Project Reports


For additional information on the below research projects, please select the following link to contact the appropriate State Materials Office staff: APT/Experimental Project Contacts.

Accelerated Pavement Testing


Completed Projects (Accelerated Pavement Testing)

Experimental Project Reports


Active Projects in North Florida

  • Evaluation of Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) -- PDF-1.21MB, Levy County, S.R. 24 -- The objective of this study is to evaluate the relative long-term performance of a section with Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) interlayer, a section with SAM placed over pre-existing Soil Stabilized Columns (SSC), compared to a section with no special treatment (control).
  • FDOT's Concrete Test Road -- PDF-415KB, Clay County, U.S. 301, Mile Marker 0.116 to 3.510 -- The Florida Concrete Test Road will include 2.5 miles of experimental concrete pavement open to real world traffic.  It will allow for a comprehensive in-service performance assessment of new/emerging concrete pavement technologies and innovative concepts while giving a full consideration to the interaction between factors such as traffic loading, design features, materials properties, construction practices, and environmental conditions.
  • Geosynthetic Material Study -- PDF-1.18MB, Alachua County, State Road 331, Section/Subsection 26050 -- The objective of this study is to compare the relative long-term field performance of asphalt base (Type B-12.5) and Limerock underlain with RoaDrain (Synthetic Subsurface Drainage Layer) under high water table condition. [Presentation, PDF-2.08MB]
  • Open Graded Crack Relief Layer and Asphalt Rubber Membrane Interlayer to Mitigate Reflective Cracking -- Gadsden County, State Road 10/US-90, Section/Subsection 50010-0000 -- The objective of this project is to evaluate the relative effectiveness of alternative design methods to prevent or delay relative cracking in asphalt pavements.

Active Projects in Central Florida

  • Evaluation of Reclaimed  Concrete Aggregate (RCA) as Base Material -- PDF-834KB, Manatee County, State Road 43, Section/Subsection 13020-000 -- The objective of this experimental project is to evaluate the relative long-term field performance of reclaimed concrete aggregate used as a base compared to the performance of a standard limerock base.
  • Open-Graded Crack Relief (OGCR) -- PDF-1.04MB, Hernando County, State Road 45, Roadway ID 08010000 -- The objective of this study is to evaluate the relative long-term performance and effectiveness of an open-graded crack relief (OGCR) layer in mitigating reflective cracking.
  • Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavement -- PDF-873KB, Volusia County, State Road 600 --  The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the initial performance of precast prestressed post-tensioned concrete pavement (PPCP) as a rehabilitation technique in Florida. The performance of conventional CPR technique will also be evaluated for comparison purposes.
  • FDOT and NTPEP Pavement Marking Materials Test Deck -- PDF-373KB, I-4 and I-95 -- The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of pavement marking materials. These materials are used to mark longitudinal lines, transverse lines, messages, and symbols in travel lanes. The types of products installed include tapes, thermoplastics, paints, and two-component materials.

Active Projects in South Florida

  • Econocrete Study -- PDF-144KB, Charlotte County, State Road 45/US-41, Section/Subsection 01010-3531 -- The purpose of this project was to study the feasibility of construction and to evaluate the structural and performance characteristics of a composite concrete pavement system consisting of a relatively thin concrete wearing course over econocrete base layer.
  • Highlands County Performance Data for the Open-Graded Friction Course Test Sections on US-27 -- Highlands County, US 27 -- The objective of this study it to evaluate the performance of the FDOT's standard open-graded friction course (FC-5), which uses a conventional tack coat prior to mixture placement, to the performance of the same open-graded mixture placed on a thick polymer modified membrane.
  • Limerock, Shell Rock and Coquina As a Base Material -- PDF-98KB, St. Lucie County, State Road 70, Section/Subsection 94030-3506 -- The objective of this study is to evaluate the relative long-term field performance of Shell Rock as a base candidate, and using Limerock and Cemented Coquina as the control or standard sections.
  • Surface Pavement Solution for Poor Subgrade Conditions -- PDF-103KB, Palm Beach County, State Road 15, Section/Subsection 93140-000 -- The study proposes a field test program encompassing two test sites to evaluate the insitu performance of four different commercially available reinforcing materials in rehabilitating flexible pavements underlain by relatively soft organic soils and peat.

Completed Projects in North Florida

Completed Projects in South Florida