Outdoor Advertising
The Florida Department of Transportation (Department) is responsible for controlling ODA signs on the National and State highway systems. The Department must control the location, size, height, spacing and lighting of ODA signs but has no authority to regulate the content of advertising messages on the signs. The Outdoor Advertising regulatory program is based on federal law and regulations as well as state statute and rule. Federal law is set forth in the Highway Beautification Act while federal regulations can be found at 23 C.F.R., Section 750. State laws are found in Chapter 479, Florida Statutes. In addition to the state statutes, the Department writes administrative rules to interpret the intent of the statute for the general public. Chapter 14-10, Florida Administrative Code, is the Department's rule chapter which governs outdoor advertising. Copies of the complete rule chapter may be obtained from the Outdoor Advertising Office. Local governments often have their own ordinances which regulate outdoor advertising in their community. The Department cannot issue a permit for an outdoor advertising sign which is not allowed by local ordinances.
Outdoor Advertising information is available from the Outdoor Advertising database. The database, featuring a search option for current permits, sign locations and other information, can be accessed at:
Please visit our Documents and Publications page to download forms and applications related to outdoor advertising.
All renewal payments and forms relating to the Outdoor Advertising regulatory program are to be sent to:
Outdoor Advertising Office
Florida Department of Transportation
605 Suwannee Street, Mail Station 22
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450
Phone: (850) 414-4601 Fax: (850) 414-4850
General questions about the outdoor advertising program or policies and procedures may be directed to Kenneth Pye at kenneth.pye@dot.state.fl.us, (850) 414-4555.
New Database Information
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new database on Monday, May 20th. The new database will offer a range of features to enhance your experience, including:
- Online application for licenses and permits
- Payment of permit renewal fees, transfer fees, and license fees via credit card or ACH
- Online transfer and cancellation of permit
- Updating of mailing addresses
- Real-time access to application status and violations
We have provided a link to the new database below, along with an ODA Users Guide for External Users. Please note that you will need to register to gain online access to your existing account. The first individual to register for each company will be designated as the Administrator for that account. Our office will then validate your association with the account. Once this process is complete, the Administrator will be responsible for adding additional account users.
Please be aware that there are over 900 accounts, and we will be working diligently next week to register and approve everyone so that you can begin using the new system.
Please be aware that the link https://fdotewp1.dot.state.fl.us/Rightofway/default will be discontinued as of Monday. We are pleased to introduce our new database, which can be accessed through this link: https://oda.fdot.gov/ The general public can access reports and information from this database without the need to log in or create an account.