National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI)

In an effort to support the development of a diverse, well-qualified workforce for the 21st century transportation industry, the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) Program serves to increase awareness and stimulate interest in transportation to middle and high school students. NSTI is a two-to-four-week Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) - focused program that exposes students to the transportation industry and encourages them to pursue transportation-related courses of study at the college and university level.

Institutions of higher education host students to introduce them to all modes of transportation. Accredited colleges and universities are selected as host sites upon application to Florida Department of transportation (FDOT), which provides oversight along with program support and guidance from the FHWA Division Office.

A successful NSTI requires a cooperative effort among Federal, State and local transportation agencies, community-based organizations (CBOs), educational institutions and the private sector.

The NSTI is typically implemented over a two to four-week period and must have a minimum of 15 participants from across the state. The curriculum must be STEM focused. The Host Site shall determine if the NSTI will be either a residential or a non-residential program with middle or high school participants. For more details, please see the NSTI Program Overview below.

NSTI Program Objectives:

  • Improve STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills,
  • Provide awareness to middle and high school students – particularly minority, female, and disadvantaged youth – about transportation careers,
  • Encourage students to consider transportation-related courses of study in their higher education pursuits.

Grant[1] Funding Solicitation Information

The Florida Department of Transportation, Equal Opportunity Office, has received a grant notice for the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) program. This grant notice is from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and is seeking applications from accredited academic institutions interested in hosting the program.

The purpose of the NSTI program is to address the needs of a diverse workforce and promote greater awareness of career opportunities within the transportation industry.

Grant Cap: Up to $50,000[2]

Application Materials must be received by Aldrin T. Sanders by email no later than 11:59 PM on January 26, 2024.

Grant Funding is typically allocated on an annual basis and is utilized to address the needs of a diverse workforce and promote greater awareness of career opportunities within the transportation industry.

Notice of grant funding availability is emailed to qualified recipients only. Qualified recipients include Florida’s accredited academic institutions. The distribution list is based on the current Florida  University System Directory.

If you work for a qualified recipient and would like to receive notification of this funding opportunity, contact Aldrin T. Sanders.

Grant Application Materials

NSTI Program Overview
NSTI Application Form
NSTI Budget Tables

Applications must include the application and budget tables listed on this page. Prior versions cannot be accepted.

  • Statement of Work (SOW) Application document (not to exceed 10 pages)
    1. Section A: Program Information
    2. Section B: Program Overview
    3. Section C: Program Administration
  • Budget Tables A-E
  • A copy of your ICAP or indirect cost approved rate documentation.

Helpful Links

FHWA Center for Transportation Workforce Development (CTWD) NSTI Information
23 U.S. Code § 140
NSTI Program Desk Reference


(850) 414-4747 |

Fax: 850-412-8144



[1] The total amount of this agreement is expected to be funded by multiple appropriations. The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon appropriation by the Legislature. Therefore, it is agreed that the Vendor will not be obligated to perform services nor incur costs which would result in exceeding the approved funding, nor will the Department be obligated to reimburse the Vendor for costs or make fee payments in excess of established funding.


[2] Total amount of funding provided will be determined based on the $50,000 maximum funds available divided equally amongst all Host Site participants.