Program Overview

Director's Message

The State Materials Office has been a nationally and internationally recognized leader in materials testing and research for the Florida Department of Transportation for over 70 years. From its inception, the program found its purpose in a shared mission to assure the quality of the state’s transportation materials and to provide technical expertise for a safe, durable and economical transportation system.

The State Materials Office, however, also has a responsibility to develop future solutions for the state’s ever-changing transportation needs. To accomplish this goal, researchers, faculty and scholars from around the world assist in addressing these vital needs.

During the past 10 years, the State Materials Office has realigned its statewide activities to facilitate a renewed common purpose and a consistency of vision unique to the FDOT materials program. We are immersed in producing major changes in the way materials are used for transportation projects with a focus on endurance into the future.

In our continued commitment to excellence, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) recently recognized the State Materials Office for having satisfied all necessary criteria relating to the ISO/IEC 17025, General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. The State Materials Office is the first state laboratory to achieve the ISO accreditation, and one of only four organizations in the United States that have attained it.

I would like to personally invite you to learn more about the materials testing and research program, our employees, facilities, partners and the many initiatives in research, education, and outreach that are ongoing at the State Materials Office. If you have any questions about our office please do not hesitate to contact a member of our staff.


Statewide Materials Program -- Assure the quality of materials and provide technical expertise for a safe, durable and economical transportation system.

State Materials Office -- To provide testing, research, inspection, evaluation, recommendations and training in materials composition, use and performance for Florida's transportation system.


Statewide Materials Program -- A performance oriented materials program for longer lasting roads and bridges.

State Materials Office -- To be acknowledged by our customers and partners as the leader in transportation materials testing and research in the U.S.A.

Quality Statement

R.I.T.E. and Right Now! -- Respect | Integrity | Teamwork | Excellence


International Organization of Standardization/International Electro-technical Commission (ISO/IEC) 17025 -- The ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation is a voluntary program that brings those laboratories that participate to an international competence level. The program includes independent, university, government and manufacturers' in-house laboratories.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) R-18 -- The AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP - AASHTO R18) is a laboratory accreditation program that is managed by AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) and the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL). The participating laboratories are monitored by site inspections by AMRL and CCRL personnel and by participating in proficiency samples.

National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) Accreditation

The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) is sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a voluntary association for state and federal officials.  This accreditation pertains to the testing of non-potable water used in concrete.

Operating Objective

To determine the parameters of the utility of the materials, methods and equipment proposed for usage in the construction and maintenance of highways and to determine the extent to which the materials used meet the specifications required of such materials.


The Florida Department of Transportation State Materials Office (SMO), located in Gainesville, sets policies and procedures for the materials program, which are carried out at the district level. This office works in conjunction with six district materials offices that are located throughout the state.

The SMO develops the criteria for acceptable material quality; provides technical assistance and support to the districts in solving materials-related problems; and monitors field activities for compliance with federal and state policies and procedures.

The primary activities performed by the SMO include:  

Support Activities – Assist the districts with solving materials-related problems during construction. The SMO acts as an independent third party to resolve materials issues to ensure consistency in the districts. These support activities include both laboratory technical assistance and specialized field testing. 

Materials Evaluation and Control – Develop and implement the Sampling and Testing Program.

Research – Research and identify solutions for innovative, cost-effective, durable materials on state road construction projects.

The SMO strives to achieve the highest quality construction by providing technical assistance and program oversight. It is the long-term vision of the SMO to develop a performance-oriented materials program for longer lasting roads and bridges.

Statutory Authority

State: 20.23(4.3b) F.S. | 334.044 F.S. | 334.24(2) F.S. | 334.044(10a) F.S. | 334.044(10c) F.S. | 336.045 F.S. | Chapter 14 F.A.C.  

Federal: 23 CFR §. 637.205 (b) | 23 CFR §. 637.209 (a)(2)



Working cooperatively toward a common goal.


Honesty, professionalism, fairness, doing what you say you'll do, responsibility.


Consistently reporting correct information.


Courtesy, listening to and valuing others opinions.


Giving best effort, consistently meet customers expectations the first time, astounding the customer.


Finding new ways to improve performance.


Timely action.