of 1 | OVERHEAD SIGN STRUCTURES – Dated 01/01/10: Modified U-Bolt material spec. | |
11310 | 1-3 of 5 | CANTILEVER SIGN STRUCTURE – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Deleted foundation payment Note 13; (Sheet 2) Changed anchor bolt extension length, seal weld note, plate washer size, top of foundation offset, and gusset plate clip; (Sheet 3) Changed seal weld note. "<view IDS> | |
11320 | 1, 2 & 5 of 5 | SPAN SIGN STRUCTURE – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Deleted foundation payment Note 13; (Sheet 2) Changed anchor bolt extension length, seal weld note, plate washer size, and gusset plate clip; (Sheet 5) Changed anchor bolt extension length and top of foundation offset. "<view IDS> | |
11860 | 5 of 8 | SINGLE COLUMN GROUND SIGNS - Dated 01/01/10: Changed Slip Base Note 6.b. "<view IDS> | |
11860 | 1 & 5 of 8 | SINGLE COLUMN GROUND SIGNS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Modified Note 11; (Sheet 5) Added 8” column size to slip base details. "<view IDS> | |
11860 | 3 & 5 of 8 | SINGLE COLUMN GROUND SIGNS – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 3) Added Stub Length to POST AND FOUNDATION TABLE and Note 3; (Sheet 5) Changed Dimensions in details. | |
11870 | 1-2 of 2 | SINGLE POST BRIDGE MOUNTED SIGNS – Dated 07/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
13417 | 1 of 1 | MOUNTING EXIT NUMBERING PANELS TO HIGHWAY SIGNS – Dated 01/01/10: Gauge and dimension lines removed from Section AA. | |
17344 | 2 & 3 of 6 | SCHOOL SIGNS AND MARKINGS – Dated 01/01/10: Cross walk markings revised. | |
17345 | 2 & 3 of 4 | INTERCHANGE MARKINGS – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 2) Marking width changed; (Sheet 3) Revised Acceleration and Deceleration Lanes with 12” Solid White Lines, and 6”or 12” White 3’-9’ Skip Line to Comply With The 2009 M.U.T.C.D. | |
17345 | 4 of 4 | INTERCHANGE MARKINGS – Dated 1/1/2011: Wrong Way Arrow Revised, RPM's respaced. | |
17346 | 7 & 10 of 14 | SPECIAL MARKING AREAS – Dated 01/01/10: Sheet 7; added Detail B. Sheet 10; Sign text changed in Scheme 3, R1-5bL with MUTCD changes. | |
17346 | 7 of 14 | SPECIAL MARKING AREAS – Dated 7/1/10: Detail A, changed layout distance from beginning of numbers to the beginning of the taper from 117' - 8” to 120' and removed the 50' dimension following the first letter to the beginning of the taper. | |
17346 | 10 of 14 | SPECIAL MARKING AREAS – Dated 1/1/2011: Current MUTCD changes added Note 100' of Solid White added to details. Signs rotated 90 degrees. Chart revised and in note 3 “high” changed to “special”. | |
17347 | 1-4 of 4 | BICYCLE MARKINGS – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 1) Sheet completely revised; (Sheets 2-4) 4' bike lane width removed, notes revised. | |
17352 | 2 of 2 | TYPICAL PLACEMENT OF REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS – Dated 01/01/10: Raised reflective markers moved to center of chevrons. Added Note 2. | |
17354 | 1 of 1 | TOURIST ORIENTED DIRECTIONAL SIGNS – Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. | |
17355 | 7 & 8 of 11 | SPECIAL SIGN DETAILS – Dated 01/01/10: Sheet 7; changed designations for FTP 54 & 55 for left and right versions. Sheet 8; revised details of FTP-70-06. | |
17355 | 9 of 11 | SPECIAL SIGN DETAILS – Dated 7/1/10: FTP - 84 - 09 (DRAW BRIDGE AHEAD) Sign added to sheet. | |
17355 | 2, 4 & 11 of 11 | SPECIAL SIGN DETAILS – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 2) FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (FTP-16-06) deleted and FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE sign (FTP-16-10) added; (Sheet 4) Changed Message on Sign No. FTP-22-06; (Sheet 11) added RUMBLE STRIPS AHEAD sign (MOT-18-10). | |
17500 | 1-3 of 3 | CONVENTIONAL LIGHTING – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 1) Removed Grounding Conduit Between Pull Box and Pole. Ran Ground Wire in Conduit with Hot and Neutral Wires. (Sheets 2 & 3) Reinforcing removed from slab, notes revised, new dimensions added to slab dimensions. | |
17502 | 2, 3, 5 & 7 of 7 | HIGHMAST LIGHTING – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 2), added HIGHMAST POLE WIRING DIAGRAM detail to sheet; (Sheet 3) Changed anchor bolt washer Note 1; (Sheet 5) Changed longitudinal seam weld note and anchor bolt plate washer size; (Sheet 7) Reinforcing removed from slab, notes revised, new dimensions added to slab Dimensions. "<view IDS> | |
17502 | 3-5 of 7 | HIGHMAST LIGHTING – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 3) Changed Information required on the aluminum identification tag and QPL Language; (Sheet 4) Updated values in BASE PLATE AND BOLTS DESIGN TABLE and SHAFT DESIGN TABLE; (Sheet 5) Revised SECTION B-B Tie Spacing. | |
17505 | 1 of 2 | EXTERNAL LIGHTING FOR SIGNS – Dated 7/1/10: Revised Notes and Detail in lower left PLAN OVERHEAD POWER SUPPLY. | |
17515 | 1, 2, & 3 of 8 | STANDARD ALUMINUM LIGHTING - Dated 01/01/10: Added Vibration Dampers to poles (Sheet 1); Changed “ROADWAY ALUMINUM LIGHT POLE NOTES” Note 3)d. (Sheet 2); Changed Fixture Arm Length and added Damper Details (Sheet 3). "<view IDS> | |
17515 | 2-4 of 8 | STANDARD ROADWAY ALUMINUM LIGHTING – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 2) Removed QPL Language from Index; (Sheet 3) Added Dimensions in Section AA; (Sheet 4) Changed ASTM Specification in note 1. | |
17600 | 1 of 3 | MOTORIST AID CALL BOX – Dated 7/1/10: Type II ** removed from Call Box/Mile Marker note. | |
17700 | 1 of 1 | PULL, SPLICE AND JUNCTION BOX – Dated 7/1/10: Pull boxes for signalization and ITS projects are being consolidated in this new index. Index 18204 will be superseded by this index. New Design Standard. | |
17700 | 1 of 1 | PULL, SPLICE AND JUNCTION BOX – Dated 1/1/2011: Updating details and notes | |
17723 | 1-2 of 3 | STEEL STRAIN POLE – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Added “(current edition)” to Note 1 reference for Structures Manual and deleted LTS-5 edition number. Changed anchor bolt washer Note 4. Deleted anchor bolt hole diameter note; (Sheet 2) Revised plate washer size. "<view IDS> | |
17723 | 1-2 of 3 | STEEL STRAIN POLE – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 1) Changed Information required on the aluminum identification tag and deleted note 8; (Sheet 2) Revised DRILLED SHAFT ELEVATION, DETAIL C and TABLE OF STRAIN POLE VARIABLES "<view IDS> | |
17725 | 2 of 2 | CONCRETE POLES – Dated 07/01/10: Changed Note 1 reference to Structures Manual to current edition and deleted LTS-5 edition number. "<view IDS> | |
17727 | 1-2 of 2 | SIGNAL CABLE & SPAN WIRE INSTALLATION DETAILS – Dated 07/01/09: Vertical clearance note revised. | |
17743 | 1-3 of 3 | STANDARD MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES – Dated 1/1/2011: Updating table values "<view IDS> | |
17745 | 1, 2 & 5 of 5 | MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES – Dated 7/1/10: (Sheet 1) Modified Notes 8 and 15. Modified 'UB' dimension; (Sheet 2) Modified anchor bolt standoff details. Modified plate washer detail; (Sheet 5) Revised J hook detail, removed grout pad, changed cap bolt size and revised 'LL' definition. "<view IDS> | |
17745 | 1-2 of 5 | MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 1) Modified Standard Design and Special Design Notes and deleted note 17; (Sheet 2) Modified SECTION A-A to include RC and RD dimensions and SECTION D-D location of ‘BB’ dimension. | |
17882 | 1, 2 & 4 of 4 | RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES – Dated 1/1/2011: All sheets MUTCD updated markings on all gate arms to be 90 degree, replaced all 45 degree markings with 90 degree markings. (no change to Sheet 3, included for convenience.) | |
18110 | 1-2 of 2 | CAMERA MOUNTING DETAILS – Dated 01/01/10: Revised notes 2 and 3; added notes 7, 8 and 9; moved conduit to encase CCTV Lowering Cable (Sheet 1); General Notes, note 2 replaced and note 6 revised (Sheet 2). | |
18111 | 1-2 of 2 | STEEL CCTV POLE – Dated 01/01/10: Sheets were completely revised. | |
18111 | 1-2 of 2 | STEEL CCTV POLE – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 1) FOUNDATION AND HANDHOLE DETAIL, Changed Plate Washer requirements; (Sheet 2) Modified Design Notes and Pole General Notes. | |
18113 | 1-2 of 2 | CONCRETE CCTV POLE – Dated 01/01/10: Sheets were completely revised. | |
18113 | 1-2 of 2 | CONCRETE CCTV POLE – Dated 1/1/2011: (Sheet 1) Revised location of couplings; (Sheet 2) Revised pole burial depth table. | |
18300 | 1-10 of 10 | DMS CABINET AND SIGN WIRING AND BLOCK DIAGRAM – Dated 7/1/10: Index renamed to DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGN WALK-IN (Sheet 1) Revised and added sheet from Index 18302 as sheet 1; (Sheet 2) Revised and added sheet from Index 18303 sheet 2 as sheet 2; (Sheet 3) Added sheet from Index 18303 sheet 1 as sheet 3, revised conduit and cabling details and conduit sizes; (Sheet 4) New Sheet; (Sheet 5) New Sheet; (Sheet 6) Added sheet from Index 18305 sheet 2 as sheet 6, revised notes and details; (Sheet 7) Added sheet from Index 18305 sheet 1 as sheet 7, revised notes and details; (Sheet 8) Sheet moved from sheet 1 to sheet 8, revised notes and details; (Sheet 9) Added sheet from Index 18301 sheet 1 as sheet 9, revised notes and details; (Sheet 10) New Sheet | |
18301 | 1 of 1 | DMS CABINET LAYOUT- Index Deleted 07/01/10 (See Index 18300) | |
18302 | 1 of 1 | TYPICAL DMS MOUNTING DETAILS – Index Deleted 07/01/10 (See Index 18300) | |
18303 | 1-2 of 2 | DMS STRUCTURE DETAILS- Index Deleted 07/01/10 (See Index 18300) | |
18305 | 1-2 of 2 | DMS GROUNDING DETAILS- Index Deleted 07/01/10 (See Index 18300) | |
20005 | 1 of 1 | PRESTRESSED BEAM TEMPORARY BRACING - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20005 | 1 of 1 | PRESTRESSED I-BEAM TEMPORARY BRACING - Dated 01/01/11: Added "I-" to Title "<view IDS> | |
20010 | 1-2 of 2 | TYPICAL FLORIDA-I BEAM DETAILS AND NOTES – Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20010 | 1-2 of 2 | TYPICAL FLORIDA-I BEAM DETAILS AND NOTES – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Deleted Bars 4L; Changed Notes 3 & 4; Added Epoxy Coating Note 5, and option to lengthen bottom leg of Bars 3D, 5K & 5Z in Notes 13 & 14; (Sheet 2) Added RECESSED STRAND GROMMET DETAIL. "<view IDS> | |
20010 | 1-2 of 2 | TYPICAL FLORIDA-I BEAM DETAILS AND NOTES - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Changed Notes 4 & 5; (Sheet 2) strand protection detail at beam ends. "<view IDS> | |
20036 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 36 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS � Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20036 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 36 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Changed NOTE NUMBERS for Strand N and Embedded Bearing Plate A to reference Index 20512; Added epoxy coating to end of beam; Deleted Bars 4L; (Sheet 2) Changed interior W6.4 wire to “Optional” for WWR Pieces M; Deleted Bars 4L. "<view IDS> | |
20045 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 45 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS � Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20045 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 45 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Changed NOTE NUMBERS for Strand N and Embedded Bearing Plate A to reference Index 20512; Added epoxy coating to end of beam; Deleted Bars 4L; (Sheet 2) Changed interior W6.4 wire to “Optional” for WWR Pieces M; Deleted Bars 4L. "<view IDS> | |
20054 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 54 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS � Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20054 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 54 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Changed NOTE NUMBERS for Strand N and Embedded Bearing Plate A to reference Index 20512; Added epoxy coating to end of beam; Deleted Bars 4L; (Sheet 2) Changed interior W6.4 wire to “Optional” for WWR Pieces M; Deleted Bars 4L "<view IDS> | |
20063 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 63 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20063 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 63 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Changed NOTE NUMBERS for Strand N and Embedded Bearing Plate A to reference Index 20512; Added epoxy coating to end of beam; Deleted Bars 4L; (Sheet 2) Changed interior W6.4 wire to “Optional” for WWR Pieces M; Deleted Bars 4L "<view IDS> | |
20072 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 72 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS � Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard "<view IDS> | |
20072 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 72 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Changed label in BENDING DIAGRAMS to from “Bars 5A” to “Bars 6A”, NOTE NUMBERS for Strand N, and Embedded Bearing Plate A to reference Index 20512; Added epoxy coating to end of beam; Deleted Bars 4L; (Sheet 2) Changed Interior W6.4 wire to “Optional” for WWR Pieces M; Deleted Bars 4L. "<view IDS> | |
20078 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 78 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS � Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard."<view IDS> | |
20078 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 78 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: (Sheet 1) Changed label in BENDING DIAGRAMS to from “Bars 5A” to “Bars 6A”, NOTE NUMBERS for Strand N, and Embedded Bearing Plate A to reference Index 20512; Added epoxy coating to end of beam; Deleted Bars 4L; (Sheet 2) Changed interior W6.4 wire to “Optional” for WWR Pieces M; Deleted Bars 4L. "<view IDS> | |
20084 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 84 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20096 | 1-2 of 2 | FLORIDA-I 96 BEAM-STANDARD DETAILS – Dated 07/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20199 | 1 of 1 | BUILD-UP & DEFLECTION DATA FOR AASHTO, BULB-T AND FLORIDA-I BEAMS – Dated 01/01/10: Added Florida-I Beams and changed the 3rd sentence in BEAM CAMBER AND BUILD-UP NOTES. Data Table Updated (See FDOT2008 MR1). "<view IDS> | |
20199 | 1 of 1 | BUILD-UP & DEFLECTION DATA FOR AASHTO, BULB-T AND FLORIDA-I BEAMS- Dated 01/01/11: Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER; Added SECTION A-A location to BUILD-UP DIAGRAMS; Changed note at CL Beam in SECTION A-A. "<view IDS> | |
20210 | 2 of 2 | TYPICAL FLORIDA-U BEAM DETAILS AND NOTES - Dated 01/01/10: Changed Note 12 and "Timber Blocking" to "Temporary Blocking" in TEMPORARY BLOCKING detail."<view IDS> | |
20248 | 3 of 3 | FLORIDA U 48 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/11: Changed number of Bars D1 & D2 in BILL OF REINFORCING STEEL."<view IDS> | |
20254 | 3 of 3 | FLORIDA U 54 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/11: Changed number of Bars D1& D2 in BILL OF REINFORCING STEEL."<view IDS> | |
20263 | 3 of 3 | FLORIDA U 63 BEAM - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/11: Changed number of Bars D1& D2 in BILL OF REINFORCING STEEL."<view IDS> | |
20299 | 1 of 1 | BUILD-UP & DEFLECTION DATA FOR FLORIDA U BEAMS - Dated 01/01/11: Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER"; Added SECTION A-A location to BUILD-UP DIAGRAMS; Changed note at CL Flanges in SECTION A-A."<view IDS> | |
20350 | 1-3 of 3 | PRESTRESSED SLAB UNITS DETAILS AND NOTES - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. Data Table Updated (See FDOT2008 MR2) "<view IDS> | |
20350 | 3 of 3 | PRESTRESSED SLAB UNITS DETAILS AND NOTES – Dated 07/01/10: Deck overlay clarified as “Fiber Reinforced Concrete”. "<view IDS> | |
20353 | 1 of 1 | 12" CUSTOM WIDTH PRESTRESSED SLAB UNIT - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20354 | 1 of 1 | 12"x48" PRESTRESSED SLAB UNIT - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard."<view IDS> | |
20355 | 1 of 1 | 12"x60" PRESTRESSED SLAB UNIT - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20363 | 1 of 1 | 15" CUSTOM WIDTH PRESTRESSED SLAB UNIT - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20364 | 1 of 1 | 15"x48" PRESTRESSED SLAB UNIT - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20365 | 1 of 1 | 15"x60" PRESTRESSED SLAB UNIT - STANDARD DETAILS - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard. "<view IDS> | |
20399 | 1 of 1 | OVERLAY & DEFLECTION DATA FOR PRESTRESSED SLAB UNITS - Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard "<view IDS> | |
20399 | 1 of 1 | OVERLAY & DEFLECTION DATA FOR PRESTRESSED SLAB UNITS - Dated 01/01/11: Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER"; Added SECTION A-A location to BUILD-UP DIAGRAMS; Changed note at CL Slab in SECTION A-A."<view IDS> | |
20400 | 1 of 1 | NOTES AND DETAILS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE SHEET PILES- Deleted 01/01/11: (See Index 6040) | |
20500 | 1 of 1 | COMPOSITE ELASTOMERIC BEARING PADS - PRESTRESSED AASHTO & BULB-T BEAMS - Dated 01/01/10: Changed Index Title."<view IDS> | |
20501 | 1 of 1 | BEVELED BEARING PLATE DETAILS - PRESTRESSED AASHTO AND BULB-T BEAMS - Dated 01/01/10: Added material specifications to Note 3. "<view IDS> | |
20502 | 1 of 1 | BEVELED BEARING PLATE DETAILS - PRESTRESSED FLORIDA U-BEAMS - Dated 01/01/10: Added material specifications to Note 3 "<view IDS> | |
20510 | 1 of 1 | COMPOSITE ELASTOMERIC BEARING PADS - PRESTRESSED FLORIDA-I BEAMS – Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard "<view IDS> | |
20510 | 1 of 1 | COMPOSITE ELASTOMERIC BEARING PADS- PRESTRESSED FLORIDA-I BEAMS – Dated 07/01/10: Added offsets & references to Index No. 20512; deleted PARTIAL SIDE ELEVATION detail; changed dimension ‘C’ for Type K Pad. "<view IDS> | |
20510 | 1 of 1 | COMPOSITE ELASTOMERIC BEARING PADS - PRESTRESSED FLORIDA-I BEAMS - Dated 01/01/11: Added usage reference to Index No. 20511 in PARTIAL PLAN WITH END DIAPHRAGM, and Index No. 20512 to PARTIAL PLAN WITHOUT END DIAPHRAGM. "<view IDS> | |
20511 | 1-2 of 2 | BEARING PLATE DETAILS - PRESTRESSED FLORIDA-I BEAMS – Dated 01/01/10: New Design Standard "<view IDS> | |
20512 | 1-2 of 2 | BEARING PLATE DETAILS-PRESTRESSED FLORIDA-I BEAMS – Dated 07/01/10: New Design Standard with parallelogram shaped bearing plates for use with beams without end diaphragms. "<view IDS> | |
20600 | 1 of 1 | NOTES AND DETAILS FOR SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES – Dated 07/01/10: Deleted Stress Relieved Strand (SR) option. "<view IDS> | |
20602 | 1 of 1 | EDC INSTRUMENTATION FOR SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES - Dated 01/01/10: Changed note. "<view IDS> | |
20612 | 1 of 1 | 12" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE – Dated 07/01/10: Changed ALTERNATE STRAND PATTERNS. "<view IDS> | |
20614 | 1 of 1 | 14" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE – Dated 07/01/10: Changed ALTERNATE STRAND PATTERNS. "<view IDS> | |
20618 | 1 of 1 | 18" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE – Dated 07/01/10: Changed ALTERNATE STRAND PATTERNS. "<view IDS> | |
20620 | 1 of 1 | 20" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE – Dated 07/01/10: Changed ALTERNATE STRAND PATTERNS. "<view IDS> | |
20624 | 1 of 1 | 24" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE – Dated 07/01/10: Changed ALTERNATE STRAND PATTERNS. "<view IDS> | |
20630 | 1 of 1 | 30" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE – Dated 07/01/10: Changed ALTERNATE STRAND PATTERNS. "<view IDS> | |
20910 | 1-2 of 2 | APPROACH SLABS (RIGID PAVEMENT APPROACHES) - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Added Bars 5B2 (Top) & Bars 5B3 (Bottom) for skewed end and Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER; (Sheet 2) Deleted diaphragm line in VIEW C-C. "<view IDS> | |
21100 | 2 of 3 | STRIP SEAL EXPANSION JOINT - Dated 01/01/10: Changed "Direction of Movement" angle measurement and corrected skew angle details in MOVEMENT SCHEMATIC; Data Table Updated (See FDOT2008 MR1 or later). "<view IDS> | |
21100 | 1 of 3 | STRIP SEAL EXPANSION JOINT – Dated 07/01/10: Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER and Diaphragm related details. "<view IDS> | |
21100 | 1-2 of 3 | STRIP SEAL EXPANSION JOINT - Dated 01/01/11: Deleted Notes 3 & 4; Changed Notes 1 & 2; Moved MOVEMENT SCHEMATIC from Sheet 2 to Sheet 1."<view IDS> | |
21110 | 1-2 of 2 | POURED JOINT WITH BACKER ROD EXPANSION JOINT SYSTEM - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER and Notes 2, 3 & 5 (covered by Spec. 458); (Sheet 2) Added note requiring Sleeve Anchors at fixed side corners of sidewalk cover plate. "<view IDS> | |
21200 | 1-3 of 3 | LIGHT POLE PILASTER - Dated 01/01/10: Revised TYPICAL SECTIONS and "*" Slip Forming note (Sheet 1); Added new Sheet 2; Added Bars 4J, Reinforcing Steel Note d, Table 1, and changed the number of Bars 4G and anchor bolt notes (Sheet 3); Deleted 1" PVC Weep Hole and Grout Pad (all sheets). "<view IDS> | |
21200 | 1-3 of 3 | LIGHT POLE PEDESTAL - Dated 01/01/11: Changed Index title and Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER."<view IDS> | |
21240 | 1 of 2 | MAINTENANCE LIGHTING FOR BOX GIRDERS - Date 01/01/10: Changed pay item Note 18 and INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER Note 2. "<view IDS> | |
21250 | 1 of 1 | ACCESS HATCH ASSEMBLY FOR STEEL BOX SECTIONS - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index. "<view IDS> | |
21251 | 1 of 1 | ACCESS HATCH ASSEMBLY FOR CONCRETE BOX SECTIONS - Dated 01/01/11: New Design Standard Index. "<view IDS> | |
21300 | 1 of 1 | STANDARD BAR BENDING DETAILS - Dated 01/01/11: Added dimension "H" to Bar TYPE 25."<view IDS> | |
21600 | 1 of 7 | TEMPORARY DETOUR BRIDGE GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS - Dated 01/01/11: Added Payment and Applicability notes. Deleted INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGNER. "<view IDS> | |
21802 | 1-2 of 2 | POST-TENSIONING ANCHORAGE PROTECTION - Dated 01/01/11: (Sheet 1) Changed ANCHOR PROTECTION FOR PT BARS details for Type 5, 6, & 7; Added new Sheet 2. | |
21803 | 1-3 of 3 | POST-TENSIONING ANCHORAGE AND GROUTING DETAILS - Dated 01/01/11: Added Grout Outlet to PT Bar Anchorage End and revised PT Bar Grouting Details. "<view IDS> | |
21900 | 1-7 of 7 | FENDER SYSTEM - POLYMERIC PILES - Dated 07/01/11: Changed title, piling, wales and dimensional lumber notes (Sheet 1); Added polymeric piling details (Sheets 3-7, previously Index 21910); Changed bolt configuration for connection of Mark D to Mark F (Sheets 4 & 5); Changed width of wale splice plate (Sheet 5). "<view IDS> | |
21910 | 1-5 of 5 | FENDER SYSTEM - HEAVY DUTY - Index Deleted 07/01/11 (See Index 21900) | |
21920 | 1-5 of 5 | FENDER SYSTEM - MEDIUM DUTY - Index Deleted 07/01/11 | |
21930 | 1-7 of 7 | FENDER SYSTEM - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES - Dated 07/01/11: Changed Title and number of sheets; Added General Notes with stainless steel wire rope option (Sheet 1), and Schematic Layout details (Sheet 2); Changed wale splice plate width and bolt configuration for connection of Mark D to Mark F. "<view IDS> |