Supportive Services Providers
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) provides assistance to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) seeking or conducting business with the department. This assistance is designed to help these businesses grow, become more self sufficient,
and successfully compete for contracts with the department. These supportive services programs are designed to increase the number and capacity of DBEs participating in highway construction. FDOT has contracted with two supportive services providers
to deliver a variety of services to small and disadvantaged businesses.
For additional information please visit the supportive services providers' websites below:
Construction Estimating Institute administers the Construction Management Development Program/Bond
Guarantee Program (CMDP/BGP) and the DBE Supportive Services Program (DBE/SS).
CMDP/BGP - offers small and disadvantaged businesses classroom, online and on the job training. The training is designed to improve technical and business management skills, as well as, assist with learning how to do business with FDOT. In addition, DBEs who
complete this program are eligible to participate in the BGP, which provides bond guarantees of up to $500,000.
DBE/SS - designed to increase the number of certified DBEs participating in highway and bridge construction, as well as, assist DBEs in growing and eventually becoming self sufficient. Available services include certification assistance
to qualified businesses and specialized assistance to DBEs in a number of business related areas including finance, accounting, bonding, and business law. In addition, program staff will assist DBEs in developing a relationship with prime contractors
and learning how to take advantage of subcontracting opportunities.
**FREE DBE certification application assistance**
Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council, in partnership with Ariel Business Group,
administers the Specialized Development Program (SDP).
SDP - assists prime contractors on major projects in identifying qualified DBEs to take advantage of subcontracting opportunities.