Design Standards 2000

Index No.

Sheet No.



Book1-604 of 604CompleteBook
2000 Design Standards ENGLISH Book - Breakouts below are ENGLISH units
Book1-597 of 597CompleteBook
2000 Design Standards METRIC Book - No METRIC breakouts available
-1-2 of 2Cover1-2of2.pdf2000 English Roadway And Traffic Design Standards book Cover
-1 of 1Intro2000.pdf2000 English Roadway And Traffic Design Standards book  Introduction
-1-2 of 2Contents2000.pdf2000 English Roadway And Traffic Design Standards book Table Of  Contents
-1-3 of 3Revisions2000.pdf2000 English Roadway And Traffic Design Standards book Revision History
0011-2 of 200001s1-2of2.pdfStandard Abbreviations
0021-3 of 300002s1-3of3.pdfStandard Symbols
1001 of 100100s01.pdfTemporary Slope Drain And Sod Flume
1011 of 100101s01.pdfTrash Retainer And Sediment Basin
1021-3 of 300102s1-3of3.pdfRock Bag, Baled Hay And Silt Fence Barriers
1031 of 100103s01.pdfTurbidity Barriers
1041-2 of 200104s1-2of2.pdfErosion Control
1051 of 100105s01.pdfShoulder Sodding And Reworking On Existing Facilities
1061 of 100106s01.pdfSoil Tracking Prevention Device Type A
1991 of 100199s01.pdfGeotextile Criteria
1991 of 100199s01.pdfGeotextile Criteria
2001-2 of 200200s1-2of2.pdfStructure Bottoms - Type J And P
2011-6 of 600201s1-6of6.pdfSupplementary Details For Manholes And Inlets
2051-5 of 500205s1-5of5.pdfCover Height
2101 of 100210s01.pdfCurb Inlet Tops - Types 1, 2, 3 And 4
2111-2 of 200211s1-2of2.pdfCurb Inlet Tops - Types 5 And 6
2121 of 100212s01.pdfCurb Inlet - Type 7
2131 of 100213s01.pdfCurb Inlet - Type 8
2141 of 100214s01.pdfCurb Inlet Top - Type 9
2151 of 100215s01.pdfCurb Inlet Top - Type 10
2161-2 of 200216s1-2of2.pdfClosed Flume Inlet
2171 of 100217s01.pdfMedian Barrier Inlets Types 1, 2, 3, 4 And 5
2181-2 of 200218s1-2of2.pdfBarrier Wall Inlet
2191-2 of 200219s1-2of2.pdfBarrier Wall Inlet - Barrier Wall, Concrete ( Rigid ) (C & G)
2201 of 100220s01.pdfGutter Inlet - Type S
2211 of 100221s01.pdfGutter Inlet - Type V
2301 of 100230s01.pdfDitch Bottom Inlet - Type A
2311-2 of 200231s1-2of2.pdfDitch Bottom Inlet - Type B
2321-5 of 500232s1-5of5.pdfDitch Bottom Inlets - Types C, D, E And H
2331 of 100233s01.pdfDitch Bottom Inlets - Types F And G
2341 of 100234s01.pdfDitch Bottom Inlet - Type J
2351 of 100235s01.pdfDitch Bottom Inlet - Type K
2401-2 of 200240s1-2of2.pdfSkimmer For Outlet Control Structures
2451 of 100245s01.pdfUnderdrain Inspection Box
2501-2 of 200250s1-2of2.pdfStraight Concrete Endwalls - Single And Multiple Pipe
2511-2 of 200251s1-2of2.pdfStraight Concrete Endwalls - Single And Double 60" Pipe
2521-2 of 200252s1-2of2.pdfStraight Concrete Endwalls - Single And Double 66" Pipe
2531-2 of 200253s1-2of2.pdfStraight Concrete Endwalls - Single And Double 72" Pipe
2551 of 100255s01.pdfStraight Concrete Endwall - Single 84" Pipe
2581 of 100258s01.pdfStraight Sand - Cement Endwalls
2601 of 100260s01.pdfU-Type Concrete Endwalls With Grates - 15" To 30" Pipe
2611-3 of 300261s1-3of3.pdfU-Type Concrete Endwalls - Baffles And Grate Optional - 15" To 30" Pipe
2641 of 100264s01.pdfU-Type Concrete Endwall - Energy Dissipator - 30" To 72" Pipe
2661 of 100266s01.pdfWinged Concrete Endwalls - Single Round Pipe
2681 of 100268s01.pdfU-Type Sand-Cement Endwalls
2701 of 100270s01.pdfFlared End Section
2721-6 of 600272s1-6of6.pdfCross Drain Mitered End Section
2731-6 of 600273s1-6of6.pdfSide Drain Mitered End Section
2801-4 of 400280s1-4of4.pdfMiscellaneous Drainage Details
2811-2 of 200281s1-2of2.pdfDitch Pavement And Sodding
2821 of 100282s01.pdfBack Of Sidewalk Drainage
2831 of 100283s01.pdfMedian Opening Flume
2841 of 100284s01.pdfConcrete Spillways
2851-2 of 200285s1-2of2.pdfFrench Drain
2861-2 of 200286s1-2of2.pdfUnderdrain
2871-3 of 300287s1-3of3.pdfConcrete Pavement Subdrainage
2901-5 of 500290s1-5of5.pdfConcrete Box Culvert
2931 of 100293s01.pdfSafety Modifications For Inlets In Box Culverts
2951 of 100295s01.pdfSafety Modifications For Endwalls
3001 of 100300s01.pdfCurb & Curb And Gutter
3011 of 100301s01.pdfTurn Lanes
3021 of 100302s01.pdfTraffic Separators
3031 of 100303s01.pdfCurb Return Profiles
3041-5 of 500304s1-5of5.pdfPublic Sidewalk Curb Ramps
3051-4 of 400305s1-4of4.pdfConcrete Pavement Joints
3061 of 100306s01.pdfBridge Approach Expansion Joint - Concrete Pavement
3071 of 100307s01.pdfUtility Cut
3101-2 of 200310s1-2of2.pdfConcrete Sidewalk
4001-10 of 3100400s1-10of31.pdfGuardrail
11-21 of 3100400s11-21of31.pdfGuardrail
22-31 of 3100400s22-31of31.pdfGuardrail
4011-9 of 900401s1-9of9.pdfGuardrail Anchorage And Continuous Barrier For Existing Bridges
4101-11 of 2200410s1-11of22.pdfConcrete Barrier Wall
12-22 of 2200410s12-2of22.pdfConcrete Barrier Wall
4151-4 of 400415s1-4of4.pdfPrecast Concrete Temporary Barrier Wall
4161-5 of 500416s1-5of5.pdfTemporary Water Filled Barriers
4171 of 100417s01.pdfInertial Crash Cushion
4321-2 of 200432s1-2of2.pdfC-A-T 350
4331-4 of 400433s1-4of4.pdfBrakemaster 350
4341 of 100434s01.pdfREACT 350
4351-6 of 600435s1-6of6.pdfQuadGuard
4361 of 100436s01.pdfADIEM 350
4381-2 of 200438s1-2of2.pdfDragnet
4401-2 of 200440s1-2of2.pdfTRACC
4501-2 of 200450s1-2of2.pdfFence Location
4511-2 of 200451s1-2of2.pdfFence - Type A
4521-2 of 200452s1-2of2.pdfFence - Type B
4531 of 100453s01.pdfCantilever Slide Gate - Type B Fence
4611 of 100461s01.pdfOpaque Visual Barrier
5001-2 of 200500s1-2of2.pdfRemoval Of Organic And Plastic Material
5011-8 of 800501s1-8of8.pdfGeosynthetic Reinforced Soils
5051-3 of 300505s1-3of3.pdfEmbankment Utilization
5061 of 100506s01.pdfMiscellaneous Earthwork Details
5101-2 of 200510s1-2of2.pdfSuperelevation - Rural Highways, Urban Freeways And High Speed Urban Highways
5111-3 of 300511s1-3of3.pdfSuperelevation - Urban Highways And Streets
5141-2 of 200514s1-2of2.pdfOptional Base Group And Structural Numbers
5151-6 of 600515s1-6of6.pdfTurnouts
5161 of 100516s01.pdfTurnouts - Resurfacing Projects
5181-2 of 200518s1-2of2.pdfRumble Strips
5201-2 of 200520s1-2of2.pdfAluminum Pipe Handrails, Gravity Walls And Steps
5251-5 of 500525s1-5of5.pdfRamp Terminals
5261-8 of 800526s1-8of8.pdfRoadway Transitions
5301-3 of 300530s1-3of3.pdfRest Area Equipment
5321-3 of 300532s1-3of3.pdfMailboxes
5351 of 100535s01.pdfTractor Crossings
5401 of 100540s01.pdfSettlement Plate
5441 of 100544s01.pdfLandscape Installation
5461-2 of 200546s1-2of2.pdfSight Distance At Intersections
5601-5 of 500560s1-5of5.pdfRailroad Crossings
6001-5 of 1100600s1-5of11.pdfGeneral Information For Traffic Control Through Work Zones
6-11 of 1100600s6-11of11.pdfGeneral Information For Traffic Control Through Work Zones
6011 of 100601s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Day Or Night Operations
6021 of 100602s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Day Or Night Operations
6031-2 of 200603s1-2of2.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Operations One Daylight Period Or Less
6041 of 100604s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Night Operations Or Operations Exceeding One Daylight Period
6051 of 100605s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Moving Operations - Daylight Only
6061 of 100606s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Moving Operations - Daylight Only
6071 of 100607s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Short-Time Day Or Night Operations
6081-4 of 400608s1-4of4.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Lane Closure By Signal Control, Day Or Night Operations
6091 of 100609s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Temporary Connection Day Or Night Operations
6101 of 100610s01.pdfMultilane, Divided Or Undivided Rural Day Or Night Operations
6111 of 100611s01.pdfMultilane, Divided Or Undivided Rural Day Or Night Operations
6121 of 100612s01.pdfMultilane, Divided And Undivided Rural, Operations One Daylight Period Or Less
6131-2 of 200613s1-2of2.pdfMultilane, Divided And Undivided Rural Night Operations Or Operations Exceeding One Daylight Period
6141-2 of 200614s1-2of2.pdfMultilane Divided Rural Day Or Night Operations
6151 of 100615s01.pdfMultilane Undivided Rural Day Or Night Operations
6161-2 of 200616s1-2of2.pdfMultilane Divided Rural
6171 of 100617s01.pdfMultilane Divided Rural
6201 of 100620s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Urban Day Or Night Operations
6211 of 100621s01.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Urban Day Or Night Operations
6221 of 100622s01.pdfMultilane, Two-Way Urban Divided Or Undivided Day Or Night Operations
6231-2 of 200623s1-2of2.pdfMultilane, Two-Way Urban Divided Or Undivided Day Or Night Operations
6241 of 100624s01.pdfMultilane, Divided With Traversable Median Or Undivided, Urban Day Or Night Operations
6251-2 of 200625s1-2of2.pdfMultilane One-Way Or Multilane Divided With Non-Traversable Median Urban Day Or Night Operations
6261 of 100626s01.pdfMultilane One-Way Or Multilane Divided With Non-Traversable Median Urban Day Or Night Operations
6271 of 100627s01.pdfMoving Operations
6281 of 100628s01.pdfTwo-Way Left Turn Lane Closure
6301-2 of 200630s1-2of2.pdfTemporary Crossover For Paving Train Operations, Rural
6311-2 of 200631s1-2of2.pdfTemporary Crossover
6401-2 of 200640s1-2of2.pdfConverting Two-Lanes To Four-Lanes Divided Rural
6411-2 of 200641s1-2of2.pdfConverting Two-Lanes To Four-Lanes Divided Urban
6501-2 of 200650s1-2of2.pdfTwo-Lane, Two-Way Rural Structure Replacement
6511-2 of 200651s1-2of2.pdfMultilane Divided Maintenance And Construction
6601 of 100660s01.pdfPedestrian Control For Closure Of Sidewalks
6651 of 100665s01.pdfLimited Access Right Of Way Temporary Opening
50001 of 105000s01.pdfPermanent And Temporary Walls - General Wall Notes
50051-6 of 1205005s1-6of12.pdfPermanent Walls - Retained Earth Systems
7-12 of 1205005s7-12of12.pdfPermanent Walls - Retained Earth Systems
50101-10 of 2005010s1-10of20.pdfPermanent Walls - T-Wall ( 3" Cover )
11-20 of 2005010s11-20of20.pdfPermanent Walls - T-Wall ( 3" Cover )
50111-11 of 2105011s1-11of21.pdfPermanent Walls - T-Wall ( 2" Cover )
12-21 of 2105011s12-21of21.pdfPermanent Walls - T-Wall ( 2" Cover )
50121-10 of 2005012s1-10of20.pdfPermanent Walls - Isogrid
11-20 of 2005012s11-20of20.pdfPermanent Walls - Isogrid
50151-7 of 1405015s1-7of14.pdfPermanent Walls - Reinforced Earth Wall
8-14 of 1405015s8-14of14.pdfPermanent Walls - Reinforced Earth Wall
50161-8 of 805016s1-8of8.pdfPermanent Walls - Techwall
50211-7 of 1305021s1-7of13.pdfPermanent Walls - Hilfiker Square Panel Wall
8-13 of 1305021s8-13of13.pdfPermanent Walls - Hilfiker Square Panel Wall
50251-9 of 1705025s1-9of17.pdfPermanent Walls - MSE Retaining Wall
10-17 of 1705025s10-17of17.pdfPermanent Walls - MSE Retaining Wall
51051-3 of 305105s1-3of3.pdfPermanent Walls - Wire Face Wall
51151-4 of 405115s1-4of4.pdfPermanent Walls - Terratrel Wire Wall
51201-4 of 405120s1-4of4.pdfPermanent Walls - Hilfiker Welded Wire Wall
51251-3 of 305125s1-3of3.pdfPermanent Walls - Tensar Temporary Wall
51301-4 of 405130s1-4of4.pdfPermanent Walls - TC Mirafi Wire Form
95351-3 of 309535s1-3of3.pdfStandard Roadside Sign Break-Away Post Details
110371 of 111037s01.pdfAluminum & Steel Overhead Sign Structures ( Details Of Sign Faces & Truss Connection )
118601-3 of 311860s1-3of3.pdfSingle Column Ground Signs ( Sign Profile & Identification Numbers )
118611-2 of 211861s1-2of2.pdfSingle Column Ground Signs ( 60 mph )
118621-2 of 211862s1-2of2.pdfSingle Column Ground Signs ( 70 mph )
118631-2 of 211863s1-2of2.pdfSingle Column Ground Signs ( 80 mph )
118641-2 of 211864s1-2of2.pdfSingle Column Ground Signs ( 90 mph )
118651-2 of 211865s1-2of2.pdfSingle Column Ground Signs ( All Wind Zones )
134171 of 113417s01.pdfMounting Exit Numbering Panels To Highway Signs
173021 of 117302s01.pdfTypical Sections For Placement Of Single & Multi-Column Signs
173281 of 117328s01.pdfTypical Signing For Truck Weigh & Inspection Stations
173441-6 of 617344s1-6of6.pdfSchool Signs & Markings
173451-4 of 417345s1-4of4.pdfInterchange Markings
173461-9 of 917346s1-9of9.pdfSpecial Marking Areas
173491 of 117349s01.pdfTraffic Controls For Street Terminations
173501 of 117350s01.pdfSigning For Motorist Services
173511-2 of 217351s1-2of2.pdfWelcome Center Signing
17352.1-2 of 217352s1-2of2.pdfTypical Placement Of Reflective Pavement Markers
173551-12 of 1217355s1-12of12.pdfSpecial Sign Details
173561-2 of 217356s1-2of2.pdfSpan Wire Mounted Sign Details
173571 of 117357s01.pdfBridge Weight Restrictions
173591 of 117359s01.pdfRural Narrow Bridge Treatment
175001-3 of 317500s1-3of3.pdfConventional Lighting
175011 of 117501s01.pdfHighway Lighting General Notes
175021-4 of 417502s1-4of4.pdfHighmast Lighting Details
175031 of 117503s01.pdfRoadway Lighting Details
175041 of 117504s01.pdfService Point Details
175051-2 of 217505s1-2of2.pdfExternal Lighting For Signs ( Mercury Vapor )
176001-2 of 217600s1-2of2.pdfMotorist Aid Call Box
177211-2 of 217721s1-2of2.pdfConduit Installation Details
177251 of 117725s01.pdfConcrete Poles
177271-2 of 217727s1-2of2.pdfSignal Cable And Span Wire Installation Details
177331 of 117733s01.pdfAerial Interconnect
177361 of 117736s01.pdfElectric Power Service
177641 of 117764s01.pdfPedestrian Control Signal Installation Details
177811-2 of 217781s1-2of2.pdfVehicle Loop Installation Details
177841-2 of 217784s1-2of2.pdfPedestrian Detector Assembly Installation Details
178411 of 117841s01.pdfCabinet Installation Details
178701-2 of 217870s1-2of2.pdfStandard Signal Operating Plans
178811 of 117881s01.pdfAdvance Warning For R/R Crossing
178821-4 of 417882s1-4of4.pdfRailroad Grade Crossing Traffic Control Devices
178901-3 of 317890s1-3of3.pdfTraffic Control Devices For Movable Span Bridge Signals
179001-9 of 917900s1-9of9.pdfTraffic Monitoring Site